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Hoyoung Huh, M.D., Ph.D.

Introduction (a.k.a., Me, Myself, and I). Hoyoung Huh, M.D., Ph.D. President and Chief Executive Officer, BiPar SciencesGrew up in New YorkAB, Biochemistry, Dartmouth College, NHMD/PhD, Cell Biology and Genetics, Cornell University/Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPartner at McKinsey and Company

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Hoyoung Huh, M.D., Ph.D.

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Hoyoung Huh, M.D., Ph.D. President & CEO, BiPar Sciences

    2. Introduction (a.k.a., Me, Myself, and I) Hoyoung Huh, M.D., Ph.D. President and Chief Executive Officer, BiPar Sciences Grew up in New York AB, Biochemistry, Dartmouth College, NH MD/PhD, Cell Biology and Genetics, Cornell University/Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Partner at McKinsey and Company Chief Operating Officer at Nektar Therapeutics Speaker on innovation, M&A, product development Board member of Nektar Therapeutics, BiPar Sciences, BayBio Currently focused on developing drugs to treat cancer Bay Area for 10 years, 2 boys in little league, sports fan “On paper, this is what I look like”.“On paper, this is what I look like”.

    3. It’s Student Interrogation Time! Which schools will you be attending? What do you plan to study? “What do you want to be when you grow up”?! Ask what schools folks are going to. Some thoughts on what they’re going to major in. “What did I want to be when I grew up? A ____________________(explain). Why did I want to get into the medical field?(List out your reason, end with )“Plus I wanted to meet famous people, rich folks, and celebrities”. (Comment is a wrap up to last slide photo.) Ask what schools folks are going to. Some thoughts on what they’re going to major in. “What did I want to be when I grew up? A ____________________(explain). Why did I want to get into the medical field?(List out your reason, end with )“Plus I wanted to meet famous people, rich folks, and celebrities”. (Comment is a wrap up to last slide photo.)

    4. Biotechnology 101 Merriam-Webster: Biotechnology biotechnology Main Entry: bio·tech·nol·o·gy Pronunciation: \bi-o-tek-nä-l?-je\ Function: noun Date: 1941 1: the manipulation (as through genetic engineering) of living organisms or their components to produce useful usually commercial products (as pest resistant crops, new bacterial strains, or novel pharmaceuticals); also : any of various applications of biological science used in such manipulation “Merriam-Webster’s definition of Biotechnology is…”. Give your experiences of the biotech industry. Name some big name companies and what they do and where are they. Close this slide off with why Biotech is a great industry to be in.“Merriam-Webster’s definition of Biotechnology is…”. Give your experiences of the biotech industry. Name some big name companies and what they do and where are they. Close this slide off with why Biotech is a great industry to be in.

    5. What does a biotechnology executive do?

    6. What does BiPar do?! BiPar Sciences, Inc. Works on novel compounds that originated at UCSF in area of DNA repair inhibition to help treat solid tumors- such as breast, ovarian and brain cancers DNA repair inhibitors kills cancer cells that have become resistant to chemotherapy that works at cell cycle replication check points We are in Phase II clinical trials at major cancer centers in the US at moment including MD Anderson and Sloan Kettering “Currently, at BiPar Sciences…”“Currently, at BiPar Sciences…”

    7. Top 10 Reasons: TO GO TO COLLEGE 10. Toga Parties 9. “Drugs are bad, mmmkay”? 8. Hot lab partners 7. Hot teachers 6. What’s your major…this time? 5. Dating (without chaperones) 4. Importance of contraception! 3. Spring break 2. Roommates and how to deal with em’?! (DRUM ROLL, PA-LEEZ) 1. Mononucleosis The photo attached is a the famous South Park guidance counselor, Mr. Mackey. His famous line is “dugs are bad, mmmkay”.The photo attached is a the famous South Park guidance counselor, Mr. Mackey. His famous line is “dugs are bad, mmmkay”.

    8. Good Luck, Chuck [Insert violin music here] Give a sentimental, motivational speech.Give a sentimental, motivational speech.

    9. Questions & [Maybe] Answers

    10. Get outta here and go meet some celebrities!

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