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Texas Regional Entity Report

Explore key performance highlights, compliance updates, and standards development procedures of Texas Regional Entity in September 2007. Includes NERC CPS1 scores, protocol violations, and compliance audits.

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Texas Regional Entity Report

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  1. Texas Regional Entity Report September 2007

  2. Performance Highlights • ERCOT’s Control Performance Standard (NERC CPS1) score improved in July • Overall control performance (SCPS) for non-wind-only QSEs is at its highest level since PRR 525 was implemented in January 2006 • Scores for July indicate all non-wind-only QSEs passed the PRR 525 measure • A first since scoring began in January 2006

  3. Texas RE Monthly Summary • During month ending in mid-August……….. • Protocol & Operating Guides Violations • 1 new alleged • 1 new confirmed • NERC Standards Violations • 1 new alleged • 5 New Events Reviewed • 2 Detailed Reports Required • 3 Detailed reports from past events due to be issued • 3 On-Site Audits completed • 4 unresolved Registration Appeals

  4. Procedure Approval • The Board of the Texas RE approved Standards Development Procedures needed to implement the Texas RE Standards Development Process • Registered Ballot Body (RBB) • Reliability Standards Committee (RSC) • Standards Drafting Team (SDT) • Procedures posted on Texas RE Web Page: Regional Reliability Standards Development  Planning and Procedures • http://www.ercot.com/mktrules/compliance/tre/standards/index.html

  5. Texas Regional Entity Report Details

  6. NERC CPS1 Performance • ERCOT’s CPS1 Performance • July Performance • Performance comparison • July 2007: 139.35 • July 2006: 153.13 • 12 month rolling average comparison • Aug 2006 July 2007: 133.92 • Aug 2005 July 2006: 138.14 • PRR 525 Performance • Scores for July indicate 34 QSEs passed / 0 non-wind-only QSE failed the measure • Scores posted on the ERCOT Compliance Website • SCE Performance Scores

  7. ERCOT CPS1 Performance Comparison

  8. ERCOT’s CPS1 Monthly Performance

  9. ERCOT CPS1 by Interval

  10. QSE PRR 525 10-Minute Interval Scoring

  11. PRR 525 Passing 10-Min Interval Percentage Trends

  12. July 2007 Resource Plan Performance Metrics

  13. NERC Registered Entitiesin ERCOT Region

  14. Organization Registration Status • 211 entities registered in the ERCOT Region that are responsible for compliance with NERC Reliability Standards • 8 entities officially appealed their registration • 4 appeals resolved by the Texas RE • 4 appeals pending – will likely go before the NERC Board of Trustees Compliance Committee for resolution • 2 entities appealing their registration as a Generator Operator • 1 entity appealing their registration as a Transmission Owner • 1 entity appealing their registration as a Transmission Owner/Planner

  15. 2007 Compliance Audits

  16. DP – Distribution Provider GO – Generator Owner GOP – Generator Operator TO – Transmission Owner TP – Transmission Planner RC – Reliability Coordinator BA – Balancing Authority TOP – Transmission Operator PA – Planning Authority TSP – Transmission Service Provider RP – Resource Planner PSE – Purchasing-Selling Entity NERC Functional Entity Types

  17. Compliance Reviews: Events by Season

  18. Violations of ERCOT Protocols Reported by Season

  19. NERC Standards Self-Reported Violations • Most self-reported violations were from newly registered entities • Many self-reported violations are administrative or training-related • Violation Risk Factors have been assigned to each actively monitored NERC Standard

  20. NERC Standards Self-Reported ViolationsPrior to June 18th

  21. Risk Factors of Self-Reported Violations

  22. Categorized Violation Risk Factorsof Self-Reported Violations

  23. NERC Self-Reported ViolationsPrior to June 18th

  24. NERC Board Approvals – August 1st • Proposed NERC 2008 business plan and budget • Proposed business plans and budgets of the eight Regional Entities • A proposal from the NERC F&A Committee to suspend, for one year, NERC’s normal practice of taking account of anticipated budget surpluses from the current year in calculating the following year’s assessments • NERC Management directed to file 2008 business plans and budgets with FERC • NERC and Regional Budgets and Business Plans filed by NERC with FERC on August 24th

  25. Summary of FERC Visit • Meeting went very well with considerable dialogue in all directions • Discussed unique reporting structure to the ERCOT BOD • Explained statutory and non-statutory requirements • Texas RE was the first RE visited that performs both • Good discussion between PUCT and FERC Staff regarding jurisdictional and coordination issues • FERC has concerns over Resource Adequacy • Further discussion this fall of the April 17, 2006 event in ERCOT • FERC and Regional Entities competing for the same resources – this pool is small and shrinking

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