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Международный Гелиофизический Год в свете традиций Международного Геофизического года. S.V. Kolomiyets Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Lenin ave. 14, Kharkiv 61166 Ukraine Presenter S.V. Kolomiyets s.kolomiyets@gmail.com. UKRAINE.
Международный Гелиофизический Год в свете традиций Международного Геофизического года S.V. Kolomiyets Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Lenin ave. 14, Kharkiv 61166 Ukraine Presenter S.V. Kolomiyets s.kolomiyets@gmail.com UKRAINE
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) 1924 – 1991 The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, and the successor states are a collection of 15 COUNTRIES commonly dubbed "the Former Soviet Union." For several years after 1991 these states were commonly referred to as the "NEW INDEPENDENT STATES." As the immediacy of the fall of the Soviet Union faded, geographic-historical terms began to be used more often, such as "Eurasia" or the "Former Soviet Union." Within Russia, the former non-Russian republics have commonly been referred to collectively as the "near abroad," and the 15 successor countries together as "Post-Soviet space."
The purpose: to emphasize, that there are some specific features of the development of science in the NIS of the Former Soviet Union. These features demand enhanced attention of the organizers of IHY. Creation of effective mechanisms for stimulation of connection to the world science of the dormant part of fundamental scientific knowledge of these countries which have been saved up for fifty of years, since IGY is necessary. Soviet Republics Armenian SSR Azerbaijan SSR Byelorussian SSR Estonian SSR Georgian SSR Kazakh SSR Kyrgyz SSR Latvian SSR Lithuanian SSR Moldavian SSR Russian SFSR Tajik SSR Turkmen SSR Ukrainian SSR Uzbek SSR Independent Countries 1 - Armenia 2 - Azerbaijan 3 -Belarus 4- Estonia 5 - Georgia 6 - Kazakhstan 7 - Kyrgyzstan 8 - Latvia 9 - Lithuania 10- Moldova 11 - Russia 12 - Tajikistan 13 - Turkmenistan 14- Ukraine 15 - Uzbekistan Probably, IHY is the last opportunity of rescuing of the dormant part of this knowledge from full oblivion.
The features and history of the development of meteor astronomy during the existence of the Soviet Union and the subsequent period give a key to understanding of the problem. The meteor astronomy can be assumed as young science. It is the example of cross-disciplinary science. It is the example of science having sharp rise due to the project of the IGY and the subsequent geophysical projects. The meteor astronomy is science directly connected with launching of the first space satellite of the Earth and the decision of problems of meteoroid danger to space missions.
Method: display of the general tendencies in individual displays. …Joseph Stalin died on March 5, 1953. In the absence of an acceptable successor, the highest Communist Party officials opted to rule the Soviet Union jointly, although a struggle for power took place behind the facade of collective leadership. Nikita Khrushchev, who won the power struggle by the mid-1950s, denounced Stalin’s of repression in 1956 and eased repressive controls over party and society. During this period the Soviet Union continued to realize scientific and technological pioneering exploits, in extenso, to launch the first artificial satellite Sputnik 1, living being Laika, and later, the first human being Yuri Gagarin into Earth's orbit. However, since the 1970s, the growth rate had slowed substantially. Extensive economic development, based on vast inputs of materials and labor, was no longer possible; yet the productivity of Soviet assets remained low compared with other major industrialized countries. Prior to its collapse, the Soviet Union had the largest centrally directed economy in the world. The government established its economic priorities through central planning …
Addresses of the organizations coordinating meteor researches in the USSR during time IGY (as of 1957): • Moscow, B. Gruzinskaja 10, Astronomical Council AS of the USSR, the Commission on Comets and Meteors. Russian SFSR • 2) Odessa, Park named Shevchenko, Astronomical observatory of the Odessa University (parent organization of meteor service of the USSR during period IGY). Ukrainian SSR • On organizational questions also: • 3) Moscow, the Kaluga highway 71, Interdepartmental Committee on carrying out IGY at Presidium AS of the USSR, working group on studying meteors. Russian SFSR • Materials should be sent to the address: • the Moscow area, post Vatutenki, the Scientific • research Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, • an Ionosphere and Distribution of Radiowaves • (nowIZMIRAN) Russian SFSR
International Geophysical Year, IAU, USSR. METEOR ASTRONOMY Coordinator - Commission 22 (Division III) Presidents: V. Guth (ČSR) till 1958 V. Fedynskiy (USSR) after 1958 Results of researches on the program of the International Geophysical Year V Section of IGY program“IONOSPHERE and METEORS” were published in Annals of IGY (France, Paris) and numerous collections of articles in the Russian language (USSR, Moscow) 1957 – 1958 – 1959
Preserving Our History and Heritage Despite of close interaction under global projects of Soviet Union with other countries there existed a lingual barrier. The lingual barrier together with other reasons has led to the creation in the USSR a powerful meteor science only in the Russian language. After disintegration of the Soviet Union the meteor centers have remained without ordinary central management. The part of scientific results has remained an isolated, inaccessible science published in English.Conclusion Reunion of the scientific achievements of the last years received in the NIS with the international science should become the task of the International Heliophycical Year 2007-2008. Revival of the activity of the some scientific centers of the NIS will be useful. Meteor Radar Center of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics Ukraine
IGY active meteor centres of republics of the USSR Ukrainian SSR, Russian SFSR, Tajik SSR, Turkmen SSR RUSSIAN (Kazan, Tomsk) UKRAINIAN (Odessa, Kiev, Kharkiv) TAJIK (Dushanbe) TURKMEN (Ashkhabad)
N City φ λ Н m Scientific institutes / Country Program, N igy 1 Ashkhabad 37 ° 56 ' 58 ° 24 ' 200 AstrophysicalLaboratory of the Institute of Physics and Geophysics AS Turkmen SSR Ya.F. Sadykov. R, Ph, V N696 (C126) 2 Kazan 55 ° 47 ' 49° 07 ' 80 Astronomical observatory named Engelgardt of the Kazan University Russian SFSR K.V. Kostylev. R N233 3 Kiev 50 ° 27 ' 30° 30 ' 185 Astronomical observatory named Shevchenko of the Kiev University Ukrainian SSR A.F.Bogorodskikh R, Ph, N320 4 Odessa 46 ° 29 ' 30° 46 ' 50 Astronomical observatory named Shevchenko of the Odessa University Ukrainian SSR V.P.Tsesevich R, Ph, V N621 5 Stalinabad Dushanbe 38 ° 34 ' 68° 46 ' 820 Institute of Astrophysics АSTajik SSR P.B. Babadzhanov. R, Ph, V N680 (C115) 6 Tomsk 56 ° 29 ' 84° 59 ' 120 Tomsk Polytechnical InstituteRussian SFSR Ye.F.Fialko. R N224 7 Kharkov 50 ° 00 ' 36° 14 ' 140 Kharkov Polytechnical Institute (faculty of Radioengineering)Ukrainian SSRB.L. Kashcheyev R N358(B141) Participants of program IGY 1957 on meteor research in the USSR R - radar, Ph - photographic, V - visual
The Scientific - Educational Center of a Radioengineering (The Laboratory of a Radioengineering till 2002) of the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics (KHNURE) specializes in meteor basic radar researches in the Earth atmosphere (METEOR RADAR CENTER). The Laboratory of a Radioengineering is one of the oldest radar meteor centers, which was founded by B.L.Kashcheyev in 1956-1958. According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers the Balakleyapoligon with radar equipment (49 0 N, 37 0 E, near Kharkiv) has got the status of the National property of Ukraine. Prof. Boris Kashcheyev was the overwhelmingly important participant of the IGY . B.L. Kashcheyev takes stand of a member of IAU starting with 1958 after successful results of researches of meteoric activity with the radar-tracking method, executed in Kharkiv. Sc.D, Prof. Boris Kashcheyev provided guidance for meteor astronomical and geophysical researches of Laboratory during 1957-2000. He was famous Ukrainian scientist. Prof. Boris Kashcheev had great contributions in the development of science and education in KHNURE, and in the international investigation of meteors. In Minor Planet Circular N 32346, 1999 Aug.8 there is (6811)Kashcheev = 1976QP. B.L. Kashcheyev (1920-2004)
RADAR METEOR INVESTIGATIONS IN KNHURE The Meteor Radar Centre of the KHNURE has almost semi-centennial experience as in carrying out of ground radar observation of faint meteors in Kharkiv, as and in interpretation of data from radar observations. For this time unique extensive experimental data are received and kept. The following data were registered: meteor rates, meteor heights, meteor radiants; velocities and orbits of meteoroids. The improved “MARS” is installed on the proving ground of the KHNURE near Kharkiv (Ukraine) in 1972. It was one of the first automatic meteor radar systems in the world. The MARS system had high effective sensitivity (up to 12 m) and enabled to carry out an all-round meteor research. For the orbital data registered during 1967 – 1978 the primary information for calculation of velocities, radiants and orbits is kept. The detailed observation logs are available. The primary information of the data 1967 – 1971 are kept as registration on a film (near 50 km),see on the sample. Scientists of the KHNURE have an experience of equatorial radar observation of meteors up to 8 m during the African expedition to Somalia to Mogadishu (2 0 N., 45 0 E). These observations were carried during 1968-1970 on a special complex of equipment " Tropic " with frequency of radiation of 36,7 MHz. By means of this complex has been registered about 6,000 orbits published in the known catalogue. The sample of orbit registration on a film (MARS data, 1967-1971)
Today some fields of the KHNURE meteor theoretical researches are: statistic analyze of measurement results of radar observations, estimation accuracy of meteor radar measurements, influx of cosmic dust on the Earth, comparisons “apparent” and “true” multidimensional distributions of the orbital parameters of sporadic and stream meteors, determination marginally registered meteoroid mass, elaboration techniques for calculating different perception factors, search of parental bodies of meteoroids, search real near parabolic and hyperbolic orbits, perfect computer electron database, estimation meteoroid and asteroid hazards, creation empirical and mathematical models of meteoroid complex, reconstruction and revolution former data.
Get Involved in IHY! There are many opportunities to get involved in IHY. There are currently undertaking a series of exercises to plan and prepare for 2007-2009 on http://ihy.gsfc.nasa.gov Now is the time! http://ihy.gsfc.nasa.gov
IHY's Objectives: How they link to our Science IHY builds on the success of the International Geophysical Year and the previous International Polar Years. We now extend our global studies out into the Heliosphere and incorporate the drivers of geophysical change into the global system. As we approach the "new frontier" of the heliopause and interstellar space, our heritage clearly extends back to previous International Years! IGY 1957-1958-1959! IHY2007-2008?
IGY History and the IGY "Gold" Club Sponsored By:The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics • Preserving Our History and Heritage • An important part of the 2007 activities will be preserving the history and memory of IGY 1957. The "IGY Gold" History initiative has several goals: • - identifying and recognizing planners of and participants in the first IGY, • - preserving memoirs, articles, photographs, and all items of historical significance for the IGY, • - making these items available to historians, researchers, etc., • - serving as a contact service for these activities • RESULTS of METEOR RESEARCH - “GOLD” HERITAGE of IGY 1957
The IAU role on the International Geophysical Year METEOR ASTRONOMY Results of researches on the program of the International Geophysical Year V Section of IGY program IONOSPHERE and METEORS 1957 – 1958 - 1959
IHY 2007 Meteor program – our future! Get involve in IHY! Svetlana Kolomiyets/Meteor Radar Centre /Ukraine Thank you!