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ESDIN/Quality. Antti Jakobsson , WP 8 leader QKEN meeting in Brussels 5-7 May 2010. Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen. ESDIN project info (www.esdin.eu). Project partially funded by eContentplus programme Started in September 2008 and will run for 30 months until March 2011
ESDIN/Quality Antti Jakobsson, WP 8 leader QKEN meeting in Brussels 5-7 May 2010
Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen ESDIN project info (www.esdin.eu) • Project partially funded by eContentplus programme • Started in September 2008 and will run for 30 months until March 2011 • Coordinated by EuroGeographics with 20 project partners Lantmäteriet Statenskartverk Helsinki University of Technology IGN Belgium Interactive Instruments EDINA, University Edinburgh The FinnishGeodetic Institute National Land Survey of Finland 1Spatial Universität Berlin Kadaster Geodan Software Development & Technology Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie EuroGeographics Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing IGN France Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity Romania National Technical University of Athens
Key Goals • Further the ambition of the European Commission to create a European Spatial Data Infrastructure (ESDI) building on the National Spatial Data Infrastructures (NSDI) in Member States. • Help member states, candidate countries and EFTA States prepare their reference data for INSPIRE related to Annex I themes in co-ordinate reference systems, administrative units, transport network, cadastral parcels,hydrography and geographical names • Improve data access to partners data by implementing and testing services based on distributed service architecture • As a results project will provide the Data Specifications (ExM) as a set of profiles of the INSPIRE Data Specifications for large, medium and small scales • Build a best practice network of all related stakeholders
ExM Specifications and Guidelines • EGM/ERM/EBM specifications migrated into framework of the INSPIRE Data Specifications – ExM Data specification (medium/small scale) • National specifications migrated into framework of the INSPIRE Data Specifications – ExM Data specification (large scale) • General Guidelines and rules completed by developed scripts and tools for Edge-matching and Map generalisation • General specifications and guidelines for sustainable maintenance at the European level forStable Unique Identifiers, Incremental update delivery and Geo Rights Management services • Data policy and pricing guidelines • Prepare guidelines for the creation of discovery metadata and data evaluation • Develop a quality model.
Service Infrastructure Page 6
The ”famous” concept of quality in ISO 19113 Present ISO 19113
ISO TS 19158 Quality assurance of data supply • Project accepted 2009 and TS expected 2011 • A framework that facilitates the production or update of a product to meet quality requirements • A quality evaluation process may be used in different phases of a product life cycle, having different objectives in each phase. The phases of the life cycle considered here are specification, production, delivery, use and update • An organisation applying the TS has to consider • Quality requirements • Identification of processes • How to measure quality during production or update • Introduce accredition of its supply procesess and personell
Quality Evaluation process according to ESDIN Quality Model (D8.1)
Quality Model content (D8.1) A. Identification of the objectives and requirements of quality at feature type level • Analysis and identification of quality requirements • Selection of quality parameters requires the (prior) identification of: • the data quality elements and subelements (ISO 19113) • the quality measures (ISO 19138) • the acceptance criteria and conformity levels of quality. These conformity levels may be set as declared quality levels (DQLs) which then are reported in metadata. B. Evaluation of the spatial data • The evaluation procedures according to ISO 19114. • The production and metadata recording process (ISO 19115 or quality report).
Future editing • Quality Benchmark with EuroGeographics Quality KEN done • Quality requirements for ESDIN datasets togther with WP6 and WP7 • Small scale version after WP6 has done the specification (on going)
ESDIN Metadata Framework DoW obj WP8 To define data quality reporting and metadata guidelines for large medium and small scale topographic and administrative reference information. Objectives WP8 regarding metadata (from Dow) To provide users of reference information harmonized metadata concepts for discovery and data evaluation purposes. Guidelines for the creation of discovery metadata and data evaluation for the data providers of reference information will be developed. Standard orientated approach Foundation standards from the ISO 19100 series
<<Actor>> Metadata Repository data application search engine Management Tools Metadata browser manager user Exploitation/Use Management Discovery Exploration/ Evaluation <<Actor>> Register <<Actor>> Repository <<Actor>> Data Repository Toward a general use case ESDIN metadata vision
ESDIN Metadata status • ESDIN metadata vision established (draft document) • Requirements analysis for ESDIN metadata content ongoing • ESDIN metadata Guidelines draft established ( january 2010) • Content • ESDIN Discovery metadata (based on INSPIRE IR) • ESDIN Evaluation metadata (NMCAs req + INSPIRE TWG (v3)) • Tbd : ESDIN DQ elements, ESDIN WP3, ESDIN WP7 • Final deliverable scheduled 31 March 2010-> June 2010
Where you utilize quality webservices? • If you are a data provider for SDI • For quality control during production (automated) called here conformance testing • For quality evaluation after the production (semi-automated) • If you are the SDI co-ordinator or data custodian • For quality audit for process accreditation or data certification doing either conformance testing and/or quality evalution • If you are customer or data user • To evaluate usability using metadata information
EBM ERM EGM Datasets downloaded for user applications ExM Medium ExM Large ExM Small Applications and Geoportals GeoRM Layers Euro-Geographics EBM, ERM and EGM are just specific download services from respective ExMs EG services are ’cascading’ to NMCA services EG GeoRM is a ’broker’ for NMCA GeoRM Download ERM< Download EGM Download EBM ExM Metadata EBM ERM EGM Conformancetesting GeoRM Layers GeoRM Layers Download Download Download Download Download Download Quality evaluation Conformancetesting Conformancetesting Quality evaluation ERM EGM EGM ERM EBM EBM NMCA Master data NMCA Master data Trans-formation ExM Large ExM Large Trans-formation Edge- matching Generalization Conformancetesting Conformancetesting Generalization Metadata ExM Medium ExM Medium Transformation Edge- matching Metadata Generalization This NMCA derives both ExM Large and ExM Medium from its Master data This NMCA derives ExM Large from its Master data, and generalize ExM Medium from ExM Large Generalization Addi-tional data Conformancetesting Conformance testing ExM Small ExM Small NMCA1 NMCA2 Edge-matching does not necessarily need to be performed twice, generalization of edge-matching should still be edgematched
Demonstration • Goal1: to meet INSPIRE/ESDIN quality requirements and to report conformance (producer) • Goal2: To evaluate usability of reference data for GMES reference data services
Goal1:Quality Evaluation • National Land Survey of Finland is the official source of INSPIRE Annex I reference data in Finland. It will utilize the web service to evaluate if they have met the quality model requirements of INSPIRE/ESDIN before publising data in ESDIN services • The same procedure may be used for GMES reference data provision when NLS is the accredited provider for GMES
Demo: Semi-Manual Quality Evaluation Service • Based on server/client architecture: • Server: Open source 52North Web Processing Server (WPS) http://52north.org/ • Client: Open source OpenJUMP GIS http://www.openjump.org/ • Demo Test Case: Positional Accuracy • Test Dataset: Point dataset • Test Item: GM_Point • Test Purpose: To determine and test the process for ISO 3951 based variable sampling and inspection • Test Method: An implementation of a quality measure ID 45 (circular error at 95 % significance level (CE95)), ISO 3951 based sampling and quality conformance evaluation
Demonstration • demo_projekti_4.htm
Goal1: Conformance testing • IGN Belgium and Dutch Kadaster are providing Esdin medium scale data for the EuroRegionalMap. Goal is to check conformance during and after the generalization and edge-matching processes • The same procedure may be utlized when IGN Belgium and Dutch Kadaster are accredited provider for GMES services
Automatic Conformance Testing& Quality Assured Data Processing Radius Studio Demonstration
Goal2: Evaluation usability for GMES reference data services • Two possibilities: taking data that is not from accredited sources: • Usability criteria taken from GMES specifications • Deriving data quality criteria from usability criteria • Checking that minimum criteria is met from metadata • If using accredited sources then just checking the conformance is met
Conclusions • Introducing a quality model which uses a same principles for all Annex I themes -> we will suggest this a guideline for INSPIRE implementation • Introducing comformance levels that can be evaluated using semi-automated or automated based on ISO standards • Metadata Guidelines for both discovery and evaluation metadata • Automation of quality evaluation and conformance testing • Considering accreditation principles and usability