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Message in a Bottle

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Message in a Bottle

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Message in a Bottle A satellite journey through the Gulf Stream

    2. Overview of Presentation The historical message and importance of the Gulf Stream The path of the global surface currents A look at the concepts of formation of ocean gyres, and special features Discussion of the formation, properties and position of the eddies

    3. The Message Historical Importance Exploration and Trade provided navigational knowledge of the North Atlantic Gyre http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/ http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/

    4. The Message Historical Importance Ben Franklin’s map of fastest route across the Atlantic based on his voyage measurements of 1775 - 1785 http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/kids/history.html This image is part of the Poupard version of the Franklin-Folger Gulf Stream Chart printed Maritime Observations (1786). The Gulf Stream is the black/grey region along what is now the U.S. East coast. This map was obtained from Black (1986) and is provided courtesy of Dr. Philip Richardson of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/kids/history.html This image is part of the Poupard version of the Franklin-Folger Gulf Stream Chart printed Maritime Observations (1786). The Gulf Stream is the black/grey region along what is now the U.S. East coast.

    5. The Message Historical Importance U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey map (1890) showing the North Wall --the edge of this western boundary current http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/gallery/history/history.htmlhttp://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/gallery/history/history.html

    6. The Path Tracking the Floaters Glass fishing floats, sneakers and toys become tools to measure currents Carried across the Pacific by the strong Kuroshio current

    7. The Path Global surface currents are the result of wind driven force Moving water is deflected like the air by the Coriolis effect The denser water is deflected more than the above air

    8. The Path Tracking the Floaters Path of water is influenced by global wind bands – Trades and Westerlies Friction slows the deflected water throughout a depth of about 150 meters

    9. The Path Tracking the Floaters Current path is also affected by landforms Gulf Stream turns sharply to the east off Cape Hatteras, NC http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/ http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/

    10. The Path Tracking the Floaters Drift bottles deployed in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean have been followed by satellites Data explains current motion http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/gallery/history/history.html http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/dac/gdc.htmlhttp://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/gallery/history/history.html http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/dac/gdc.html

    11. ftp://ftp.aoml.noaa.gov/pub/phod/wilson/yoto/ulises.jpgftp://ftp.aoml.noaa.gov/pub/phod/wilson/yoto/ulises.jpg

    12. http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/ocean/motion/currents1.htm http://airsea-www.jpl.nasa.gov/seaflux/html/viewimage.html http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/ocean/motion/currents1.htm http://airsea-www.jpl.nasa.gov/seaflux/html/viewimage.html

    13. The Understanding Special features Origins in the Gulf of Mexico and waters merge with Caribbean currents Travels around the Straits of Florida parallel to East coast

    14. The Understanding Special features Carries heat energy toward the continent of Europe Some surface water becomes cooler, more saline and sinks near Norway

    15. The Understanding Special features Gulf Stream water temperatures are substantially warmer than the waters to the North Act as a barrier between Sargasso Sea and North Labrador current http://www.saa.noaa.gov:8080/cocoon/nsaa/searchSST14NAhttp://www.saa.noaa.gov:8080/cocoon/nsaa/searchSST14NA

    16. The Understanding Gulf stream water temperatures are significantly warmer down to depths of 1000 meters http://www.epic.noaa.gov/epic-bin/browser/browser_wrapperhttp://www.epic.noaa.gov/epic-bin/browser/browser_wrapper

    17. The Understanding Volume of water transported is from 55 to 106 cubic meters per second Current velocity is dependent on the width and depth of current This file has been changed because spelling on the original site was incorrect. The source of the original diagram is: http://kingfish.coastal.edu/gulfstream/ ( from Coastal Carolina University – http://www.coastal.edu/)This file has been changed because spelling on the original site was incorrect. The source of the original diagram is: http://kingfish.coastal.edu/gulfstream/ ( from Coastal Carolina University – http://www.coastal.edu/)

    18. The Understanding Special features Geostrophic balance exists in the N. Atlantic as the Coriolis effect piles water into a bulge ( Sargasso Sea) that gravity carries downhill http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/gallery/history/history.htmlhttp://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/gallery/history/history.html

    19. The Understanding Differences in sea height are seen with satellite altimetry Pockets of warm or cold water may be trapped http://www-ccar.colorado.edu/~realtime/gulfstream-real-time_ssh/ http://www-ccar.colorado.edu/~realtime/gulfstream-real-time_ssh/

    20. The Science Twist Unique meanders Gulf stream energy is diverted by changes in speed Eddies form -- rotating pockets that spin off the main stream http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/ http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/

    21. The Science Twist Unique meanders Warm- core eddies are found usually to the north of the north wall Spin clockwise WCR = Warm core rings

    22. The Science Twist Unique meanders Cold- core eddies are found to the south of the Gulf Stream Spin counterclockwise Migrate into the Sargasso Sea http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/dsdt/cw/index.html#viewhttp://www.nodc.noaa.gov/dsdt/cw/index.html#view

    23. The Science Twist Unique meanders Warm water expands and is noticed by a bulge in the sea surface Cold water eddies are detected by a depression Image has been altered – Original from: http://kingfish.coastal.edu/gulfstream/ ( from Coastal Carolina University – http://www.coastal.edu/) Image has been altered – Original from: http://kingfish.coastal.edu/gulfstream/ ( from Coastal Carolina University – http://www.coastal.edu/)

    24. The Science Twist Mesoscale eddies are 50-100 km in diameter WCR drift back into Gulf Stream Cold eddies may last several years http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/dsdt/cw/index.html#viewhttp://www.nodc.noaa.gov/dsdt/cw/index.html#view

    25. The Science Twist Unique meanders In the Gulf of Mexico, eddies are studied for their influence on hurricanes Hurricane Opal and Bret were fueled by WCR’s http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/gallery/history/history.html http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/general/WWW000/text/opal.htmlhttp://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/gallery/history/history.html http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/general/WWW000/text/opal.html

    26. Message in a Bottle Describe several factors that determine the flow of the Gulf Stream? What is the direction of flow of the world’s major ocean currents? What is the relationship between heat transport and the eddies?

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