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Soteriology: Doctrine of Salvation

Soteriology: Doctrine of Salvation. Module #4 (pages 331-339) . False Theories on the Atonement (Pages 331-333) . Complete Module # 4 Question # 1 . Correct Meaning of the Atonement Substitution (Page 333). The death of Christ was Substitutionary -

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Soteriology: Doctrine of Salvation

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  1. Soteriology: Doctrine of Salvation Module #4 (pages 331-339)

  2. False Theories on the Atonement (Pages 331-333) Complete Module # 4 Question # 1

  3. Correct Meaning of the Atonement Substitution (Page 333) • The death of Christ was Substitutionary- • He died in the stead of sinners and in their place. • This is also described as vicarious, meaning “one in place of another”. • The doctrine of substitution is important in that through Christ’s death the righteous demands of God have been met; it was a legal transaction in which Christ dealt with the sin problem for the human race. • He became the substitute for humanity’s sin. • Complete Module #4 Questions # 2- #5

  4. Redemption (page 335-336) • Because the believer has been bought by Christ, he belongs to Christ and is Christ’s slave. • Redemption comes from the Greek word agorazowhich means to purchase in the marketplace. • A second word related to the believer’s redemption is exagorazo, which teaches that Christ redeemed believers from the curse and bondage of the law. • The third term is lutroo which means to obtain release by payment of a price. • The idea of being set free by payment of a ransom (Luke 24:21) • Redemption is viewed sinward; mankind was in bondage to sin and in need of release from bondage and slavery to sin. • Complete Module #4 Questions #6- #10

  5. Reconciliation (page 336) • The emphasis of reconciliation is that of making peace with God. • Reconciliation may be defined a “God removing the barrier of sin, producing peace and enabling man to be saved” • Two parts to reconciliation: the objective aspect and the subjective aspect. • Reconciliation is manward: man was the one wh had moved out of fellowship because of sin, and man needed to be reconciled to renew the fellowship • Complete Module #4 Questions # 11 and #12

  6. Propitiation (page 336-337) • Propitiation means that the death of Christ fully satisfied all the righteous demands of God toward the sinner. • Propitiation is related to several concepts • The wrath of God • God provides the remedy for sine • Christ’s death assuages the wrath of God • Propitiation is Godward; God is propitiated –His holiness is vindicated and satisfied by the death of Christ. • Complete Module #4 Question # 12

  7. Forgiveness (page 337) • Forgiveness is the legal act of God whereby He removes the charges that were held against the sinner because proper satisfaction or atonement for those sins has been made. • Words for forgiveness • Charizomai related to grace and means “to forgive out of grace” • Aphiemi which means “to let go, release, or send away” • Forgiveness is manward; man had sinned and needed to have his sins dealt with and removed.

  8. Justification (pages 337-338) • Justification is the gift of grace by God • To justify is to declare righteous the one who has faith in Jesus Christ. • It involves pardon and removal of all sins and the end of separation from God. • The ground work of justification is the death of Christ (Rom. 5: 9) • Justification is manward; man had sinned and broken God’s standard. Man was in need of receiving the righteousness of God to enter into fellowship with Him. • Complete Module #4 Question # 13

  9. Limited Atonement (page 338) • A term that is preferred to “limited atonement” is definite or particular redemption, suggesting that the atonement of Christ is limited to a definiate or particular number of people. • Biblical passages: John 10:15, Acts 20:28; Eph. 5:25; Rom 8:32-33 • In passages stating that Christ died for the world means He died for “peoplefrom every tribe and nation---not only Jews”. Similarly, the word “all” is used (2 Cor. 5:15) it means all classes of people but not every person. • Complete Module #4 Question # 16

  10. Unlimited Atonement (page 339) • Christ died for every person but His death is effective only in those who believe the gospel • New Testament teaches Christ died for everyone • Limited atonement is based on a logical premise not exegesis of the scripture • Theworld is a “God-hating, Christ-rejecting and Satan dominated world, which Christ died for • The word whosoever is used more than 110 times in the New Testament • The word all is used to denote everyone • The Bible teaches that Christ died for sinners (1 Tim. 1: 15; Rom5:6-8) • Complete Module #4 Question # 16

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