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Explore the causes, symptoms, and risk factors of Torticollis, also known as Wryneck or Cervical Dystonia. Learn about the different types, treatments, and risk factors associated with this condition. Find out how it can affect both adults and children and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment to prevent permanent damage.
Torticollis (wryneck) Torticollis(alsocalled“Wryneck”or“CervicalDystonia”)isoneof a broader category of disorders that exhibit flexion, exten-sion, or twisting of muscles of the neck beyond their normal position. In torticollis, the neck tends to twist to one side, causing head tilt. The condition can either develop slowly if you have a family history of the disorder, or acutely from trauma, or as an adverse reaction to medications. When the disorder occurs in people with a family history, it is referred to as spasmodic torticollis. The characteristic twisting of the neck is initially spasmodic and begins between 31-50 years of age. If you leave the condition untreated, it likely will become permanent. Bending or twisting your neck too far can lead to acute torticol-lis. This condition appears with few symptoms, although often you will appear uncomfortable and will hold your head straight or rotated to one side. It will hurt to move your head to the opposite side. Your neck muscles on the side that hurts often are tender to the touch. The doctor will check your nerve and motor function to rule out spinal cord injury.е
CausesandRiskfactors • Inadults, acutetorticolliscanbecausedbymanydifferentconditions. Occasionally, noconditionisfoundas a cause. • Traumatotheneckorspinecanleadtotorticollis. Injuriestothecervicalspineorneckmusclesoftenresultinspasmofthemuscles, leadingtothetwistingofthehead, characteristicoftorticollis. • Othercausesincludeinfectionoftheheadorneck. Theseinfectionscancauseaninflammatorytorticollissecondarytoinflamedglandsandlymphnodesintheneck. Themusclesoverlyingtheselymphnodescontract. Torticollismaybeassociatedwithabscessesofthethroatandupperairway, andthosesituationscanbelife-threatening. Otherinfectionsofthesinuses, ears, mastoids, jaw, teeth, orscalpcanleadtotorticollis. • Rarely, tumors, scartissue, arthritisofthecervicalspine, orvascularabnormalitiesmayalsocausetorticollis. • Certaindrugsofabusesuchasketamine, amphetamines, andcocaineaswellascommonlyprescribedneurolepticdrugssuchasprochlorperazine (Compazine),haloperidol (Haldol), andchlorpromazine (Thorazine) cancauseacutedystonia (a lackofnormalmusclecontrol). Thisis a conditionthatinvolvesthesuddenonsetofinvoluntarycontractionsofthemusclesoftheface, neck, orback. • Inadditiontobendingoftheheadtooneside (acutetorticollis), youmayexperiencedeviationoftheeyes (oculogyriccrisis) andprotrusionofthetongue (buccolingualcrisis). Inadditiontothecausesabove, children, infants, andnewbornsmayalsoacquiretorticollisfromcongenitalcausesortraumaduetochildbirth. Congenitalmusculartorticollisisthemostcommoncauseoftorticollisininfants. • Riskfactorsfortorticollisinclude: • AGE.Whilethedisordercanoccurinpeopleofanyage, evenchildren, itmostcommonlybeginsbetweentheagesof 40 and 70. • SEX.Womenaremorelikelytodeveloptorticollisthanaremen. • FAMILYHISTORY.If a closefamilymemberhastorticollisorsomeothertypeofdystonia, youareathigherriskofdevelop-ingthedisorder. • Riskfactorsfortorticollisalsoincludecongenitalabnormalitiesofthecervicalspine, takingdrugsthatpredisposetomuscularspasm, andtrauma.
Symptoms Because spasmodic torticollis is an abnormal contraction of the muscle in one side of the neck, people will appear with their head turned to one side. Neck muscles and those between the neck and shoulder will be tense and tender. People with acute torticollis will be unwilling to turn their head to one side or may have their head turned slightly away from the side of discomfort. Other symptoms may include shoulder pain, back pain, headache, neck cramps, muscle tightness, or burning sensations
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