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Alpine has been preparing students for management and leadership positions in the service economy for the past 27 years. For more details visit: http://www.swissalpinecenter.com/
Events & Conventions Management Events Management Course or studies is an industry-driven programme with a specialized Advisory Board representing all segments of the local and international events and conventions industry overseeing the curriculum of the course and inviting international and local experts as guest speakers to supplement and enrich the events course.
Swiss Diploma in Events & Conventions Management • Level: Diploma • Qualification: Diploma In Events Management • Campus: Greece, Russia • Duration: 2 Years • This two-year programme aims to equip individuals with the knowledge, understanding and skills required for success in employment in the Events and Conventions industry at supervisory or management level, or for progression to an undergraduate level degree programme. Individuals will acquire and develop skills that are transferable (Common skills) and will enable them to meet changing circumstances that they will encounter in their employment and the hospitality environment in general. The programme consists of two academic semesters (October to April) and two paid industry placements (May to September).
BA(Hons) International Events & Conventions Management • Level: Bachelors • Qualification: BA (Hons/Ord) • Campus: Greece • Duration: 3 Years Or 1 Top Up • Building on the successful 2-year Swiss Diploma Course in Events & Conventions Management launched by Alpine Center has designed a third and final year leading to the award of the BA(Hons) Events & Conventions Management. • The aims of this top-up degree course are to provide students with an in-depth understanding of events and conventions management issues and practices, and to develop the specialist knowledge and skills required in order for students to become successful managers in the international events and conventions industry.
Events Management Specialisation Diploma [Distance Learning] • Level: SpecialisationDiploma • Qualification: Specialisation Diploma In Events Management • Campus: Switzerland, Online Campus • Duration: Part Time • Aimed at those planning to work in, or are already working in the events industry, this Distance Learning course provides students with an in-depth understanding of strategies and requirements for the creation and design of all types of events including meetings, conferences, conventions and special events. Students will learn principles of researching, planning, managing and delivering events as well as budgeting, venue selection, marketing and selling strategies. Students aspiring to assume management positions in the events and conventions industry will also acquire the skills and competencies needed to effectively manage the event workforce.
CONTACT US Head Offices Chilcherlistr.1, 6065 AlpnachDorf, Switzerland Tel. (+41) 41 6710303 admissions@swissalpinecenter.com Website: http://www.swissalpinecenter.com/ Greece Tel. (+30) 6945 595 976 India Tel. (+91) 8322 754 440. Kenya Tel. (+254) 0719 050 552 Eastern Europe: ndrozdovska@swissalpinecenter.com