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In this post, we've put together 7 essential facts about recycling that will not only clarify misunderstandings but also provide motivation for making green changes in your life! Whether you're an avid recycler or just getting started with developing sustainable habits, these facts will educate, entertain and encourage you along the way. https://www.swagcycle.net/7-things-you-didnt-know-about-recycling/
Inthisdocument,we will be exploring the sevenrecyclingfacts that may surprise you. Sobuckleup,andlet's diveintothefacts.
1.NOTALLRECYCLABLE MATERIALSAREFOUND WHOLEINYOURBLUEBIN Most people assume that anything labeled "recyclable" should be put intotherecyclingbinwhole,butthis isn't always the case. For example, pizza boxes that are covered in grease and cheese are considered contaminatedandhencecannotbe recycled. Instead, they need to go intothecompostbin.
2.RECYCLING CONTAMINATEDITEMSDO MOREHARMTHANGOOD Recycling items contaminated with organicwastecancausemoreharm than good. Any piece of food or beverage left on the recycled item can attract insects and vermin, causing contamination and hygiene issuesattherecyclingfacility.
3.PLASTICRECYCLINGIS LESSSIMPLETHANIT SEEMS Most often, the term "plastic recycling" implies that plastic waste is melted, cleaned,andturnedintoanewproduct. However, due to differences in plastic types, some plastics can't be mixed, to avoid contamination. In most cases, plastic waste is melted and used for manufacturing products that don't necessitatefood-gradequalityplastic.
4.RECYCLINGDOESN'T SIGNIFICANTLYREDUCE GREENHOUSEGAS EMISSIONS Thoughrecyclingisessentialfor wastereduction,thegreenhouse gasemissionsarenotdrastically reduced by recycling. GHG emissions are a result of the recycling process, and energy consumed from transporting, cleaning,andmanufacturingthe recycleditems.
5.MODERNRECYCLING WASN'TPOPULARUNTIL THELATE20THCENTURY Although recycling concepts go back to ancient times, modern recycling is relatively new. The recyclingmovementofthelate20th century has spawned the modern recycling movement, which focuses on promoting industrial processing of post-consumption scrap materials.
6.CHINADOMINATESTHE RECYCLINGWORLD China has overtaken the U.S. in the recycling world, according to the 2020 Newsweek "Green Rankings." Interestingly,Chinaistakingmostof the world’s recyclable waste, as the countryrecycles30%ofglobal waste and recovers more than 90% oftheworld'se-waste.
7.RECYCLINGCREATES JOBSANDBOOSTSTHE ECONOMY Recycling generates millions of dollarsandcreatesjobsinthewaste management sector. According to a report from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance in 2019, around 68,000 people work in the recycling sector, contributingabout$6.7billiontothe economy.Recyclingisnotonlygood fortheenvironment,butalsoforthe economy.