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Experiences with WSUS/SUS as Patch Deployment Solution for Windows at DESY. Reinhard Baltrusch, Melvin Alfaro DESY IT. Situation. Over 2500 Windows clients in the domain to manage. Discovered security holes requires more and more a quicker patch deployment mechanism.
Experiences with WSUS/SUS as Patch Deployment Solution for Windows at DESY Reinhard Baltrusch, Melvin Alfaro DESY IT HEPiX Fall Meeting, SLAC 12.10.2005
Situation • Over 2500 Windows clients in the domain to manage. • Discovered security holes requires more and more a quicker patch deployment mechanism. • In former times group administrators install service packs and security fixes on PCs of their group. Today it is absolute necessary and more efficient to centralize these task. • SUS (Software Update Service) was for us the first suitable and free Microsoft solution to deploy security fixes, but some functionality is missing. • Main problem was and still is, to control the success of security fix deployment on every machine. Solutions in old manner are several scripts used for checking status of patch installation. The development of programs like the “Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer” was a great step in the right direction. • WSUS 2.0 (Windows Server Update Service) as successor of SUS is the more sophisticated solution and stands after IT internal tests in front of its DESY wide usage. • XP Service Pack 2 is distributable over WSUS, but the rollout starts before WSUS was available. • Server systems are managed over HFNetCheckPro.
The idea of updating clients with WSUS/SUS Windows Update WSUS/SUS Internet Microsoft Update Firewall Database AutomaticUpdate Clients Services : Automatic Update Background Intelligent Transfer Service
Software Update Service (SUS) • Working on a Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6.0 (HP Blade 20p). • Supports most of the clients in the domain, has approved updates only for Windows XP and Windows 2003 in english, but not for Windows 2000. • No integrated function to control success of deployment (only log files). • Clients are configured over group policy (“Automatically download updates and install them on the schedule specified below”). • Laptop presentation problem (every day at 11:00 AM). • Users without local admin rights unable to hold up reboot after update installation.
WSUS (Windows Server Update Service) • Next generation deployment service with advanced features, builds on the features of SUS. • Windows 2003 Server with IIS6 (HP Blade 20p). • Better client side options per group policy (e.g.“Allow non-administrators to receive update notifications”). • Update client (wuauclt) with command line options (e.g. force update detection with : “wuauclt /detectnow”). • Options to define groups of computers for testing, reporting and other purposes (“Targeting”). • Problems with updates of administrative Office installations (over NetInstall), so at the moment no approval for installation of Office updates, only detection of needed updates. • No approval for installation of “Service Packs”.
New functions and advantages of WSUS • More updates for Microsoft products . • Ability to automatically download updates from Microsoft Update by product and type. • Additional language support for customers worldwide (18 different languages). • Maximized bandwidth efficiency through Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) 2.0. (BITS 2.0 is not installed by WSUS, but is available on Windows Update). • Ability to target updates to specific computers and computer groups. • Ability to verify that updates are suitable for each computer before installation (this feature runs automatically for critical and security updates). • Flexible deployment options. • Reporting capabilities. • Flexible database options. • Data migration and import/export capabilities. • Extensibility through the application programming interface (API). • Better options for client configuration.
Overview of update classes from Microsoft Connectors Software Critical Updates * # Development Kits Drivers * Feature Packs * Guidance Security Updates * # Service Packs * Tools * Updates (non-critical, non-security) * Update Rollups * * class can be distributed over WSUS # class is automatically approved for detection
Supported products for update over WSUS • Windows XP • Windows XP 64-bit edition • Windows Server 2003 (all editions, 64-bit) • Windows 2000 (all edtions) • Office 2002/XP applications (incl. Project, Visio etc.) • Office 2003 applications (incl. Project, Visio etc.) • SQL server • Exchange Server 2003 • All products in different languages
WSUS Admin - Update Approval Approvalactions :
Targeting of clients in different groups Group A Group A Group B Group C … All Computers Unassigned Computers WSUS Group B Group C Database
WSUS chains WSUS (upstream server) WSUS (downstream server) Internet Microsoft Update Database Database (MS tested max. 5 server/ recommended max. 3 server)
Update of clients without direct Internet connection WSUS (upstream server) WSUS (downstream server) Internet CD / DVD Microsoft Update Database Database
The database of WSUS • Contains WSUS server configuration information. • „Metadata“ for every update (information about update, among others EULA). • Information about client, about updates and update state of client computers. • Every WSUS Server has it’s own database. • With W2K3 WMSDE will be recommended (free and without spacelimit). • Interaction with database (MSDE or WMSDE) only over WSUS engine.
Storage of updates on the WSUS server • During synchronisation only the metadata of updates and one hash value for the updates are downloaded from the Microsoft Update server. • Not until after the approval for installation the update files will be saved locally on the WSUS server (under WSUS Content). • The size of the necessary storage capacity varied intensely depending on the quantity of approved updates (min. 6 GB, recommended 30 GB).
Impact for the network through WSUS • Not until after the approval action „Install“ the necessary files for an update were downloaded from the MU server to the WSUS server. • The approval action „Detect only“ allows to determin first if and for how many computers an update is needed. • Through the usage of „Express installation files“ the Intranet can be relieved. ~300MB ~30MB Express enabled ~100MB ~100MB Express disabled MU CLIENT WSUS
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS 2.0) • Windows Service which allows the asynchronous download of files over http. • Organizes transfer jobs through a system of queues with different priorities and a time window for every priority. • Works inbetween foreground jobs with full bandwidth and background jobs with unused bandwidth. • Reacts tolerant on interruption of synchronization. • BITS never initialize a network connection by itself. • Is „not“ distributable over WSUS, but is part of XP SP2. • API can be used for/with other applications. • XP supporttool „bitsadmin“ allows to use the service over a command line for other purposes.
Problems / To do / Outlook • How to handle PCs where nobody log on locally (“somewhere in the tunnel”) ? • How to handle Laptops which seldom connected to DESY network ? • How to handle “DESY-Home”-PCs which only connected from time to time over VPN ? • How to handle Windows computers which are not in the domain ? (local computer policy/registry) • Look for solution for the problem with administrative Office installations. • Test service pack installations. • Find a good targeting structure. • Looking forward whether other products become available to get updates over WSUS. • No look on advanced solutions like SMS 2003 in the near future.
References/Links • http://www.microsoft.com/wsus • http://www.wsuswiki.com/