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OPVL. Origin:Purpose:Values:Limitations Latin American History Ms. Aviles. What is OPVL?. Origin Purpose Values Limitations Used to analyze historical documents. Origin. W hat is it? P rimary or secondary source? Who? What? Whe n? Where? Who is publishing it?. Purpose.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OPVL Origin:Purpose:Values:LimitationsLatin American History Ms. Aviles

  2. What is OPVL? • Origin Purpose Values Limitations • Used to analyze historical documents

  3. Origin • What is it? Primary or secondary source? • Who? • What? • When? • Where? • Who is publishing it?

  4. Purpose • Why did the author create it? • What is the intent? • Who is the audience? • ALWAYS support with evidence from the source!

  5. Values • What value does this source have? • What can we tell about the author? • …the time period?

  6. Limitations • Did they leave something out? • Did they have/have not prior knowledge? • Bias • Why? • Who is it biased towards/against? • What is left out? Missing?

  7. OPVL Format

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