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Healthy Aging: A User's Perspective

Explore what healthy aging means from a user's perspective and how society, politicians, doctors, and loved ones view the elderly. Discover tips for living a long, healthy, and fulfilling life through exercise, nutrition, social engagement, and medical check-ups. Learn how the elderly can take charge of their well-being and communicate their needs effectively. Embrace the method of "Appreciative Inquiry" for setting and achieving personal goals towards healthy aging. Get insights into contributing to healthy aging from a user's point of view, including advocacy, research participation, and empowerment.

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Healthy Aging: A User's Perspective

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  1. Do you need anybody….? Healthy Aging User perspective

  2. Healthy Aging, User perspective • What do I do when my love is away.(Does it worry you to be alone ?)How do I feel by the end of the day(Are you sad because you're on your own ?)No, I get by with a little help from my friends,I get high with a little help from my friends,I gonna to try with a little help from my friends! (Beatles)

  3. Healthy Aging, User perspective • What does healthy aging mean? To live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life… • But, society claims: elderly are too costly, do not add to the economy and are big users of the health system

  4. Healthy Aging, User perspective And…… • for politicians and economists we are just a part of policy, statistics or flow of money • for doctors we are (just) a living object that needs some tuning and repair

  5. Healthy Aging, User perspective Only • for friends and family we are someone, a person that can do with some TLC So…… How can we survive to live that dream to live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life?

  6. Healthy Aging, User perspective First: • Regular exercise of the body (walk, cycle, swim) • Eat well • Keep the mind active – read, play games, even computer games. • Maintain contact with family and friends and stay active, socially and productively engaged. • Have an annual medical check-up.

  7. Healthy Aging, User perspective Second: The elderly have to be aware of • their position in general and in the cliënt-professional-relation in particular, • what they try and are able to achieve, and • they must be able to take the lead and bring forward their wishes and needs.

  8. Healthy Aging, User perspective Third: Elderly can “survive” when professionals: *concentrate on the perception of the elderly of what is happening in their life and are open to this; *use their knowledge and skills to support the elderly in their goal to live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.

  9. Healthy Aging, User perspective • Is there, apart from checklists and questionnaires, a method to help persons to bring into words what they want to achieve? • I use the method of “Appreciative Inquiry”: 4 D’s: Discover, Dream, Design and Deliver. In scheme:

  10. Healthy Aging, User perspective

  11. Healthy Aging, User perspective What do I contribute to “Healthy aging” from the User perspective? • I help people to emancipate, to be critical and to get in command. • I am “an ambassador” for the House of Care. • I am member of the complaints-committee for Care-group Vivantes.

  12. Healthy Aging, User perspective And last but not least: • I participate as researchpartner in a cliëntgroup in a process-evaluation-project on the subject: “Early detection and support for frail older persons” by Jill Bindels (CAPHRI). • In this project we participate in discussion, decission-making and field-research.

  13. Healthy Aging, User perspective Thank you for staying awake or alert and giving me your attention.

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