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Yakiv Pavlenko Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academ of Sciences of Ukraine yp@mao.kiev.ua www.mao.kiev.ua/staff/yp. The ambitious europian project ROPACS ( Ro cky P lanets A round C ool S tars). SP3 People
Yakiv Pavlenko Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academ of Sciences of Ukraine yp@mao.kiev.ua www.mao.kiev.ua/staff/yp The ambitious europian project ROPACS (Rocky Planets Around Cool Stars)
SP3 People Support for training and career development of researcher (Marie Curie) Network for Initial Training http://star.herts.ac.uk/RoPACS/ Commision of the Europian Communities
Grant Agreement Number 213646 PITN-GA-2008-213646 RoPACS
Members of ROPACS Consorcium: • University of Hertfordshire • University of Cambridge • Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias • Max Plank Gesellschaft fur Foerderung der Wiesenshaften • Instituto Naconal de Tecnica Aeroespacial • Main Astronomical Observatory of NASU
Searching for transit(IoA, MPE, UNED) • Extract differential photometry from transit survey data. • Calibrate colours/magnitudes and place photometric constrains on host type. • Refine algorithm transit searches. • Identify transit candidates amongst cool star population. • Develop complementary approach to analysis with with a range of tools (e.g. WSA, Astrowise, Gaudi).
Identifying false positives(UH, MPE, IAC) • Use best quality data to identify candidates that are unresolved blends. • Measure spectral types of potential host stars (VLT, HET, WT, ESO, etc). • Prioritise candidates for follow-up, by planet size. • Measure intermediate spectroscopy to identify eclipsing binary systems. • Set-up software (e.g. Astrowise) to analyse data from a range of different instruments.
High resolution RV Spectroscopy (UH,MPE,IAC,SIM) • Measure high resolution cool star spectroscopy of transit candidates using NIR and optical instruments (e.g. CRIRES, PRVS-Pathfinder, NIRSpec, VLT, HET, NAHUAL,PRVS). • Optimize cross-correlation techniques for measuring RVs of cool stars, particularly in the near-infrared. • Optimize techniques (e.g. bisector analysis) for identifying false RV signatures. • Fit orbital solutions to confirmed systems, and constrain companion masses.
Measuring planet radii and densities (MPE, IAC) • Plan and propose/implement space-based follow-up efforts (i.e. HST, SST) to measure detailed light curves of the transits. • Use ground-based facilities (e.g. VST, CST etc.) to re-measure transit light curves. • Optimize transit fitting techniques for cool star hosts (e.g. limb darkening, intrinsic variability). • Constrain radii of orbiting companions/planets. • Establish densities and constrain internal structure and nature.
Detecting planetary light(LAEFF, Astrium) • Plan and propose/implement space-based follow-up efforts to search for and measure planetary light (in the near- and mid-infrared) as they pass behind their host star. • Assess and test/use sensitive ground-based facilities (e.g. GTC) to search for planetary light in the infrared. • Optimize methods (in part via input from the Astrium ESR) in terms of wavelength range and observing techniques.
Understanding the planet host stars (MAO, UH, SIM) • Develop cool star atmospheric models. • Measure spectroscopy of cool star hosts over a broad/useful spectral range. • Fit cool star properties with models, and assess the implications for orbiting planets. • Search for wide binary companions to cool star populations using astrometric techniques. • Constrain close companions using other (e.g. AO) techniques. • Assess implications for planet formation.
Planet properties and ESA’s Cosmic Vision (UH,Astrium,LAEFF) • Review current state-of-the-art on extra-solar planets (theory & observation). • Simulate observable properties of known and potential planet types. • Set up models of Cosmic Vision missions. • Consider how enhanced techniques could be used to study extra-solar planets. • Model the incorporation of appropriate enhancements into these missions, and assess mission capabilities. • Feedback to the network. assessments.
Gliese 581 • Gliese 581 (pronounced /ˈɡliːzə/) is a red dwarf star with spectral type M3V, located 20.3 light years away from Earth. Its mass is estimated to be approximately a third of that of the Sun, and it is the 87th closest known star system to the Sun. Observations suggest that the star has at least four planets: Gliese 581 b, c, d, e.
HO Librae • The star system gained attention after Gliese 581 c, the first low mass extrasolar planet found to be near its star's habitable zone, was discovered in April 2007. It has since been shown that under known terrestrial planet climate models, Gliese 581 c is likely to have a runaway greenhouse effect, and hence is probably not habitable. However, Gliese 581 d is within the outer edge of the habitable zone.
Gl 581 ]Companion(in order from star) Mass Semimajor axis(AU) Orbital period(days) Eccentricity • e ≥1.94 M⊕0.03 3.14942 ± 0.00045 0 • b ≥15.65 M⊕ 0.04 5.36874 ± 0.00019 0 • c ≥5.36 M⊕0.07 12.9292 ± 0.00470.17 ± 0.07 • d ≥7.09 M⊕0.22 66.80 ± 0.14 0.38 ± 0.
Conclusions I. • Palle et al. (2009) observed really transmitted and reflected light of the telluric atmosphere. • Earth is the first rocky planet discovered spectroscopicvally. • If something is possible at once, it can be repeated many times...
Conclusions II. • We can provide a good fits to the observed spectra of UCD in the selected spectral regions. • To provide any confident fits the existed input data (molecular line lists, model atmospheres, etc) have to be refined substancially. • Situation with modelling spectra of extra-solar planets looks as very promising, if we use all knowledge accumulated for planets of SolSys. • Any collaboration is very appreciated.
Some plans • Fundamental parameters of UCD determined by EB's. Verification of the input data and theory. • Lithium and deuterium test applications. • Telluric and planetary spectra.