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Neal Armstrong.

Neal Armstrong. Neal was the first man to step foot on the moon. Early Life. Neal was born on August 5 th 1930 on a farm in Wapakoneta Ohio. Neal was interested in all sorts of things.

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Neal Armstrong.

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  1. Neal Armstrong. Neal was the first man to step foot on the moon.

  2. Early Life. • Neal was born on August 5th 1930 on a farm in Wapakoneta Ohio. • Neal was interested in all sorts of things. • Neal loved to read Neal also wanted to know how machines worked Neal loved playing the piano and the baritone horn. • Neal's greatest love was model airplanes. • When Neal was six his farther took Neal on a airplane ride for the first time.

  3. Adult Life. • After high school Neal joined the navy. • In 1947 the navy sent Neal to college. • Neal did not stay in college for longbecause he had to go help the navy fight a war in the country of Korea. • When Neal was fifteen he started to take flying lessons. • Neal worked hard to pay for the flying lessons. • Neal got three meddles for doing such a good job in war. • Neal gone back to college and met Janet Sharon first they wear first just friend's then they got married.

  4. Contributions. • Neal Armstrong is famous because he was the first man to step foot on the moon. • Neal first started working at NASA at the main space scarf center in Houston Texas. • On March 16th 1966 Neal flew into space for the first time. • The next year Neal joined the Apollo project it's purpose was to fly men to the moon. • In 1969 three Astounds wear chosen to fly to the moon Neal was one of them. • When Neal and the other Astounds got to the moon Neal got off the space shaft Neal said this's is one small step for man one huge leap for man kind.

  5. Fun Facts. • Neal was interested in all sorts of things. • Neal loved to read Neal wanted to know how machines worked Neal also liked playing the piano and the baritone horn. • But Neal's greatest love was model airplanes. • When Neal was six his farther took him on a airplane ride for the first time Neal was thrilled. • After the flight Neal started to build model airplanes. • As a boy Neal played in his school band he played the baritone horn. • When Neal got jobs it helped him buy more model airplanes.

  6. Conclusion. • To warp this all up Neal is famous because he was he first man to step foot on the moon.

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