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Etablissement de collaborations avec le Japon. Garry Hanan Marie-Pierre Santoni Département de chimie. Saya Tanaka Department of Chemistry.
Etablissement de collaborations avec le Japon Garry Hanan Marie-Pierre Santoni Département de chimie Saya Tanaka Department of Chemistry
AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGES AND COOPERATION BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL (UdeM) AND KYUSHU UNIVERSITY (KU)1. The two parties shall encourage the following activities in Chemistry and related fields: (1) Exchange of professors and researchers; (2) Exchange of graduate students; (3) Collaborative research and joint academic meetings; (4) Exchange of information, publications and materials for academic purposes; and (5) Other activities as may be mutually agreed by the two parties to this Agreement 2. This Agreement shall remain valid for a period of five (5) years. 3. This Agreement may be amended by mutual Agreement. 4. This Agreement is made in English in two copies, one for each party.
DETAILS OF THE AGREEMENT FOR FACULTY MEMBERS EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UdeM et KU1. The two parties shall promote the exchange of personnel for periods that may range from a few days to several months; and mutual participation in conferences, seminars and internships organized by one of the universities.2. The exchange of faculty members will be jointly financed (depending on the availability of funds): the sending institution would normally take at its charge travel expenses while the host institution would provide funding for living expenses. 3. Any subsidy granted for cooperation activities shall be administered by the institution which initiated the request.
DETAILS OF THE AGREEMENT FOR GRADUATE STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UdeM and KU1. The period of exchange for individual students participating in this exchange program shall not exceed one year (twelve months). 2. The number of exchange students shall be up to three (3) students per year from each University. The goal is to maintain an approximate balance in the number of exchange students between the two Universities in the period of this Agreement. 3. Exchange students shall continue as candidates for the degree at the home University and shall not be candidates for the degree at the host University.
suite….4. Exchange students must satisfy the formal admission requirements of the host University, but each University shall simplify such procedures in order to facilitate this student exchange program. 5. The home University may duly recognize the credits earned by exchange students in accordance with its own regulations.
suite….6. Exchange students shall be exempted from the normal application, registration and tuition fees of the host University. 7. The host University shall not be responsible for students' personal expenses, such as the cost of travel, accommodation, meals, required health/medical insurance, or books and other educational items. 8. The host University shall assist the exchange students to the fullest extent possible in finding reasonable accommodation. 9. The host University shall assist exchange students in satisfying visa requirements and other official formalities.
RemerciementsLa DRI pour le financement d’un projet internationalJapanese Society for the Promotion of Science
Photosynthèse artificielle pour la production d’hydrogène H2 : vers l’Économie Hydrogène Journée de la Recherche Internationale DRI - Université de Montréal – 13.11.2009 Marie-Pierre Santoni †, ‡ Bernold Hasenknopf ‡, Anna Proust ‡, Garry Hanan† †Université de Montréal - ‡Université Pierre et Marie Curie 8 8
Quelle solution face au problème des ressources énergétiques ? Énergies renouvellables: temporaire vs. à long terme solaire Cellules photovoltaïques: rendement, surface H2: combustible propre (issu de l’eau, reforme de l’eau) Économie Hydrogène: production H2 et stockage; utilisation dans piles à combustibles Électrolyse de l’eau: processus multi-électronique mais énergétiquement défavorable Photocatalyseur capable de faire cette réaction en conditions ambiantes: Photochimie UnPolyoxométallate (POM) Complexe métallique ? [Ru(bpy)3]2+ [Mo6O19]2–
Combinaison d’expertises: Paris-Montréal-Fukuoka Spécialistes des POM Paris • Cotutelle de thèse supervisée par : Pr Garry Hanan, Pr Bernold Hasenknopf, Pr Anna Proust • Groupe Hanan à UdM & CIM2 Group à UPMC - Services à UdM • Pr Ken Sakai (Kyushu University) et son groupe Chimie de coordination - Montréal Nouveaux systèmes: Hybrides Covalents POM - Métal Photocatalyseurs pour production de H2 ? Photochimie - Fukuoka • $ Direction des Relations Internationales de l’Université de Montréal, Consulat Général de France à Québec-FQRNT (Frontenac), Ministère des Affaires Etrangères français (Lavoisier) $
Etudes Photocatalytiques à Fukuoka • Les raisons • Ils possèdent une grande expérience en photochimie et photocatalyse • Ils ont mis en place un système pour mesurer la production de H2 Système pour mesurer la production d’hydrogène Extraction manuelle vers l’analyseur de gaz Lampe Xe (300W) imite le rayonnement solaire Échantillon test Traceur qui quantifie la production de gaz Système protégé de O2
La culture japonaise … en quelques clics Fukuoka – Tokyo – Sapporo (conférence internationale) Temple de Daizafu Hakata Ramen Mont Usu - Volcans Conference ISPPCC 09 Sapporo Tokyo - Hakihabara
Journée de la Recherche Internationale Université de Montréal Saya Tanaka from Kyushu University in Japan
World Map Montreal Japan
JAPAN Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan Prof. Ken Sakai
Kyushu University New Campus
My Research H2 + O2 H2O
Collaboration with Kyushu Univ. and UdeM. Bilateral agreement of Kyushu Univ. and UdeM JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) DRI-UdeM (Direction des Relations Internationale)
Difference Points Languages Weather Merci Bonjour
Our group in Japan Merci!