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This presentation provides an overview of the computing environment for the RHIC and ATLAS experiments at BNL, focusing on the ATLAS experiment. It covers the basics of Monte Carlo simulation in STAR, managing large-scale simulation workflow in ATLAS, and the features of the PanDA system.
BNL Computing Environment EIC Detector R&D Simulation Workshop October 8-9th, 2012 Maxim Potekhin Yuri Fisyak potekhin@bnl.gov fisyak@bnl.gov
Disclaimer BNL is a large and diverse organization. In this presentation, we will only consider the computing environment of some of its larger communities of users, namely experiments at RHIC and ATLAS at the LHC. The focus will be on ATLAS, with a brief overview of STAR. And it’s a vast topic – we’ll only be able to cover the basics. The physics at LHC and RHIC is beyond the scope of this talk, we’ll only discuss computing.
Overview Goals of this presentation: • To overview the RHIC and ATLAS Computing Facility at BNL – a modern, state of the art platform supporting thousands of users working for a few major experiments • To touch upon basic building blocks of Monte Carlo simulation in STAR • To review experience in managing large-scale simulation workflow in ATLAS • To present specific features of the PanDA system, the basis of the computing model of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, and its future potential Acknowledgements: • A number of people contributed to this presentation. • Special thanks to V.Fine, A.Klimentov and M.Ernst of Brookhaven National Lab, and A.Vaniachine of Argonne National Lab for their contributions.
RHIC and ATLAS Computing Facility at BNL(credits: M.Ernst) History: • RACF was Formed in the mid-1990’s to provide centralized computing resources for the four RHIC experiments (BRAHMS, PHOBOS, STAR, PHENIX) • Role was expanded in the late 1990’s to act as the US Tier-1 computing center for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC (i.e. the flagship of the US computing resources supporting ATLAS) • Currently, staffed by 35 FTEs providing a full range of scientific computing services for more than 4000 users • In addition: • Small but growing utilization by astrophysics groups • Occasional opportunistic utilization of resources by life sciences and neutrino physics research groups • Important R&D platform for Grid Technology and Cloud Computing, VM cluster technology etc
RACF: scale of RHICH and ATLAS computing facilities (credits: M.Ernst) RHIC: • 1200 Compute Servers (130 kHS06, 16k job slots) • 7 PB of Distributed Storage on Compute Nodes, up to 16 GB/s between compute servers and distributed storage servers • 4 Robotic Tape Libraries w/ 40 tape drives and 38k cartridge slots, 20 PB of active data ATLAS: • 1150 Compute Servers (115 kHS06, 12k job slots) • 90 Storage Servers driving 8500 disk drives (10 PB), up to 18 GB/s observed in production between compute and storage farm • 3 Robotic Tape Libraries w/ 30 tape drives and 26k cartridge slots, 7 PB of active data
RACF: the infrastructure (credits: M.Ernst) Magnetic Tape Archive: • Data inventory of currently 27 PB managed by High Performance Storage System (HPSS), archive layer below dCache or xrootd • Up to 4GB/s tape/HPSS dCache/xrootd throughput Network: • LAN – 13 enterprise switches w/ 5800 active ports (750 10GE ports), 160 Gbps inter-switch Bandwidth • WAN – 60 Gbps in production (20 Gbps to CERN and other ATLAS T1s) + 20 Gbps for ATLAS T1/T2 traffic and up to 20 Gbps serving domestic and international data transfer needs
RACF and Open Science Grid (credits: M.Ernst) The Open Science Grid Consortium • http://www.opensciencegrid.org • The Open Science Grid (OSG) advances science through open distributed computing. The OSG is a multi-disciplinary partnership to federate local, regional, community and national cyber infrastructures to meet the needs of research and academic communities at all scales. • The OSG provides provide common service and support for resource providers and scientific institutions using a distributed fabric of high throughput computational services. The OSG does not own resources but provides software and services to users and resource providers alike to enable the opportunistic usage and sharing of resources. The OSG is jointly funded by the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. • RACF Staff is heavily engaged in the OSG • Major contributor to Technology Investigation area and the architectural development of OSG’s Fabric of Services • Member of the Management Team and represents BNL on the OSG Council • ATLAS Tier-1 center fully integrated with OSG • Provides opportunistic cycles to other OSG VOs
ATLAS: scale and complexity of workload Main job types in ATLAS, ordered by resource consumption • Monte Carlo production • User Analysis • Group Production • Validation • Data processing and re-processing • Testing What’s the scale of the workload? • ATLAS generates and processes ~106 jobs per day • ~105 jobs running at any given time • Monte Carlo: 5×109 events in 2011 alone How to manage complexity? • Given the sheer number of jobs processed in ATLAS , individual job definition is out of question, in particular due to the fact that the large number of parameters makes it error-prone • Instead, the main unit of computation is a TASK, i.e. a set of jobs with similar parameters • Tasks are created and managed by a purpose-built ATLAS Task Request application, which encapsulates the expert knowledge of the great variety and number of job parameters and makes this complexity manageable for the end user, the physicist
ATLAS: note on tasks and task requests The original concept of tasks was based on the assumptions • Small to moderate number of tasks in the system • Large number of jobs included in the task But as ATLAS workflow matured, the situation has changed • Larger tasks split into smaller ones to facilitate the optimize the throughput, i.e. be able to start using a subset of the final sample before all of it becomes 100% available • Less jobs per task • Important implication for the ATLAS production system evolution
PanDA: Production and Distributed Analysis System History The PanDA system has been developed by US ATLAS (BNL and UTA) since 2005 to meet ATLAS requirements for a data-driven workload management system for production and distributed analysis processing capable of operating at LHC data processing scale. ATLAS processing and analysis places challenging requirements on throughput, scalability, robustness, efficient resource utilization, minimal operations manpower, and tight integration of data management with processing workflow. In October 2007 PanDA was adopted by the ATLAS Collaboration as the sole system for distributed processing production across the Collaboration. Pilot Job Framework Use of pilot jobs for acquisition of processing resources: payload jobs are assigned to successfully activated and validated “pilots” based on PanDA-managed brokerage criteria. This “late binding” of payload jobs to processing slots prevents latencies and failure modes in slot acquisition from impacting the jobs, and maximizes the flexibility of job allocation to resources based on the dynamic status of processing facilities and job priorities. Payloads are defined as scripts (termed “transformations”) which the pilot job obtains from a URL specified by the PanDA server, in the course of communication between the two. The pilot is also a principal 'insulation layer' for PanDA, encapsulating the complex heterogeneous environments and interfaces of the grids and facilities on which PanDA operates.
Lifecycle of the PanDA Pilot (simplified) Grid Site Pilot Factory Web Server Hosting transformations Worker Node PanDA DB Pilot Job: • validate environment • obtain location of “transformation” • download and execute the payload • send heartbeats to the Server • clean up PanDA Server
Highlights of PanDA principal design features • Support for both managed production and individual users (analysis) so as to benefit from a common WMS infrastructure and to allow analysis to leverage production operations support, thereby minimizing overall operations workload. • A coherent, homogeneous processing system layered over diverse and heterogeneous processing resources, which may simultaneously include local resources such as a farm located at the site, and any number of Grid Sites distributed worldwide. This helps insulate production operators and analysis users from the complexity of the underlying processing infrastructure. It also maximizes the amount of PanDA systems code that is independent of the underlying middleware and facilities actually used for processing in any given environment. • Extensive direct use of Condor (particularly Condor-G), as a pilot job submission infrastructure of proven capability and reliability. This functionality is currently contained in the recently developed “AutoPyFactory”. • Coherent and comprehensible system view afforded to users, and to PanDA's own job brokerage system, through a system-wide job database that records comprehensive static and dynamic information on all jobs in the system. To users and to PanDA itself, the job database appears essentially as a single attribute-rich queue feeding a worldwide processing resource.
PanDA in a nutshell • The users never have to deal with specific details of highly heterogeneous computing sites, their batch systems and storage facilities. They don’t have to know anything about the sites’ gatekeepers or other information that would normally be necessary to submit a job in the Grid environment • Despite the description of the pilot job framework used in PanDA, as presented in these slides, its users don’t have to know much or anything about pilots • Grid sites become an abstraction know by their mnemonic names, such UTA_SWT2, and are often thought of as queues for job execution • Stage-in and stage-out of ATLAS data is fully automatic and handled by the Dynamic Data Management System, description of which is well outside the scope of this presentation • Due to intelligence built into the brokerage mechanism in the PanDA server, jobs utilizing a particular dataset are guided to sites that already have these data • Jobs are fed into PanDA either by individual users, via a suite of command line utilities, or by an automated process (a robot) which processes tasks created by the Task Request system and stored in the database. • At any given point in time, the users have access to comprehensive information regarding their task, job and data status, aggregated data characterizing operation of sites and clouds, and individual details of the pilot and payload job execution. All of this is delivered to the user via the PanDA Monitor – see the following next slides. • One way to look at PanDA is this: it effectively creates a virtual supercomputer with ~1.4×105 cores, which is on par with 25 largest machines in the top-500 list
PanDA Monitoring System: a few screenshots A view of clouds and queues
PanDA Monitoring System: a few screenshots * Numbers above represent MC production only
PanDA Monitoring System: a few screenshots * PanDA statistics for managed production tasks, excluding chaotic user analysis jobs
PanDA Monitoring System • PanDA Monitoring System is its distinguishing and powerful feature • It intuitively models relationships between queues, pilots and jobs, as well as I/O datasets, in the its Web interface • Provides central access point to the job’s stdout, stderr and pilot submission log, via the Web interface – extremely useful for troubleshooting • Provides plethora of other information: • Status of Pilot Factories • Statistics on site usage and activity • Software releases • etc • Has dataset browser functionality • Links to Dynamic Data Management Operations and Atlas Dashboard • Provides helpful links to documentation, help and problem reporting • Current Monitor technology platform and status: • Written in Python • cx_Oracle is used for database connectivity • Web service based on Apache server instrumented with mod_python/mod_wsgi • The existing Panda monitoring system represents a significant investment of manpower and expertise. Its evolution was guided by user requirements, and that is reflected in the feature set. • Current Development: • The Monitor is being upgraded with better and reorganized code base, which takes advantage of JSON/AJAX technology
A few tools and platforms used in ATLAS and PanDA • Monte Carlo simulation • While Geant3 saw some use in early days of ATLAS, nowadays it’s exclusively G4 • C++ and ROOT based geometry model • Web services • based on Apache server instrumented with mod_python, and other plug-ins as necessary • Increasing use of JSON/AJAX and jQuery to serve and render content • Oracle RDBMS is used as backend storage for most components of PanDA • Recent migration to noSQL technology for some of the more demanding components: Hadoop, HDFS and HBase. A Cassandra-based prototype built and tested. • Language platform for most tools and services • Python is overwhelmingly preferred as the language platform for infrastructure development. • Java used where necessary • Additional tools and components • The software stack provided by the Open Science Grid, formerly known as Virtual Data Toolkit, forms the basis of the US ATLAS Grid Infrastructure • Condor system is widely used both by itself, or as a basis for building software components. • Grid job submission (in case of PanDA limited to the Pilot Job submission) is primarily done via Condor-G • Message Queue technology is used in a few components in ATLAS
PanDA use outside of ATLAS • Prior Experience • Life Sciences: protein folding code (CHARMM) was run opportunistically on OSG sites using PanDA, resulting in publications • Daya Bay neutrino experiment group did a few Monte Carlo test runs (production level statistics) on RACF utilizing PanDA, again using some of RHIC owned resources in opportunistic mode • Current developments • The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) collaboration has started using PanDA to run Monte Carlo Simulation • According to a recent initiative, both CMS and ATLAS experiments at the LHC are exploring the possibility of creating shared components of their computing infrastructure, and as a part of this project, CMS is working on adapting its workflow to run on PanDA, with initial success reported • There has been a successful effort aimed at utilization of Cloud-based resources under PanDA management • What’s needed to use PanDA to its full potential? • All software components need to be Grid-ready, i.e. site-agnostic and easily configurable to adapt to the local file system layout, software location etc • Translated into English: no hardcoded paths, in particular pointing to the user’s home directory • PanDA will handle loading the correct environment provided there is configuration capability in the payload • There is little to no software that needs to be installed by prospective PanDA users, outside of a few simple job submission scripts.
Project participants at BNL • RACF and PAS • Core PanDA components have been developed by the members of the Physics Application Software (PAS) Group at BNL • a few PAS personnel have prior STAR experience • PAS Group has 10 members whose activities are not limited to PanDA and ATLAS • A few important parts of PanDA infrastructure created by RACF experts. • The is a close ongoing collaboration between PAS and RACF which allows us to make continuous improvements to PanDA and conduct R&D on promising new technologies and their integration into ATLAS software systems (e.g. web service frameworks, noSQL databases).
Summary • BNL RACF is a large, state of the art and sophisticated facility, a flagship of computing for particle physics and heavy ion research in the US and a part of the vibrant ecosystem of the Open Science Grid • STAR experiment at RHIC is using a combination of Geant3-based simulation and C++/ROOT reconstruction software, having created data and geometry adapters as necessary • PanDA is a proven large-scale Workload Management system: • Handling petabytes of data • Processing a million jobs daily on hundreds of sites worldwide • Supporting automated production as well as individual user and group tasks • Offering extensive monitoring facilities leading to a more transparent and efficient environment • Undeniable track record in supporting cutting-edge physics research and discovery • Upgrade program under way to improve scalability of the system, its robustness and ease of use for the researchers
ATLAS: event data model Multiple data models supported and used in ATLAS • RDO: Raw Data Object • ESD: Event Summary Data (intended for calibration) • DPD: Derived Physics Data (for interactive analysis) • AOD: Analysis Object Data • TAG: Event Selection Data