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OAW – LEKTIONSGANG 2. PRACTICALITIES. Mailinglist Photos Exercise teams for the afternoon session. E-METRICS. Traditional measurement – hits, page views, visits og user sessions Different software, different numbers FDIM-definitions in Denmark The NetGenesis report
PRACTICALITIES • Mailinglist • Photos • Exercise teams for the afternoon session
E-METRICS • Traditional measurement – hits, page views, visits og user sessions • Different software, different numbers • FDIM-definitions in Denmark • The NetGenesis report • Not a fixed science, but a great guide-line for practial work in a company and on a website
USERS VISITS PAGE VIEWS HITS GENERAL TERMS • A customer (person) uses your Web site. He or she becomes a unique user. • Each time this user explores your site, you receive a visit from that user. Thus, a user may have many unique visits to your site over time. • Each visit by a user is composed of a series of pages that he or she reviews. Thus each visit is composed of a time-ordered series of page views, otherwise known as a clickstream or click path. Note that - more frequently than many sites would like to admit - a visit can involve only a single page view. • Each page on your site contains many constituent objects such as body text, images, and video files. Each of these results in a hit to your Web site, so each page view comprises many hits.
USERS VISITS PAGE VIEWS HITS DEFINITIONER FRA FDIM.dk • Besøg (User sessions). Et Besøg er defineret som en eller flere sidevisninger. Hvis brugeren er inaktiv i mere end 30 minutter afsluttes besøget. Når brugeren igen bliver aktiv på websitet, tælles dette som et nyt besøg. En Unik Besøgende kan have flere Besøg på samme website. • Sidevisninger (Page Impressions): En sidevisning tælles når alle en sides enkelte dele er blevet vist. Dette tal blev også opgjort tidligere, men er nu ensartet målt uanset forskelle i tekniske sidekonstruktioner og tallet opgøres mere nøjagtigt. • Besøgende (Unique Visitors): Besøgende er antallet af unikke enheder som genererer de besøg som nævnes ovenfor. Een unik besøgende er identisk med een unik brugerprofil, dvs. en unik sammensætning af hardware, software og systemkonfiguration. Én unik besøgende er altså ikke nødvendigvis lig én person.
MIDTVEJSQUIZ :-) • 7 statements • En person kan generere mere end ét besøg (user session) • Et hit svarer til ca 10 linier i webserver-logfilen • På de fleste websites genererer hver besøgende (unique visitor) i gennemsnit 3 sidevisninger • Jubii.dk har over 100.000 sidevisninger i timen • Én fysisk person kan godt være 5 unikke besøgende • Der vil altid være flere user sessions end users • Antallet af Page views kan give en indikation af hvor mange bannere et givent website har fremvist
ATTENTION INTEREST DESIRE ACTION AIDA-MODELLEN • Standard-opfattelse af en kunde-proces ved køb, oprettelse, registrering eller lignende
REACH • Percentage of total potential market • 500.000 unique visitors (potential buyers) in a market of 5 million potential customers gives a reach of 10% • Total site reach • An ad is shown to 20% of the users of a portal website • Exposure/clickthru
2. kvartal 2000 + 3. kvartal 2000 4. kvartal 2000 + 1. kvartal 2001 2. kvartal 2001 + 3. kvartal 2001 LANDSDÆKKENDE HVERDAGSAVISER I DANMARK B.T. 548.000 504.000 527.000 Berlingske Tidende 514.000 495.000 481.000 Dagbladet Børsen 222.000 220.000 227.000 Ekstra Bladet 518.000 491.000 477.000 ErhvervsBladet 191.000 192.000 174.000 Information 109.000 101.000 95.000 Jyllands-Posten 741.000 762.000 720.000 Kristeligt Dagblad 64.000 74.000 77.000 Licitationen 24.000 28.000 20.000 Politiken 541.000 536.000 532.000 Gefion 767.000 763.000 756.000 Metropol 1.372.000 1.315.000 1.282.000 REACH De nye læsertal fra Index Danmark/Gallup 2. kvartal 2001 + 3. kvartal 2001
REACH Seertal uge 06 (4. - 10. feb 2002). Gallup TV-Meter.
REACH FDIM indexet, uge 06. Foreningen af danske internetmedier – fdim.dk.
ACQUISITION • An overt action • Sign up for more information • Taking a survey • Filling out a form in order to download data • Bring prospects onto your site • Acquisition rate …
CONVERSION • Traditionally: a sale • The prospect has been converted into a customer • Online: a myriad of meanings • Depending on different goals for different websites • One site: after signing up, Another site: after making a purchase • Tower records: search with related items doubled the conv. Rate • Conversion rate …
RETENTION • The easiest customer to get is the one you already have • A customer buying a new product after two weeks is being retained –but what if it is after 8 months. • Depending on products retention is measured in different timeframes. • Retention rate …
LOYALTY • Repeat visitors • dictionary.com: The act of binding yourself – intellectually or emotionally – to a course of action. • Strong brand -> strong loyalty • Users are willing to promote your site to friends and family • Users are willing to try new things and read your messages • Users know their way around your website • Different value for a portal than for an eCommerce site • Loyalty rate …
ABANDONMENT • Relatively unknown in the offline world • Any multi-step process may suffer abandonment • At an eCommerce site • The ratio of abandoned carts to completed purchases per day • The number of items per abandoned cart vs purchased carts • The profile of items abandoned versus purchased • The profile of a shopper versus a buyer • Abandonment rate …
ATTRITION • Percentage of existing converted customers who have ceased buying from you and have gone elsewhere during a specific period of time • Example: unsubscription to email services • Attrition rate …
CHURN • Closely related to attrition • The number of customers who attrite during the given time periode divided by the total number of customers at the end of the period. • Churn rate …
BEST CUSTOMER METRICS • Recency • Strong indicator of future behavior. The Amazon example. • Frequency • Monetary value • Duration • Short can be good (users find what they are looking for) • Long can be good (users spend time browsing your site) • Yield • ROI
PROMOTION CALCULATIONS • Acquisition cost • Advertising cost divided by number of click-thrus. • Conversion cost • Advertising cost divided by number of sales • Net Yield • Total promotion cost divided by total promotion result • Connect rate • Promotional Page Views divided by promotion Click-Thrus
CONCLUSIONS • The move to a customer-centered economy is well underway • The value of knowing customers as discrete individuals is tremendous • The opportunity to analyse more than just customer information is ripe for exploitation • Even the cutting edge e-bussinesses are not there yet • E-Metrics are critical to long-term success