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IMGS TA4 – Protection Neutralisation and Restoration

IMGS TA4 – Protection Neutralisation and Restoration. Presentation. Overview of the IMG-S and the SRR Overview of TA4 Working Group Overview of the TA4 Themes. IMG-S.

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IMGS TA4 – Protection Neutralisation and Restoration

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  1. IMGS TA4 – Protection Neutralisation and Restoration

  2. Presentation • Overview of the IMG-S and the SRR • Overview of TA4 Working Group • Overview of the TA4 Themes

  3. IMG-S • Since 2005, European Commission has produced two security-specific reports to define coherent security research agenda for Europe. ESRIA resulted in large number of well-founded strategic recommendations • the Integrated Mission Group on Security (IMG-S) was created by participants from across the European security research community (RTOs, academia, SMEs and Industry) to refine these strategic recommendations and produce a security research roadmap (SRR) • enables all security research stakeholders to understand how research may be structured to meet the ESRIA • Within IMG-S a two-tier structure has been developed: • Technical Areas (TAs): • focusing on technically-oriented research areas - generate bottom – up needs for research and development • Synthesis and Coordination Group (SCG): • focusing on integrating and harmonising the output from the TAs to map between Missions and research topics • generates SRR and annual topic input to EC Framework Programmes in a top down structure of missions and themes

  4. IMG-S Landscape TA Theme Technology filter Ttp Ttp Ttp Ttp Technical topic Other stakeholders Research Roadmap (long term) Call topics (short term) EC Framework Programme SCG Userreq, Politics, priorities • From SCG • -Taxonomy • Priorities • Structure Demand cluster • From TAs • -Technology • Capabilities Security Research Community of Europe

  5. SRR • This current release of the SRR (pilot version) provides part of the intended content as a frame of reference for FP 7 Call 5 and perspectives for Call 6. • The pilot is being used to enable a dialog among security research stakeholders to improving the shape and format of a commonly accepted vehicle for dialog on security research direction. • A second release is scheduled for autumn 2010 with improved format and extended content to provide the first hints for FP8. • A third release, the first full scale roadmap is scheduled for first half 2011 allowing for an iterative evolution of format and content to best fit its purpose as a vehicle of communication between Security research stakeholders. 5

  6. Overview of IMG-S document structure and update cycles Detail TA Analysis Detail TA Analysis Detail TA Analysis Detail TA Analysis Detail TA Analysis Detailed priority Analysis (TA1) 5 year update cycle 2 year update cycle Annual update cycle • User Priorities • Security Policy • International Co-operation • Past & Existing Programmes Vision Security Research Roadmap ESRAB ESRIF etc Next call Work Programme topic ideas for coming call Gaps & Overlap Analysis 6

  7. TA4 Organization and Members • Technical Area • Protection, neutralisation and restoration • The TA identifies topics using the group’s knowledge and experience of ESRAB, ESRIF and emerging technologies which are harmonised to produce common themes • TA4 Members • 23 Organisations • With expertise from Industry, Research Organisations, SME’s and links to end-users • Countries include • France, Germany Sweden, United Kingdom, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Turkey, Israel, Netherlands • New members and active participants are welcome

  8. TA4 Themes • The following themes have been developed and are published in the pilot SRR (with frame of reference for FP7 call 5 and 6) • Integrated Equipment for Law Enforcement • Command and Control for Crisis Management • Autonomous Platforms for Crisis Management • Support for First Responders • Physical Protection of Infrastructure • European Platform for Simulation and Training • Technologies for Restoration (New topic for SRR) • Each Theme comprises • Description • Areas for Research and development • Roadmap • TA4 is looking for feedback and comment

  9. Command and Control for Crisis Management • Description • A Command and Control System must support, all organisations involved, at various levels, at all tasks in relation to management of a crisis • An alternative to the ‘traditional’ hierarchical organisation is the concept of a net-centric organisation • Applications of the concept in this domain difficult due to : • Number of organisation involved, Relative independency, Differences in policies and internal structures, Replacement of legacy systems and equipment. • Proposed idea • Link together existing (legacy) systems by an “umbrella system” • Providing all available information and support for collaborative planning and decision making. • Areas for Research and Development • Improved Situational Awareness • Communications • Decision Support • Interoperability

  10. Support for First Responders • Description • Public expectations of first responders are on the rise and faster and more efficient intervention is required • To perform this job the responder must be: • Effectively protected against hazards • Able to perform the required tasks • Have efficient and adaptable equipment • Areas for Research and Development • Minimising the burden of First Responders • Reliable, linked and affordable detection • Situational Awareness and decision making • Strengthening Response forces All of the above being fast deployable, cost effective, plug and play, interoperable and reliable

  11. Integrated Equipment For Law Enforcement • Description • Law enforcement officers play a major role in policing and security: • Enable lawful activities of all citizens, to protect human rights, and to be prepared for public disorder, major incidents and acts of terrorism. • Have the capability to execute a graduated response according to the level of the threat. • Spend as much time as possible engaged in traditional policing • Be able to act quickly in critical situations where effective protection is needed and where the officer may need to use force. • Equipment must provide protection and be compatible with the performance of the activities that are required in such critical conditions. • Areas for Research and Development: a systemic approach on • Information and communication issues • Adaptive protection • Efficient reaction equipment • Ergonomics and societal needs

  12. Autonomous Platforms for Crisis Management • Description • Operation of First Responders in critical situations is subjected to a number of factors which can cause serious risks for human operators and also reduce their operational effectiveness. • A robotic platform, with the necessary skill to operate in hazardous environments in place of – or in cooperation with - a FR team • Would substantially reduce injury or loss of life among First Responders • Would enhance their operational effectiveness and capability. • Areas for Research and Development • Mobility • In any environment, as autonomously as possible, to solve the problem of using the robot alongside the FR. • Sensing and cognitive capabilities • For self localisation, search and rescue as well as detection of dangerous situations for FR • Natural and fast interaction with the FR team in the field. • Communications • Situational Awareness

  13. European Platform for Simulation and Training • Description • Modelling, Simulation and Analysis (MS&A) is invaluable tool to understand the inherent causality in complex processes surrounding crises management. • Physical systems and human actions can be predicted in a safe way. • Generally both cheaper and more effective than traditional training methods. • Provides insights into the collective behaviour of the whole Crisis Management System by modelling the behaviour of its components and their operating rules. • There is a need to develop a generic pan-European simulation platform • To form basis for planning, training and management of crisis management operations. • Areas for Research and Development • Plug-in framework as part of a general architecture for different models. • Transform a suitable set of research models (describing different kinds of disasters) to simulation tools that are easy to use • Combining models for simulation of cascade effects – enable complex scenarios

  14. Physical Protection of Infrastructure • Description • Increasing the resilience of critical built infrastructures such as • supply chains (energy, water, food, emergency and rescue services) • information- and communication systems • transportation (harbours, air ports, railroads, interchanges) • critical industrial facilities (chemicals industry, nuclear power plants, refinery…) • banking and finance • government agencies and public buildings • Areas for Research and Development • Risk Assessment • Situation and Structural Assessment • Passive Reinforcement Measure • Smart Built in capabilities enabling rapid assessments of damaged structures • Integrated Networks of Active and Passive Protection Measures

  15. Technologies for Restoration(New Theme not in pilot SRR) • Description • Crisis Management challenges dependent upon the phase in the crisis management cycle and on type of incident • Complex incidents will pose especially significant demands during restoration phase, particularly on logistics capabilities. • Consequence Management is required to respond quickly to interruptions of critical infrastructure as inefficient practices will lead to a massive downfall in business and domestic continuity • Areas for Research and Development • Recovery Logistics • Post crisis needs assessment methods and tools for reconstruction and recovery planning • Structural damage assessment tools • Sustainability logistics planning and consequence management • Search and rescue operations • Service Restoration • Basic service restoration (e.g. energy, food, water, communication) • Recovery of, and support to, national government • Social normality e.g. schools, employment Consequence Restoration • Decontamination

  16. TA4 Summary Roadmap

  17. TA 4 Contact Details • Website • TA4 • https://imgsta4.frascati.enea.it/ • Chairperson • Clive.goodchild@baesystems.com • Or: • sofie@foi.se

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