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Lecture Timetable Scheduler. TiTiS. The Problem. The Problem. A university timetable scheduling problem is the problem of finding proper time dependent assignments of courses to classrooms and teachers.

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  1. Lecture Timetable Scheduler TiTiS

  2. The Problem

  3. The Problem • A university timetable scheduling problem is the problem of finding proper time dependent assignments of courses to classrooms and teachers. • These assignements must be done in a way that it encorporates with students curriculums and elective course demands.

  4. The Problem • A university timetable scheduling problem is the problem of finding proper time dependent assignments of courses to classrooms and teachers. • These assignements must be done in a way that it encorporates with students curriculums and elective course demands.

  5. Existing Systems

  6. Existing Systems • Existing systems generally do not handle an information system. They only do the timetable scheduling, after a power user provides formatted data. • Some systems handle the data formatting process, still they work on a single computer with an operator.

  7. Existing Systems • However, there are many products in this area.

  8. Suggested System

  9. Suggested System • The main purpose of the project is designing a lecture timetable scheduling system. • This system will be composed of two subsystems: • the information system to handle interactions, and • the solution engine.

  10. Suggested System • Key features of the system are, • distributed, • online, • web based, • multi-user and • secure.

  11. Suggested System • Schools and similar organizations will use this system while planning timetables before every semester to ease timetable generation process. • Users will be able to access the system from anywhere with internet connection using their computers, PDAs, mobile devices or etc.

  12. IS – List of users • List of users, • Admin • Head of Departments • Student Affairs • Professors • Teaching Assistants • Student

  13. IS – User functions (Admin) • Admin, • Create necessary users of types Head of Department and Student Affairs. • Monitor system activity via a profiler tool. • Start and stop phases of the application. (Scheduling, Input collection, etc.)

  14. IS – User functions (Head of Department) • Head of Department, • Create users of types Professor and Teaching Assistant. • Enter availability information for Professors and Teaching Assistants. • Input information about; courses, course instances, course-professor and course-teaching assistant associations.

  15. IS – User functions (Student Affairs) • Student Affairs, • Create users of type Student. • Provide information about mandatory courses • Provide inputs for classrooms, classroom types

  16. IS – User functions (Pf, TA) • Professors, • Enter time preferences to the system. • Teaching assistants • Enter time preferences to the system.

  17. IS – User functions (Student) • Student, • Enter time preferences to the system. • Rank already assigned course-professor pairs. • View all possible courses. • Choose a course and choose one of the available lecturers for that course, if more than one exists. • Rank the courses, which he chose. Specify the number of courses he wants to take.

  18. IS – Data dictionary • User super-class, and derived entities

  19. IS – Data dictionary • Users & Time Preference entity and related relationships.

  20. IS – Data dictionary • Student & Course Instance Entities and related relationships.

  21. IS – Data dictionary • Department entity and it's relationships with other entities.

  22. The solution engine • Formal specification of the problem is prepared. • Notation used in the problem specification is similar to data objects. • i.e. Data objects are defined to be sets in the problem spec.

  23. Scheduler – Problem Specification • Following sets are used, • C set of Courses • CI set of Course Instances • ACP set of Atomic Course Partitions • Pf set of Professors • TA set of Teaching Assistants • St set of Students • Cl set of Classrooms • ClTypeset of Classroom Types • TS set of available Time Slots • TPV al set of Time Preference values allowed • TPV al = {Never, NotPreferred, Nodifferent0, Preferred} • R set of Rank values allowed • R = {0,1,...,10}

  24. Scheduler – Problem Specification • Following functions and relations are defined: • TypeOf: Cl → ClType • Capacity: ClType → N • Duration: ACP → N • AssignedPerson: ACP → (Pf U TA) • CourseInstanceOf: ACP → CI • CourseOf: CI → C • RequiredType: ACP → ClType • DayOf: TS → N • HourOf: TS → N

  25. Scheduler – Problem Specification • Functions continued • TimePref: (Pf U TA U St) x TS → TPVal • MandatoryCIRanks: (St x CI) → R • ElectiveCIRanks: (St x CI) → R • MinElectives: St → N • MaxElectives: St → N • CanNotTake: subset of St x C • MustTake: subset of St x C

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