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Phenomenology of GUT-less SUSY Breaking. Pearl Sandick University of Minnesota. Ellis, Olive & PS, Phys. Lett. B 642 (2006) 389 Ellis, Olive & PS, JHEP 06 (2007) 079. Standard CMSSM. Soft SUSY-breaking parameters GUT-scale universality Use RGEs to run down to weak scale.
Phenomenology of GUT-lessSUSY Breaking Pearl Sandick University of Minnesota Ellis, Olive & PS, Phys. Lett. B 642 (2006) 389 Ellis, Olive & PS, JHEP 06 (2007) 079
Standard CMSSM • Soft SUSY-breaking parameters • GUT-scale universality • Use RGEs to run down to weak scale Pearl Sandick, UMN
mh > 114 GeV m± > 104 GeV BR(b s ) HFAG BR(Bs +--) CDF (g -- 2)/2 g-2 collab. LEP GUT-less CMSSM • Universality at GUT-scale Min < MGUT • Constraints from colliders and cosmology: 0.09 h2 0.12 Pearl Sandick, UMN
SUSY Dark Matter • Solve Boltzmann rate equation: • Special Situations: • s - channel poles • 2 m mA • thresholds • 2 m final state mass • Coannihilations • m mother sparticle Pearl Sandick, UMN
M1/2 = 800 GeV No EWSB Evolution of the Soft Mass Parameters • First look at gaugino and scalar mass evolution. Gauginos (1-Loop): • Running of gauge couplings identical to CMSSM case, so low scale gaugino masses are all closer to m1/2 as Min is lowered. Pearl Sandick, UMN
No EWSB m0 = 1000 GeV Evolution of the Soft Mass Parameters • First look at gaugino and scalar mass evolution. Scalars (1-Loop): • As Min low scale Q, expect low scale scalar masses to be closer to m0. Pearl Sandick, UMN
Evolution of the Soft Mass Parameters • Higgs mass parameter, (tree level): • As Min low scale Q, expect low scale scalar masses to be closer to m0. • 2 becomes generically smaller as Min is lowered. Pearl Sandick, UMN
Mass Evolution with Min m1/2 = 800 GeV m0= 1000 GeV A0 = 0 tan() = 10 • > 0 No EWSB Pearl Sandick, UMN
Neutralinos and Charginos m1/2 = 1800 GeV m0= 1000 GeV A0 = 0 tan() = 10 • > 0 Must properly include coannihilations involving all three lightest neutralinos! Pearl Sandick, UMN
Focus Point LEP Higgs mass Relaxed LEP Higgs LEP chargino mass 2 < 0 (no EWSB) g--2 suggested region stau LSP Coannihilation Strip Standard CMSSM Pearl Sandick, UMN
h2 too small! Lowering Min - tan() = 10 Pearl Sandick, UMN
Rapid annihilation funnel 2m mA bs B+-- Large tan() Pearl Sandick, UMN
h2 too small! Lowering Min - tan() = 50 Pearl Sandick, UMN
A0 0 • A0 > 0 larger weak-scale trilinear couplings, Ai • Large loop corrections to depend on Ai, so is generically larger over the plane than when A0 = 0. • Also see stop-LSP excluded region Pearl Sandick, UMN
Spin-Dependent Scalar Direct Detection:Neutralino-Nucleon Cross Sections • Interaction Lagrangian (neglecting velocity dep. terms): • Plot all cross sections not forbidden by constraints • If calc < CDMWMAP, scale by calc/CDMWMAP Pearl Sandick, UMN
Direct Detection:Neutralino-Nucleon Cross Sections CDMS (2006) Pearl Sandick, UMN
Direct Detection:Neutralino-Nucleon Cross Sections Pearl Sandick, UMN
Conclusions • Intermediate scale unification results in: • Rapid annihilation funnel even at low tan() • Merging of funnel and focus point • Below some critical Min (dependent on tan() and other factors), all of nearly all of the (m1/2, m0) plane is disfavored because the relic density of neutralinos is too low to fully account for the relic density of cold dark matter. Pearl Sandick, UMN
Neutralino-Nucleon Cross Sections Pearl Sandick, UMN
Neutralino-Nucleon Cross Sections Pearl Sandick, UMN
Sparticle Masses m1/2 = 800 GeV m0= 1000 GeV A0 = 0 tan() = 10 • > 0 Guaginos Squarks Pearl Sandick, UMN
Lowering Min h2 too large Pearl Sandick, UMN
Lowering Min Pearl Sandick, UMN
Lowering Min h2 too small! Pearl Sandick, UMN
Lowering Min - Large tan() Pearl Sandick, UMN
Lowering Min - Large tan() Pearl Sandick, UMN
Lowering Min - Large tan() Pearl Sandick, UMN
Lowering Min - Large tan() h2 too small! Pearl Sandick, UMN