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Green Light Deicers, LLC

Green Light Deicers, LLC offers mobile anti/deicing devices designed for flexible deployment in changing weather conditions, integrating standard components for efficient operations. Reach out today to enhance safety and save energy.

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Green Light Deicers, LLC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Green Light Deicers, LLC Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  2. Is there a problem that requires more than a broom? Or, a new hood? Are the lights in snow country really at risk? Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  3. Would a mobile anti / deicing device make sense? • It would not require retrofitting every intersection • It could be flexibly deployed to meet changing weather and road conditions including construction projects • It could provide an interim solution while retrofitting was slotted into the normal PM schedule • It can draw upon aircraft anti/deicing experience What would a mobile deicing unit possibly require? Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  4. Reach a maximum height of 25.6 feet ? Protect LED energy savings and long life Address multiple configurations ? HEAT? Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  5. Further Requirements Solution: Deicer Trucks Piggyback on truck bed and provide a Boom • Don’t cause traffic jams • Don’t bust budgets • Use existing resources Piggyback on a Boom equipped truck Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  6. Both integrate standard components to store and spray agents and capture run off for future recycling or disposal. A pan captures runoff. Anti-Icing & Deicing agents are stored in 50 gal drums with warmers Gravity feeds runoff into a tank Agents are pumped up to spray lights Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  7. Off-the-shelf products are integrated into the control package Objectives: minimize training expense and prevent damage • GPS integrated with Public Works GIS database semi-positions vehicle and sets boom/sprayer height.This can be integrated with routing & scheduling software to help plan and manage operations. • Camera and ‘deicer type’ joy stick control console guide to light array (we borrowed existing aircraft deicer technology) • Collision avoidance radar and/or ‘deicer type’ physical extension prevents light damage (employed by aircraft deicers) • Camera integrated with pattern recognition software determines light configuration and calls up appropriate robotics subroutine • Another option: ‘homing chip’ on the light lens A fan system can be integrated with the run-off pan to better capture initial run-off and re-circulate until treatment is complete. Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  8. Temporary pickup truck installation An independent gasoline powered generator supports all electrical, pumping and environmental control systems. Sprayer pole(s) address multiple traffic light configurations Climate controlled Cabinet insert contains tanks, pumps, recycling equipment, crane motor and monitors/controls Boom holds hoses, spray-recycle assembly and detection gear Recycle basin extends under light array to capture sprayer run off. Remote monitoring and control box is located in cab for easy operation by driver Off-the-shelf cost-effective cameras and directing equipment guide the application Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  9. Your input would be much appreciated Is the recycling function necessary? Can sewer systems adequately accommodate treating agents? Would you pay more for a non-recycled ‘green’ agent? Would a standard warning light array on the rear of the vehicle provide adequate traffic control? Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  10. Application Nozzle Design 4 Do you need all lights treated or just RED? 5 1 6 2 3 Boom Design Must all signals be treated? This also determines time to treat the intersection Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  11. Some Other Applications Solar Panels Street Signs And, Effective on Volcanic Ash!! Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

  12. Is there a real need to treat LED lights to prevent ice and snow build up? Would this device fulfill your requirements? Preliminary estimate: $1,000 per month on a 5-year lease Can that be justified in your budget? Thanks for your input. Green Light Deicers, LLC 913-685-8116

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