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Give your company an edge in reputation and goodwill by donating old clothes. Make it easy on yourself by finding a local charity to accept the donations, or even make a donation drive part of an employee engagement strategy. Show your customers and stakeholders that you care about the well-being of others while making a real impact in the community. Donate now! https://www.swagcycle.net/the-benefits-of-donating-obsolete-branded-merchandise-how-it-can-help-your-company-and-the-community/
DONATINGOLD CLOTHES How it Can BenefitYour Company's Reputation?
As consumers become more socially conscious, the reputation of a company is increasingly important. Donating old merchandise, rather than just simply throwing them away, is one way to create a more positive, socially responsible image for your company. In this post, we'llexplorethebenefitsof donatingoldclothesandhow it can not only help others, but also improve your company'sreputation.
It'sgoodfortheenvironment. Whenyoudonateclothes, you'rekeepingthemout oflandfills.Infact,textile wasteisthesecond- largest category of waste intheU.S.,behindonly paperproducts. 1
It'sgoodfortheeconomy. Theclothingindustryisa $1.3trillionglobal industry, and it's growing every year. By donating clothes,you'resupporting this industry and helping tocreatejobs. 2
It'sgoodforyourcompany's reputation. When you donate clothes, you're showingthatyourcompanycares aboutmorethanjustmakingaprofit. You'reshowingthatyoucareabout the environment and the people whoworkintheclothingindustry. 3
It'seasytodo. Thereareanumberof organizationsthatwillpickup youroldclothesandeither donatethemtocharityorrecycle them.Allyouhavetodoisfind oneoftheseorganizationsand arrangeforapick-uptime. 4
It'stax-deductible. 5 Ifyoudonateclothes toaregistered charity,youcan deductthevalueof theclothesfromyour taxes.