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안녕하세요. Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb. Supported by :. Moringa Oleifera as Alternative Method to Disinfect Water in Flood-Stricken Area. Rika Haeriyah. Hafdzi Maulana. Hanny Rosyida Arisna. Background. Human Error. Infrastructure damage. Flood. Geographical. Environmental damage.
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MoringaOleiferaas Alternative Method to Disinfect Water in Flood-Stricken Area Rika Haeriyah HafdziMaulana HannyRosyidaArisna
Background Human Error Infrastructure damage Flood Geographical Environmental damage Water Contamination DISEASES Still consumed for surviving Chlorination HARMFUL Moringaoleifera
Objective To describe thorough understanding of Moringaoleiferaas a disinfectant and water purifier Benefit Provides deeper understanding for future research on effectiveness of Moringaoleifera
Moringaoleifera • Classification • Moringaoleifera or known as “Kelor”, from Genus MoringaAdans. – moringa and Species Moringaoleifera Lam. – horseradishtree • Nutritious food • Disinfectant and water purifier • Medical uses, etc. • 10 or 12 m in height • The leaves are feathery and green in color in upper surface and paler with hairless in other surface • Grows well in lowland area (up to 1200m) of tropical area • Contains many carbohydrate, vitamins, proteins, minerals and also some essential molecules (antibacterial properties) • Characteristic • Uses of Moringa Back
Water Supply Back
Water-Borne Disease Back
DISCUSSION Moringaoleifera Contains positive charged protein • Contain antibacterial properties • Bind to negative charged particle Methanol Ethylacetate Pterygo-spermin Chloroform Hexane Coagulation Antibacterial activity Water purification Chlorine Highly Potent Side effect
Conclusion Comparing to Chlorine, a chemical substance, that gives side effects, Moringaoleifera is an organic substance that much less harmful, cheap, easily found and more environmentally friendly Further research is highly recommended in Indonesia either from government or institution, so that application of Moringaoleifera can give true benefits and will be widely used by people.