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Welcome to the NJHS 2011-2012 session! Get organized with colored folders and sign-in. Stay updated on events with the detailed calendar. Learn about the roles of officers and the importance of dues.
Welcome to NJHS2011-2012!!!! We have a lot of business to discuss, so please be seated and we will get started! MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A COLORED FOLDER! MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SIGNED IN!
Your Sponsors for the ‘11-’12 school year are Ms. Parlato and Ms. Burke!
STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET Left hand pocket of your folder! Please fill out the student information sheet and turn it in to an advisor today!
Calendar You will be receiving a calendar of our events for the year, some of the items on the calendar may change from time to time, so it is important that you keep yours up-to-date and in a place where you can refer to it on a regular basis!
2011-2012 Calendar September 21st- First Meeting (Round Room) – Nominations/T-shirts September 27th- Mandatory Meeting (Room 313) – Team Building/Voting/Dance September 28th- NJHS Officers assist with photos at the first school dance (3-5pm) October 12th- Officers ONLY meeting (Room B109) October 26th- ALL NJHS members meeting (Room 313)- T-shirt $ and Due $ Due! November 9th- Officers ONLY meeting (Room B109) November 16th- ALL NJHS members meeting (Room 313) THANKSGIVING BREAK (November 21st -25th ) December 7th –Officers ONLY meeting (Room B109) December 14th - ALL NJHS members meeting (Room 313) CHRISTMAS BREAK (19th-30th ) January 18th- Officers ONLY meeting (Room B109) January 25th- ALL NJHS members meeting (Room 313) February 22nd - Officers ONLY meeting (Room B109) February 29th- ALL NJHS members meeting (Room 313) SPRING BREAK (March 12th-16th ) March 21st – ALL NJHS members meeting (Room 313) April 11th - Officers ONLY meeting (Room B109) April 18th – NJHS Meeting with NEW and OLD Members (Room 313) Induction info April 19th- NJHS Induction Ceremony (Cafeteria) Members meet at 5pm in Room B109 May 16th- Officers ONLY meeting (Room B109) ALL MEMBERS Individual Service Hours DUE! May 30th- LAST NJHS MEETING of the year! PIZZA AND ICE CREAM PARTY! Vote for 2012-2013 officers!
Dues! The dues this year are $10 for the entire year. Please pay your dues by Oct. 26th! Collecting dues allows us to have money to begin projects, go on field trips, and help others…do your part to contribute!
What do the NJHS By-Laws say about dues? • Section IV. Each Member of the Chapter shall be required to pay annual dues of twenty dollars ($20.00) by October 25th. A Member may not participate in future Chapter activities until the Membership dues have been paid or other arrangements have been made. • Clause I. Any Member who cannot pay the dues shall complete a “Request for Scholarship” form after the Induction Ceremony for assistance with the annual dues. • Clause II. No Member shall be denied membership in the Chapter based on the inability to pay the annual dues. Addendum: We love you, and want to keep you successful, so…you only have to pay $10.00 and they are due back on October 26th!
Vote on T-Shirts!!!***Money is due on Oct. 26th*** 1. 4. • Front of Shirt • Back of Shirt 2. 5. 6. 3. Sacrifice + Service = Success
Officer roles! Check out these job descriptions… President- Coordinates NJHS activities, communicates with principal advisors, runs NJHS meetings, fills in any missing officer position, assists the treasurer in finances, keeps up with which students are not meeting the requirements of and NJHS, and keeps records of information gathered at meetings. Vice President- Provides insight and knowledge about NJHS activities, aids the president, in charge of advertising meetings and events, keeps up with supplies needed for NJHS functions, and drafts proposals that will be sent to principal advisors.
Officer roles, cont. Treasurer- keeps record of all financial transactions, fills out a money sheet that records all money received, keeps records of dues paid, and provides a cash box at fundraisers and is responsible for it from beginning to end of fundraiser. Secretary-writes down fundraising ideas that are put forth during meetings, makes the NJHS meeting agenda, proof reads proposals made by V-P, keeps minutes of officer meetings and posts them by providing copies for all officers by email. Reporters- Takes pictures of fundraisers and events and provides sponsors with pictures, advertise meetings and events, and fills in any officer that was not present for meetings.
Officer roles, cont. Historian- Updates the NJHS website regularly with upcoming meetings and events, and posts NJHS pictures on the website, notifies those members who do not complete their community service hours, keeps a scrapbook of NJHS activities. Parliamentarian- keeps order during meetings, takes attendance of members attending meetings, notifies those members who have been absent and excessively absent (unexcused) Social Director- keeps record of people signed up for NJHS functions, keep minutes of meeting, posts minutes on website biweekly, plans the game for NJHS meetings.
Officer Nominations! President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Reporter Historian Parliamentarian Social Director
Leadership/Officer Meetings These will be held the week before our general meetings and attendance is mandatory! First Leadership Meeting will be Oct. 19th!
Our next Meeting will be Sept. 27th!!! • Attendance is mandatory! • We will be voting for officers • We will participate in Team Building activities • We will prepare for our first fundraiser (Dance)
What do the NJHS By-Laws say about meetings? Section II. All members are expected to attend all meetings. A Member may be excused from attending a meeting if he or she submits a signed note by the parent or guardian to the Chapter Advisor(s) explaining the reason for his or her absence. Failure to submit a note will result in an unexcused absence. Three unexcused or five excused absences may result in removal from the Chapter.
Individual Service Hours • How many hours should I have? • How do I keep track of my hours? • What counts toward ISH? • When are my ISH due?
What do the NJHS By-Laws say about Individual Service Hours? Section III. All Members of the Chapter shall perform two community service projects per school year as voted on by the Chapter. Clause I. Chapter Community Service Project. Membership in the Chapter requires the Members to complete a community-based project. The Members and Chapter Advisor(s) will select a community service project. The Michael R. Null Middle School Principal will approve or deny the community service project. The community service project must be completed by May 20 of each year. The Members must complete at least one (1) community service project per year, but the Members may elect to complete more than one (1) community service project with permission of the Chapter Advisor(s) and Principal. Clause II. Individual Community Service Project. Every Member shall complete an individual community service project. The number of hours to be volunteered shall be between 20 and 40 hours. The Member must obtain approval from the parent, the Chapter Advisor(s), and the Principal, before any community service project is started.
Charity Options • Military Care Packages/Pen-pals • Elderly/Hospice Care Packages/Cards
In-School Service Opportunities • Environmental/Recycle group • Teacher Aide/Assistance group • Peer Tutoring group • Motivational group • Teacher Appreciation
Fundraisers (during school) • FALL- Selling memorabilia photos at the Fall and Winter dances (Santa or no Santa?) • SPRING- Marketing Spring Fling dance/Concessions/Photos
Fundraisers (organizations for outside of school) • FALL- Coordinating a field trip with student council to help with “League Assistance” of “Building Bikes.” • FALL- “Toys for Tots” (back-up plan) • FALL- “Houston Food Bank”(back-up plan) • FALL- Barnes and Nobles gift wrapping • SPRING- Raising money for “Friends For Life”- Pet Food Drive • SPRING- Helping with Pet Adoptions on Saturdays
Other Service Opportunities: • Relay for Life • School Service Team • Church volunteer work • Subject Area Parent Nights (ELA/SS; Math/Science) • Neighborly Services (mowing yards=no pay) • Community Outreach • Autism Walk ***Write down what you are interested in participating in on your grade sheet!***
What do the NJHS By-Laws say about grades? Section I. All Members will maintain a minimum cumulative average of 90 at the end of each nine week marking period. If the Member’s cumulative GPA falls below 90, the Member will be placed on Academic Probation and given one (1) nine-week period to bring the cumulative GPA back to the minimum. Clause I. The Faculty Council will be notified if the Member’s cumulative average drops below after each nine week marking period, and that the Member is being placed automatically on Academic Probation. **See your folder for additional information!**
Grades Grade sheets (bright yellow) due back from teachers and parents next TUESDAY!
WE NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS! We are looking for your family members to help us out with projects and events! If your family is interested, please have them fill out the information on the back of your grade sheet and return it to one of your advisors NEXT WEEK!
Field Trips Do what you are supposed to do… and you will get to go! Details later…