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Distance learning in KazADI named after L.B. Goncharov : condition and development prospects Yekeyeva Z. – Ph.D ,the vice rector on study KazADI named after L.B. Goncharov.
Distance learning in KazADI named after L.B. Goncharov: condition and development prospectsYekeyeva Z. – Ph.D ,the vice rector on studyKazADI named after L.B. Goncharov
Development of distance learning is one of priority problems of development of an education system of Kazakhstan as a whole. The national network of satellite communication (DAMA) is created in the country. • Distance learning for Kazakhstan occupying the huge territory, has special value.
According to State program of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 years, the development of electronically supported learning (e-learning), designed to raise the availability and quality of education is considered to be a priority.
Kazakh Auto-Road Academy (KazADI) named after L.B. Goncharov –the only specialized Academy which carries out the training of specialists with higher education (Bachelor) and postgraduate (Master's) education and scientific training for the automotive industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On the basis of the academy operates Auto-Road College of Almaty which provides continious training of specialists on the system of “College-Higher Education Institution”.
The project on introduction of distance learning (DL) is begun in KAZADI since 2007. Need of introduction remote was trained caused by that in 7 cities of Kazakhstan (Astana, Kokshetau, Kostanay, Taraz, Sara-Agash, Shymkent, Aktobe) is representations of KazADI where over 5000 students were trained.
The project assumed creation of three-level structure of the organization of distance learning: • - The center of Distance Learning in Almaty • - The centers of Distance Learning in representations; • - a free access to a portal among the Internet.
To create this system KazADI formed a human, technical, and methodological support. • The realization project DL in KazADI is based on models of network training and a case technologies.
е - high school е – identification Virtual laboratories е – document circulation е – business processes е - library е -learning
Since 2003 Institute operates using the credit technology of education, and develops distance learning technologies (DLT); already implemented case-study method for students of all forms of education fully provides them with all the necessary academic and academic-methodological materials on electronic media; Center of Innovation Technologies (CIT) created for organizing learning processes using the Internet.
Also KazADI has electronic libarary. On www.kazadi.kz website students can find all necessary academic, methodological, and informational materials for the particular speciality. • More than 400 electronic educational complexes were developed by teachers. Realization of a laboratory practical work is the most difficult question at creation of electronic educational complexes.
In June 2010, KazADI and the Association of Universities of Ghent “HOWEST” (Belgium) signed a Memorandum about Cooperation, in the frames of which for the first time in Kazakhstan created and operates an interactive laboratory for study of the hydraulic systems of transport vehicles, using expensive equipment from Belgium
On October 13, 2010 during his official visit to Kazakhstan, Philippe Prince of Belgium, His Royal Highness, the Duke of Brabant made a launch of this interactive lab.
The technology of distance learning of KazADI uses an educational portal which provides performance of all main functions network and a case technologies. • The PLATONUS-Automated Information System for high school system is taken as a basis an educational portal. The portal represents a uniform information channel with a straight line and feedback for realization of educational activity of academy.
The portal contains a set of all necessary tools for the organization and management of educational process. Students, teachers and experts KazADI across all Kazakhstan can organize virtual communities for the solution of specialized problems of training, for example, for creation of an electronic course or the textbook, for carrying out scientific or student's a body, video, audio of conference, for carrying out scientific researches in a mode of interactive communication.
Prospects of development of distance learning in KazADI: • Expansion of Bank of electronic training materials; • Introduction of the DL interactive technologies: videoconferences, virtual forums; • Remote professional development of teachers.
Creation of a complex information control system by academy for increase of a level of quality of education on the basis of modern information and communication technologies is one of tasks of the strategic program of development of KazADI.