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Oxyanions. Monatomic Ion. An ion formed from only one element. Polyatomic Ion. An ion made up of two or more atoms bonded together that acts as a single unit with a net charge. Oxyanion. A polyatomic ion composed of an element, usually a nonmetal, bonded to one or more oxygen atoms.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Oxyanions

  2. Monatomic Ion An ion formed from only one element

  3. Polyatomic Ion An ion made up of two or more atoms bonded together that acts as a single unit with a net charge.

  4. Oxyanion A polyatomic ion composed of an element, usually a nonmetal, bonded to one or more oxygen atoms.

  5. NO3-1 Nitrate IonSO4-2 Sulfate IonClO3-1 Chlorate IonBO3-3 Borate IonSiO4-4 Silicate IonPO4-3 Phosphate Ion

  6. IO3-1 IodateBrO3-1 BromateMnO3-1 ManaganateCrO4-2 ChromateAsO4-3 Arsenate

  7. Naming of Oxyanion • Then end with –ate instead of –ide • If ion has less oxygen atoms then end with –ite instead of –ide • If ion has more oxygen atoms then add prefix per-

  8. Example of Naming • NO3- = Nitrate • NO2- = Nitrite • NO4- = Pernitrate

  9. -ate The suffix used when naming an Oxyanion. It contains the most common number of oxygen atoms. Ex: Nitrate (NO3-1)

  10. -ite The suffix used when naming an oxyanion with one less oxygen atom than the norm. Ex: Nitrite (NO2-1)

  11. Per- The prefix used when naming an oxyanion with one more oxygen atom than the norm Ex: Pernitrate (NO4-1)

  12. Hypo- The prefix used when naming an oxyanion with one less oxygen than the –ite. Ex: Hyponitrite (NO-1)

  13. -ic Suffix used for acids that were derived from the –ate form of the ion. Ex: Nitric Acid (HNO3)

  14. -ous Suffix used for acids that were derived from the –ite form of the ion. Ex: Nitrous Acid (HNO2)

  15. Hydro-, -ic Prefix and suffix used for acids that were derived from ion with no oxygen. Ex: Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)

  16. For compounds with three types of elements, sometimes you can place the name of the first element and name the ones left using the same method.Ex: NaNO3 Sodium Nitrate

  17. If parentheses are present then name as before, just remember that everything in the parentheses go together.Ex:Ca(NO3)2Calcium Nitrate

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