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Zombie Attack!

Zombie Attack!. Who said PE had no real world applications? Using some of the skills we will be learning this semester, can you survive the zombie apocalypse?. Start. It’s finally happened.

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Zombie Attack!

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  1. Zombie Attack! Who said PE had no real world applications? Using some of the skills we will be learning this semester, can you survive the zombie apocalypse? Start

  2. It’s finally happened. The zombie apocalypse is here. You are sitting safely in a fast food restaurant when the window suddenly breaks and a group of hungry zombies swarms into the building. You know you will need to use the skills you have gained in PE class to survive. What do you do first? Grab a burger Steal the kid’s meal toys Run into the street

  3. Grab a burger It could be a while before you have another chance to eat and you’re definitely going to need your energy. You dash behind the counter to grab a bite of a delicious looking burger. Just at that moment, a zombie appears out of nowhere and takes a bite out of a delicious looking you! You’d been told that your fast food diet would kill you. You just didn’t realise that it would happen so soon. Game Over

  4. Steal the kid’s meal toys You leap over the counter to grab the barrel of kiddie meal toys. You’re in luck: this week’s toys are cricket bats and balls, both of which you have used in your school PE lessons! You grab a bat and fill a bag with balls. What do you do next? Start hitting zombies with the bat! Take your weapons and run!

  5. Start hitting zombies with the bat! Now that you have a weapon you’re feeling confident – maybe even a little cocky. You decide it’s time to knock out a few zombies. You swing your cricket bat and… it works! You swing again and again while zombies fall around you. Isn’t it lucky that you discussed proper batting technique in PE class? Now there’s only you and one big, bad, undead guy. What do you do? Put your bat and balls to good use! Strike a ball into his undead head. Take your weapons and run!

  6. Strike a ball into his undead head! You throw your ball into the air and hit it with your bat. It arcs majestically through the air and flies right over the zombie’s head. He charges toward you and turns you into zombie chow. Didn’t we always tell you to run away from danger? Game Over

  7. Take your weapons and run! There’s no point in pushing your luck. You’re armed and dangerous and now you’re in the open street. Sure, there are zombies everywhere, but you have plenty of places to hide. There is a rope hanging from the building next to you. It looks sturdy enough to climb. What do you do? Look for a better hiding place Climb the rope

  8. Climb the rope It’s a good thing you practiced rock climbing in your PE lessons! You hold the rope and use it to scale the building. Once you reach the top you breathe a sigh of relief. It’s quiet. There’s not a zombie in sight. You decide to wait out the apocalypse here. Continue

  9. You win! You’re safe on the rooftop: for now. But you’re alone. You have no food or water. And really, can you guarantee that no zombies have the same climbing skills you do? Is this really the best ending you could have hoped for? Sure, you win. But will you try again? Game Over

  10. Look for a better hiding place Sure, you know how to climb the rope. But what would come of it? In the best case scenario you would be stuck on a roof with no food or water. You know that you need to find a secure location with plenty of supplies. Where will you go? Head to your school Go home

  11. Go home You arrive home to find the door wide open. This doesn’t look good. You rush inside to find your parents in the kitchen. They’re definitely pleased to see you. But something about their faces seems a little off. Maybe it’s the rotting skin. Or the crazed, starved looks on their faces. They approach you from either side… Eaten by Mum and Dad. What a way to go. Game Over

  12. Head to your school You decide to head for the school. There’s a tuckshop, plenty of buildings, and a PE supply room full of sports equipment. That’s food, safety, and entertainment all covered. You approach the school gates and run into a gang of very hungry zombies. What do you do? Freeze! Defend yourself with your cricket bat!

  13. Freeze! You freeze, ignoring the perfectly good weapon you’re holding. The zombies, sensing an easy meal, immediately overcome you. Really? In PE we teach you to think on your feet. You’re not even going to be turned into an awesome zombie. You’re just going to be lunch. Game Over

  14. Defend yourself with your cricket bat! You use the quick-thinking skills you’ve gained in PE class and mow through those zombies before leaping over the school gates and dashing down to the sports field. There you find your classmates gathered. They all have weapons: bats, balls, and rackets. And they all know how to use them. Continue

  15. You win! You and your classmates are an unstoppable zombie fighting team! You easily survive the zombie outbreak, eventually being rescued by helicopters sent by a neighbouring city. You’re international heroes, all because you remembered the lessons you were taught in PE class. This is the best ending possible. Game Over

  16. Run into the street! You’re not insane. You know that the only sensible option is to run. You get out into the street and see a building with a rope dangling from it. What will you do? Climb the rope Look for a better hiding place

  17. Look for a better hiding place Sure, you know how to climb the rope. But what would come of it? In the best case scenario you would be stuck on a roof with no food or water. You know that you need to find a secure location with plenty of supplies. Where will you go? Head to your school Go home

  18. Head to your school You decide to head for the school. There’s a tuckshop, plenty of buildings, and a PE supply room full of sports equipment. That’s food, safety, and entertainment all covered. You approach the school gates and run into a gang of very hungry zombies. What do you do? Freeze! Defend yourself with your cricket bat!

  19. Defend yourself with your cricket bat! What cricket bat? You’re totally unarmed! It looks like luck is just as necessary as PE skills if you’re going to survive the zombie apocalypse. Let’s try that again. Go back

  20. Head to your school You decide to head for the school. There’s a tuckshop, plenty of buildings, and a PE supply room full of sports equipment. That’s food, safety, and entertainment all covered. You approach the school gates and run into a gang of very hungry zombies. What do you do? Freeze!

  21. Freeze! You freeze. What else can you do? You’re totally unarmed and defenceless. You need a whole lot of luck and even more skill to survive the zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately, you’ve run out of both. But hey, you’re going to make an awesome zombie. Game Over

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