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U.S. Capitol Police. Approving Official Responsibilities GSA Course # TRV-APP 104. OBJECTIVE. Know your Rights and Responsibilities ! Understand mandatory rules, regulations, & programs Effectively authorize and a pprove official travel
U.S. Capitol Police Approving Official Responsibilities GSA Course # TRV-APP 104
OBJECTIVE Know your Rights and Responsibilities! Understandmandatory rules, regulations, & programs Effectively authorize and approve official travel Determine most advantageous transportation modes Validate transportation, per diem, and miscellaneous expenses Identify unauthorized travel expenses Take appropriate action for questionable expenses/vouchers
White House EXECUTIVE BRANCH Department of State Department of Treasury Department of Defense Department of Justice Department of Labor Department of Transportation Department of Commerce Department of Agriculture I Department of Interior Housing and Urban Development Department of Education Department of Veterans Affairs Health and Human Services Department of Energy Department of Homeland Security INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHMENTS AND GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS
LEGISLATIVE BRANCH CONGRESS SENATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AGENCIES Architect of the Capitol Capitol Police Congressional Budget Office Government Accountability Office (GAO) Government Printing Office (GPO) Library of Congress United States Botanic Garden Capitol Police
UNITED STATES CODE TITLE 5 US CODE 5 USC § 5707 Authorizes General Services Administration (GSA) to prescribe: Regulations for administration of this subchapter, and Interpret & publish statutory & other policy requirements f Subchapter I Travel and Subsistence Expenses 31 USC § 3527- § 3529 TITLE 31 US CODE Subchapter III Money and Finance Authorizes U.S. Department of Treasury to provide : General authority to relieve accountable officials from liability Certifying Official & Approving Official Responsibilities
FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION 41 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 41 CFR § 300-304 Subtitle F Federal Travel Regulation • Codification of general and permanent rules • published in the Federal Register by GSA • Published by GPO - revised annually GSA Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) FTR§ 300-304 Working copy of the official 41 CFR § 300-304 Website: http//:www.gsa.gov/ftr GSA FTR Chapters 300-304
U.S. CAPITOL POLICE BOARD Three members maintain jurisdiction over the US Capitol Police: Architect of the Capitol Sergeant at Arms of the USSenate Sergeant at Arms of the US Houseof Representatives The Chief of the Capitol Police: Serves in an ex officio status
U.S. CAPITOL POLICE TRAVEL POLICY 2070.001 U S C P Directive Travel Policy Authority and Coverage The Chief of Police serves as chief executive officer of USCP Not required to comply with FTR FTR used to develop USCP travel policy Must consult the FTR if policy doesn’t address a specific topic or issue
TRAVEL DIRECTIVES Executive Orders OMB Bulletins and Circulars Decisions of the Comptroller General Decisions of the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals
Knowledge Check 1. Name the three branches of the U.S. Federal Government. 2. What is the name of the board that has jurisdiction over the U.S. Capitol Police? 3. Are principles of the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) used to develop the USCP travel policy? Yes No 4. The FTR should be consulted when the USCP Travel Policy does not address a specific travel policy or issue. TrueFalse
ACCOUNTABLE OFFICIALS Authorizing Officials: (USCP Travel Authorization Approving Official) Authorizes travel and certifies fund availability Approving Officials: (USCP Payment Approver) Approve travel voucher payments Authorization: Granting permission to do something Approval: Ratification or confirmation of an act already done
AUTHORIZING TRAVEL Factors that Must be Considered: Necessity of the trip Fund availability Most cost effective transportation means and routing Travel plans, including leave in conjunction with official travel
TRAVEL AUTHORIZATIONS • Trip-by-Trip Travel Authorization (TA) Individual USCP employee Single trip • Group Travel Authorization (GT) Multiple USCP employees One or more trips • Blanket/Limited Open Individual employee Multiple trips to specific geographic area
TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION Must be created and approved in Momentum prior to Travel Obligates funds Provides legal authorization for the trip Copy of TA should be taken on each trip May be needed in event of accident or other emergency Authorization for use of Government rates Except travel that requires advance authorization FTR §301-2.5
SELF AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL Individual under Blanket Travel Authorization (TA) Can authorize own itineraries and travel arrangements Cannot certify/approve own travel claims for payment
APPROVING OFFICIAL RESPONSIBILITIES 31 U.S.C. SECTION 3528 Legal Payment not specifically prohibited by law Proper Funds are appropriated for payment Proper supporting documents exist Services have been performed Correct Name-address-amount are accurate Not a duplicate payment
OFFICIAL TRAVEL Approving Official Responsibilities: Voucher Certification: Travel was completed A copy of the authorization for travel is provided Charges are authorized, accurate and reasonable Miscellaneous expenses are authorized Claim is properly prepared and signed by the traveler Required receipts, statements, justifications, etc. are provided
31 U.S.C. SECTION 3528 Personal Financial Liability for Fiscal Irregularities Approving Officials Disbursing Officials Certifying Officers
PECUNIARY LIABILITY Full amount of any illegal, improper, or incorrect payment resulting from an inaccurate or misleading certification Any payment prohibited by law Any payment that does not represent a legal obligation under the appropriation or fund involved Fiscal Irregularity
FISCAL IRREGULARITY Physical Loss of: Cash Vouchers Negotiable instruments Supporting documents; or An erroneous payment In all cases, there is a presumption of negligence Burden of proof in establishing no contributing fault or negligence
PHYSICAL LOSS Typically occurs by: Theft Burglary Fire Accident Natural disaster, or Disappearance of a payment without explanation
FOUR RIGHTS Title 31, Subtitle III of the U.S. Code: 1. Right to not certify a questionable voucher 2.Right to seek an advance decision on a questionable voucher 3.Right to seek additional back-up materials4.Right to employ statistical sampling procedures to certify vouchers under $2,500
RELIEF FROM LIABILITY Factors NOT considered when determining relief from liability: Heavy workload or personnel shortage Good work record, reputation, or character Length of loyal and dependable service Lack of experience, supervision, or training Financial hardship in making restitution Extra duties
TRAVELER RESPONSIBILITIES May not incur expenses without an approved travel authorization Must act prudently while on official travel Make travel arrangements using the most cost-efficient means May only incur necessary, appropriate, and reasonable expenses Submit travel voucher within 5 business days from return to PDS Attach required receipts and documentation to voucher Properly sign and date voucher Charge all official travel expenses to their travel card whenever possible
FRAUDULENT CLAIMS Travelers liability: Submitting false, fictitious or fraudulent claims Forfeit reimbursement pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 2514 Subject under the False Claims Act 18 U.S.C 287 and 1001 to one or both of the following: 1. A fine of not more than $10,000 2. Imprisonment for not more than 5 years
Knowledge Check 1. Approving officials may be held pecuniary liable in the event of an erroneous travel payment. TrueFalse 2. USCP travelers are required to act prudently when traveling on official business. True False 3. If a traveler submits a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, the consequences under the False Claims Act include: Forfeit reimbursement Pay a fine of not more than $10,000 Imprisonment of not more than five years All of the above
TRAVEL RESERVATIONS Business-related travel is to be arranged by the Combined Airline Ticket Office (CATO), whenever possible Employees are encouraged to make reservations for official travel using CATO’s online travel tool “Trip Manager”.
TRAVEL ALLOWANCES Transportation Per diem Miscellaneous Travel expenses of employee with special needs
TRANSPORTATION Methods of Transportation Common carrier transportation Government vehicle Privately owned vehicle (POV) Special conveyance (taxi or commercial automobile)
TRANSPORTATION Must select the method most advantageous to the Government, cost and other factors considered Travel must be by most expeditious means Must Consider: Energy conservation Total cost to the Government Total distance traveled Number of points visited Number of travelers
TRAVEL VIA INDIRECT ROUTE Must travel via usually traveled route Reimbursement limited to cost by direct route when an indirect route is used for personal reasons Indirectroute may be approved for official reasons
AIR TRAVEL • Use Government/Contract airfares whenever possible • Procure lowest possible refundable airfares, consistent with mission requirements • Purchase a restricted airfare only when practical, cost effective, and reasonably certain ticket will be used
CONTRACT CITY-PAIR FARES GSA awards city-pair contracts on behalf of all Federal agencies A city-pair contract is between two airports Approximately 4,000 city-pairs No restrictions YCA or _CA fare basis designated on ticket
C0NTRACT FARES Contract fares are only applicable to official TDY and may not be used for any personal traveltaken in conjunction with the official business trip.
AIRLINE ACCOMMODATIONS USCP employees must use Coach/Economy-Class accommodations for domestic air travel Premium/first class may be authorized only when justified Must be approved in advance by the Bureau Commander/Office Director or designee Reason for authorization/approval of other than coach class service must be recorded on the voucher
PREMIUM/FIRST CLASS Premium/first class may be approved under the following: Regularly scheduled flights provide only premium/first class seats No space is available in coach/economy class in time to accomplish the mission, which is so urgent it cannot be postponed Necessary to accommodate a disability or other special need On a case-by-case basis for a PSB employee
FLY AMERICA ACT 49 USC §40118 and B-138942, 31 March 1981 Using U.S.- Certificated Carriers Available U.S.-certificated air carriers must be used for all commercial foreign air transportation of persons/property when using U.S. Gov’t funds to pay for air travel
CHARTER OR CORPORATE FLIGHTS PSB employees are authorized to travel via charter or corporate-sponsored flights An approved CP-114, Reimbursement for Private Charter Flight must be attached to the voucher
TRAIN Class of Service Coach-class accommodations must be used for all train travel, unless the employee is specifically authorized/approved use of other than coach class service
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED VEHICLE (GFV) Used for official purposes to perform the mission of the USCP Incidental use must be authorized by the Department Employees are responsible for: Proper use of the vehicles Obeying all traffic laws Fines for parking and moving violations Amounts paid for tolls and parking fees are reimbursable
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED VEHICLE (GFV) Unauthorized Use of a GFV Employee is responsible for any additional cost resulting from unauthorized use of a Government vehicle Subject to administrative and/or criminal liability for misuse of Government property
PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLE (POV) An employee may use a POV for official travel when they receive advance authorization Without prior authorization, employees will not be reimbursed POV mileage POV Definition: Vehicle owned or leased for personal use by an individual May belong to employee’s spouse, family member or a friend
PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLE (POV) Mileage Allowance - effective January 1, 2013
PARKING FEES Parking fees at common carrier terminals are an allowable transportation expense
SPECIAL CONVEYANCE May authorize/approve use of special conveyances that are necessary and advantageous to the government Taxicabs Commercial Rental Vehicles Any other special conveyance Shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred Receipts are required and must be submitted with the travel claim
RENTAL VEHICLES A rental vehicle may be authorized when it is the most cost- effective or efficient way to accomplish the overall mission Must rent smallest size vehicle that meets mission requirements Should always request Government rates • Use of lower discounted rates must be justified & documented Must decline collision damage waiver (CDW), liability, property or other similar insurance for rentals in the U.S. CDW insurance is not reimbursable within CONUS
RENTAL CAR PROGRAM (DTMO) Benefits: No additional drivers fee No under age fee (minimum age 18) Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/ GARS fee is $5.00 per day worldwide