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The Biology of Alcohol: Understanding Effects and Metabolism

Explore the science behind alcohol, its short-term and long-term effects, metabolism in the body, and the impact on various organs. Presented by CREST and PARC, funded by NIAAA.

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The Biology of Alcohol: Understanding Effects and Metabolism

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  1. The Biology of Alcohol Presented by CREST and *Portland Alcohol Research Center (PARC) Oregon Health & Science University Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center *Funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIH, USA NIAAA

  2. Alcohol has been part of societies for thousands of years, as shown by this representation of the ancient Greek god of grape growing and wines: .

  3. A L C O H O L S What kind of alcohol is in drinks? ETHANOL, CH3CH2OH What are other kinds of alcohol? ISOPROPANOL, CH3CH2CH2OH METHANOL, CH3OH

  4. Where does alcohol go in the body?

  5. What is a “DRINK”? how much WINE = how much BEER = how much LIQUOR

  6. Short Term Effects of Alcohol Use • Slurred speech • Drowsiness • Vomiting  • Diarrhea • Upset stomach • Headaches • Breathing difficulties  • Distorted vision and hearing  • Impaired judgment  • Decreased perception and coordination  • Unconsciousness  • Anemia (loss of red blood cells)  • Coma • Blackouts (memory lapses, where the drinker cannot remember events that occurred while under the influence)

  7. Long Term Effects of Alcohol Use • Unintentional injuries such as car crash, falls, burns, drowning  • Intentional injuries such as firearm injuries, sexual assault, domestic violence • Increased on-the-job injuries and loss of productivity  • Increased family problems, broken relationships  • Alcohol poisoning • Increased look of aging 

  8. Even More Long Term Effects of Alcohol Use • High blood pressure, stroke, and other heart-related diseases • Permanent damage to the brain  •  Gastritis (inflammation of stomach walls)  • Cancer of the mouth and throat • Liver disease  • Nerve damage  • Sexual problems  • Ulcers  • Malnutrition 

  9. Blood Alcohol Concentration x Weight

  10. LOBES

  11. LIGHTS ON LIGHTS OFF Brookhaven PET Project

  12. World = 0.01-.05 .01-.05 Oregon = 0.08 .06-.10 Goggles = 0.15-.20 .11-.20 .21-.30 .31-.40 .41 and greater

  13. Blood Alcohol Concentration x Weight

  14. Number of People MostlyGenes 50% 50% Mostly Environment The Genes and Environment Show! or,… Becoming an Alcoholic

  15. ETHANOL CH3CH2OH + ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) Acetaldehyde ( + more enzymes) CO2 + H2O METHANOL CH3OH + ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) Formic Acid (fire ant venom) A L C O H O L S How is alcohol metabolized?

  16. Differences between Women & Menand what affects BAC • Water: 60% of a man’s body weight • 50 % of a woman’s body weight • Therefore, for women, alcohol is more concentrated than for men in the body’s organs that hold water. • Enzymes: Women have less ADH in their stomachs • Men have more ADH in their stomachs • Hence, for women, more alcohol makes it to the small intestine for rapid absorption into the blood stream. 3. Weight: A woman weighing 120 lbs and a man weighing 120 lbs each consume one drink. Which person builds up a higher blood alcohol level?

  17. Other things that affect BAC 4. Hydration:The less water that is in your system the higher the alcohol content will be. 5. Food:Food in the stomach will absorb some amount of alcohol. 6. Strength of alcoholic drink:Stronger drinks will lead to a higher BAC.

  18. Differences between Women & Men

  19. Alcohol Effects on the Heart Healthy Long-term Alcohol

  20. Alcohol Effects on the Heart

  21. Alcohol Effects on the Liver Healthy Long-term Alcohol

  22. Alcohol Effects on Synapse Neurotransmitter Recycling Neurotransmitter Recycling Blocked

  23. Alcohol and Osteoporosis

  24. Alcohol, Aggression, and Violence

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