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From: The Great Debates to a Rail Splitter Splits the Union. The Great Debate: Lincoln vs. Douglas. The Lincoln vs. Douglas debates lasted from August to October of 1858 Lincoln was a fierce debater
The Great Debate: Lincoln vs. Douglas • The Lincoln vs. Douglas debates lasted from August to October of 1858 • Lincoln was a fierce debater • Lincoln argued if a state should vote slavery down. Who would prevail? The Court or the People? • Douglas argued for popular sovereignty or power to the people
The Great Debate continued… • Douglas publicly answered the Freeport Question: Which asked whether the court or the people decide the future of slavery in the territories, which became known as the Freeport Doctrine • Douglas eventually defeated Lincoln for the Senate but Lincoln won the moral victory • Lincoln made a name for himself while Douglas was left in shambles after his opposition to the Lecompton Constitution • Helped Lincoln’s run for presidency later on • The debates marked an early battle in the civil war
John Brown: Murderer or Martyr? • Plan: invade South, arm slaves, and establish a black free state • Seized federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry • 7 innocents killed- including 1 free black • ~ 10 injured • Slaves didn’t know about Brown’s plan didn’t revolt • Brown captured by U.S. Marines under command of Lieutenant Colonel Robert E. Lee • Convicted of murder and treason hung
John Brown Continued… • Last words: “This is a beautiful country.” • Effects: • Southerners questioned how they could remain in Union • Northerners openly deplored exploit • Abolitionists infuriated by execution- outraged that VA hung reformer working for “so righteous a cause” • Brown compared to Jesus
The Disruption of Democrats • Democrats met in Charleston, SC • Southern “fire-eaters” thought he was a traitor • Due to his unpopular stand on Lecompton Constitution and Freeport Doctrine • Delegates from most cotton-states walked out couldn’t get 2/3 vote • Became a trend • Democrats met again in Baltimore • Many cotton-state dele3gates walked out again, but Douglas was nominated • platform: popular sovereignty and against obstruction of the Fugitive Slave law by the states • Angry southern democrats organized rival convention in Baltimore • Many northern states unrepresented • John C. Breckenridge of Kentucky selected as leader • Platform: favored extension of slavery into the territories and annexation of slave-populated Cuba
Continued… • Constitutional Union party • Feared for Union • Aka “Do Nothing” or “Old Gentleman’s” party • Consisted mainly of former Whigs and Know-Nothings • Met in Baltimore nominated John Bell of Tennessee
A Rail Splitter, Splits the Rail • The Republican Party met in Chicago and nominated Abraham Lincoln as their presidential Candidate. • The Republican platform had an appeal to nearly every part of the nation. • For free-soilers, non extension of slavery • For northern manufacturers, a protective tariff • For the immigrants, no abridgment of rights • For the northwest, a pacific railroad • For the west, internal improvements at federal expense • For farmers, free homesteads from public domain • The Southerners claimed if Lincoln was elected as President, the Union would split.