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LETTER OF PRESENTATION UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC Receive a cordial greeting we want to present to you the University Foundation CEDC (I Center Educational of Community Development), we were born like an answer to the educational necessities, since in our country Colombia to have access to the education is a privilege for that most of the centers professional technique are deprived and it is impossible that these people can begin their studies of labor qualification for the educational high costs our .En Foundation they have found that dream of being able to be carried out as professional technicians without any cost, this thanks to the directive that we contribute an installment to be able to give sostenibilidad to this so beautiful project with but of 10 years of service. These people of humble extracts take advantage of this opportunity and the weekends they are enabled since it is impossible to make it in the day for that you/they have to work long days to be able to sustain their humble homes and they don't have enough what you/they win for themselves to be overcome, it is here where our University Foundation CEDC offers them this opportunity, this project is of social character without I encourage since of lucre our vocation it is of humanitarian service in the educational part.
LETTER OF PRESENTATION UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC We want to share this dream with all the Entities, Companies, ONG, Foundations or people that want to sponsor this project for these people that but they need it that they are: young, bigger, bigger adults, women home head and men, for us discrimination doesn't exist we are to the service of all those that need to be overcome to build a new country of educational development. For a bigger information please consults nuesta it paginates wed www.fundacioncedc.org, E-mail: correo@fundacioncedc.org Our offices in the city of Santiago from Cali, Colombia in the Street 11 Not 5-61 Building Valher Mezanine 101 Telephones: 8855375-motive 3166901988-3148573071 Cordially, Dr. Alexander Mosquera Rojas Director
IT POINTS OUT HISTORICAL • The proposal of option of the Educational Institutional Project of adults' non formal Education in the UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC, arises like a necessity of initiative of the educational same community. THE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC, EDUCATIONAL CENTER FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, is an entity without spirit of lucre that operates in the city of Cali. He/she has like general object to contribute to the economic, social and political development of the community, mediating to the planning, execution and development of programs in the field of the education and qualification, directed to people of economic scarce resources especially.
LOCATION • The UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC has Administrative headquarters located in the Street 11 No. 5-61 M-101, Building Valher, with ARTIFICIAL PERSONERIA No. 02669 of November 30 the 1.997, inscription in the Chamber of Commerce of Cali. Graduated ALEXANDER acts as legal representative and president of the Foundation RED MOSQUERA. As Center of Education of Adults it works according to that settled down in the art. 14 of the Ordinance 114/96, not offering programs of Education formal and informal in the facilities locativas EDUCATIONAL CENTER OUR LADY OF THE REMEDIES, located in the Career 17D No. 18-46, neighborhood Bel fortress. These programs are come developing the days Saturday from 8 to 12 pm. • Essentially the present work contains a description of the problem around which originates the necessity to implement the formal education of adults in the foundation and the information related with the physical infrastructure, endowment, is given educational means, with those which the UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC for this project, as well as, the administrative, pedagogic and financial organization, according to that settled down in the law 115/94 and in the Ordinances 114/96, 3011 Article 2 and 3, Political Constitution and other concordant norms.
I DIAGNOSE • Economically the students have to work because they depend on themselves and they even have to contribute for their families, facing any production form. Who don't work they plows generally housewives or you kill of unemployment. To minority depends on its parents. Those that plows able to work with you deprive yourself sectors present low remuneration for not being qualified or to lack of an I title academic that supports them. The work stability is not guarantee for the entirety of those that have an employment, since its patterns cancel the contract periodically to avoid the work guarantees and prestacionales. The student population's percentage is part of the informal economy of the one it gleans. • In answer to these people before the series of obstacles that you / they represent in it offers of improving their education level and their conditions of life, the UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC them this offering the service of educational orientation, by means of the development of programs of non formal education that you / they plows transformed into superación alternative, for the comfort of the schedules (the days Saturdays totally free). For the development of these programs it has been kept in mind the regulation that stops their effect the government there am / she settles down in the Ordinance 114/96. This way the foundation contributes to the development of the covering politicians and quality of the education according to they defines it the objectives of the Plan Decenal and General the Law of Education.
I DIAGNOSE • From their creation UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC is offering technical careers of formation in the work field: Computer science, Criminalística, Electricity, Auxiliary Maintenance of Computers, Electronic, of Clinic Prescribes with emphasis in Clinical Laboratory, Administration of Companies. • At the present cheats they attend the programs of qualification of the foundation approximately to number of 280 people.
INSTITUTIONAL PHILOSOPHY • With foundation in the definition of adults (I Decree 3011, art. 2; Law 115 art. 50), the Political Constitution of Colombia (art. 67), the ends of the education (Law 115 art. 5, I decree 3011 art. 3) and the politicians of action of the Foundation, the Center of Educational for the Community Development, CEDC, understood its philosophical thought in front of the educational Phenomenon under four conceptions that are: a popular education guided to the community development, like an alternative for the social transformation, social mission of the UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC and characteristic of the educator of adults by the light of the philosophy of CEDC.
A GUIDED EDUCATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT COMUNITARO The education guided to the development of the community, arises like a radical alternative to the formal systems of the education and qualification, from the perspective of the foundation must mention as general aspects the following ones: We understand for education and qualification an indissoluble relationship among the knowledge and he/she practices it. The reflection on the practice is a source of knowledge and new knowledge are an input for the improved practice. The education and qualification should commit to the resolution of specific problems that you/they affect the life studying daily and the community. The education is a social activity. The educational unit is the group. The educational topic is the social topic. The result that one waits it is the organization and the collective activity. The main objective is the invigoration of the community organization. The center of the Education and qualification is the student (young or adult) like active being in power during the evolutionary processes from the community to which belongs.
A GUIDED EDUCATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT COMUNITARO • The education is the means for the full development of this potential and I like to education it is also right natural, as such, all are in the obligation of participating: family, church, state, society and certainly the same student who should get ready for a transforming social function in the perspective of the change and of the progress. • Nevertheless, the growth and personal development is always a part of the goals of the community education. This leaves like a consequence of the participation. The personal growth is manifested through the acquisition of new knowledge and abilities, as well as for the increase in the ability of personal expression, social interaction, self-esteem and car trust. • This education form when having among its high-priority objectives the development of the community, makes the practice of the organization the main analysis object, of the reflection and of transformation with an eye toward establishing a collective leadership and a really democratic participation. And it with some truly pedagogic relationships, centered in the communication, in the horizontality that you/they promote the person's maturity in their entirety and the capacity of analyzing the reality to be involved creatively in her to transform it.
THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AS ALTERNATIVE FOR THE SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION • In the context of the Latin American countries it is found that the unequal development of the capitalism has originated structural, economic, social, political, ethnic differences of character, and discrimination. This inequality affects mainly to sectors of scarce resources, denominated excluded, located in rural areas as urban-marginal. • This situation in the international plan also rebounds in the economic, social life and politics of Colombia and he/she unites to the current circumstances that the country lives, (situation of Violence and irrespeto to the minimum human rights), palpable at local level in a problem originated by the lack of certain essential aspects for the development of the life, manifested by the housing lack, high unemployment index, of illiteracy, (which is also expressed in different ways) or low scholarships, little or any instruction technical, high unrest index and infantile mortality. These Facts glimpse the necessity to educate to people like primordial step to overcome this state of poverty and the same conformism that he/she has made career inside her.
THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AS ALTERNATIVE FOR THE SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION • The objective of this transformation is to look for the man's performance to establish relationships with the other men based on the mutual respect and the justness, to arrive at an organization level that allows them to generate processes autogestionarios in the search of the solution of its wrought necessities of a development. • The community development is defined then as he/she practices it social by means of which the human resources and materials are mobilized, as product of a grade but high of conscience, in the search of a well-being, expressed under better conditions of life, that is to say, in the satisfaction of the basic human necessities, represented in the health, education, housing, etc." • The community development you can achieve mainly by means of a process that involves change, at an attitude level and generates a bigger level of conscience and commitment in the necessity of participating so much in the planeación, execution and evaluation of actions or spread projects to achieve better levels of well-being.
THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AS ALTERNATIVE FOR THE SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION • In this process they should be kept in mind all the processes that make part of the community, their environment, their customs, beliefs, attitudes, values, knowledge; as well as it is necessary to understand that he/she is carried out the interaction inside this, to know the factors that impact in this to generate participation and decision, and like this it is expressed to benefit or to harm to the community.
CHARACTERISTIC OF THE EDUCATOR OF ADULTS ACCORDING TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC • The UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC is essentially an institution with vocation of service to the community, committed with the development and human and social growth, especially in attention of the less favored ones. These values must be the reflection of the educational practice. The educational vocation claims, consequently, something more than hours and methods, something more than holding and technical. It is impossible to crystallize our purpose without an educator that understands and assume the consequence of their work deeply in the foundation. This supposes an educator the sufficiently humble, desirous thing that to grow and to change; able to be opener of new roads that drive to the realization of their students; that sits down the mature student's reality assuming as own their necessities anguishes or illusions; creator of leadership for the transformation of their community, creative, able to dare to imagine the new things, of shaking of their routines and prejudices. This demands time, effort, he/she surrenders that alone they are possible, without the invitation to build this project, it is perceived as a call to the fullness and personal true realization. The foundation and the community yearns an educator that looks for its own coherence among words, proclaimed, practices and life. Whose personal characteristics correspond those of an authentic adults' teacher that know how to motivate their students, it maintains a pleasant atmosphere that drives to the learning,
CHARACTERISTIC OF THE EDUCATOR OF ADULTS ACCORDING TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CEDC • this centered in their students it accepts town councils of other, it imparts an information that he/she goes but there of the texts, it shows domain of their matter, you attended regularly the qualification courses, he/she is interested to be upgraded and to study the educational legislation, it maintains inside the classroom the healthy coexistence, it treats their students of similar to same, it is evaluated likewise, it imparts moral, patriotic and civic values to their students, it is accessible, he/she listens with patience to their students, it is creative and pertinent with the tasks that he/she leaves their students it uses variety of teaching methods, it produces deliberate results in the class. • The educator of adults is characterized by a great sensibility and social perception, he has spirit of collaboration with the community, it participates in curricular activities extra, he has understanding and warmth, he gets dressed according to ethical professional wing, he has good ways, he shows up likewise as an example worthy of being imitated by his students, he/she avoids to take alcoholic drinks in public, avoids intimate relationships with his students, respects the social norms, is governed by the educational regulation. • This work style presupposes a deep maturity, a coherence of life and of sense. This coherence is impossible without a permanent question so much personal as of its pedagogic practice oh of its project of life.
PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM OF NON FORMAL EDUCATION OF ADULTS • To implement pedagogic strategies of community education that strengthens the development of abilities, dexterities and knowledge related with the labor and necessary acting for the continuity of the process in the superior education. • To favor the person's integral growth and the full development of the potentialities that allow him/her to improve their conditions of life and to reach the best participation levels in the productive activities of the society. • To propitiate a constitutional atmosphere of healthy coexistence around the practice of the human values and of the principles of freedom, democracy, equality, respect, solidarity and participation inside a community context. • To foment the sense of ownership and appreciation for the values and the national culture and of the town like foundation for the personal growth of the community and of the country.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT • To propitiate the socialization and the social construction for their economic stability by means of the qualification for the work. • To promote the habit of the investigation like strategy for the cultural and scientific enrichment, and the supplier of the social work with projection to the solution of family and community problems. • To provide the students the theoretical and practical basic elements that allow them to be related in an easy and natural way, dares of the informal employment and managerial micro. • To implement articulation strategies inter-institutional with organisms micro local managerial office workers and with other social, cultural and sport organizations that benefit the development of these programs. • To contribute to the formation in the practice of the exercise of the community management as work alternative and personal realization by means of the acquisition of technical knowledge and abilities related with this production form.
Methodologic References The job training technique has a duration of four semesters and develops through five phases: • 1) Phase • CALL AND SELECTION: At this stage we select students who have the profile and vocation of the training they have selected. The fundamental requirement is that he/she most be a person of limited resources, also his family and coming from the Social stratums 0-1-2. • After its inscription a social worker keeps track students and their families, to know about their social environment and their intra-family conflicts if any, in this case workshops for socialization, because what the foundation is looking for is to form a Technical professional complete in all its aspects so that it can meet responsibilities in the context of work and society. • 2) Phase • START OF THE TRAINING TECHNIQUE WORK: In the first and second half he/she acquire basic knowledge of the technical job training selected, acquiring tools and strategies in their training work.
Methodologic References • 3) Phase • Basic knowledge: Acquired such knowledge are they are initiated workshops practices, such as for example: if it is in electricity, they will implement and develop skills in electrical circuits that they´ll produce by themselves and that will be evaluated and refined in workshops that correspond to the function. • 4) Phase • INTERNSHIPS IN COMPANIES: With the academic and practical skills, start their internships in businesses where the foundation has made an agreement for the practice, in this way the student is fit in his training to start their work as a professional technician, in this case technical Electric. • 5) Phase • BUSINESS PROJECT: In the last phase the students presented their business project according to the career selected, this is a graduation requirement .
COVERAGE POPULATION RECIPIENT. • The foundation has a coverage approximately of four counties in the city of Santiago de cali, (8-11-12-13). • BENEFICIARIES DIRECT: 2,000 people who are the members of the family group that are part of the relatives of each of the students involved in the professional training technique. • TIMETABLE OF THE TECHNICAL TRAINING WORK. • The total duration for any technique career selected is forty-eight months(48) and every six (6) months is the call for new students that start these careers of great demand in the labour market. .