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Rosids : Fabids. Spring 2012. Fig. 8.1. Rosids – Major Points. Comprise about 25% of all angiosperms Includes two main clades: fabids and malvids Main support for monophyly from molecular data
Rosids: Fabids Spring 2012
Rosids – Major Points • Comprise about 25% of all angiosperms • Includes two main clades: fabids and malvids • Main support for monophyly from molecular data • No clear morphological synapomorphies, but tendencies to have perianths with unfused parts and a stamen merosity > calyx or corolla, although there are many exceptions • Extreme variation in habit (trees, shrubs, herbs, vines, etc.) as well as extensive proliferation of floral syndromes, including wind, insect, bird, and bat pollination • Transition from apocarpy to syncarpy as seen before; fusion and embellishment of floral parts
Core Eudicots: The Rosids Fabids: Order Malpighiales Order Fabales Order Rosales Order Cucurbitales Order Fagales Malvids: Order Myrtales Order Brassicales Order Malvales Order Sapindales
Core Eudicots: The Rosids - Fabids Order Malpighiales Euphorbiaceae* – Spurges Salicaceae* – Willows and poplars Violaceae– Violets Order Fabales Fabaceae* – Beans Order Rosales Rosaceae* – Roses Moraceae – Figs, mulberries Ulmaceae – Elms Order Cucurbitales Curcurbitaceae* – Cucumbers, squashes Begoniaceae – Begonias Order Fagales Betulaceae – Birches Fagaceae – Oaks, beeches, chestnuts Juglandaceae – Walnuts, hickories *Family required for recognition
Rosids-Fabids: Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae(The Spurge Family) • Widespread, but most diverse in tropical regions • Trees, shrubs, herbs, or vines, sometimes succulent; leaves usually alternate • Diversity: ca. 6,300 species in 218-245 genera • Flowers: Unisexual; sepals 2-6; petals 0-5; carpels usually 3, ovule 1 per locule; styles usually 3 and sometimes divided; inflorescences often highly modified; fruit a schizocarp, seeds usually arillate • Significant features: Often with latex/laticifers(toxic) • Special uses: rubber (Hevea), cassava/manioc (Manihot), poinsettia (Euphorbia), ornamentals • Required taxa: Euphorbia
Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia • Ca. 2,400 species • White latex (usually) • One female and few to many male flowers aggregated into a cyathium(one type of false flower or pseudanthium) • Cyathium subtended by modified leaves (cyathophylls)
Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia cyathium From the Euphorbia PBI website
Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia Digital Flowers
Euphorbiaceae • Castor oil plant (Ricinuscommunis) castor bean ~ poisonous seeds ^
Euphorbiaceae • Rubber (Heveabrasiliensis) ^
Euphorbiaceae • Tapioca, Cassava (Manihot) Manihotesculenta cassava, tapioca ^
Euphorbiaceae • Tung oil (Aleurites) Aleuritesfordii tung-oil tree ^
Rosids-Fabids:Malpighiales: Salicaceae(The Willow or Poplar Family) • Widespread, from tropical to north temperate and boreal regions • Trees or shrubs • Diversity: 1,200 species in 54-55 genera • Flowers: bisexual or unisexual; sepals 3-8; petals 3-8; stamens 2-∞; carpels 2-4, connate, in superior ovary; fruit variable • Significant features: leaves simple, often withsalicoid teeth; salicin in most; includes what was formerly called the “Flacourtiaceae” • Special uses: lumber, shade trees, ornamentals • Required taxa: Populus, Salix
Salicaceae: Salix -bud scale single -catkins usually erect or ascending -flowers unisexual -each flower with 1-4 basal nectar glands -stamens 1-12 -mainly insect pollination
Salicaceae: Populus -bud scales several, overlapping -catkins arching or drooping -flowers unisexual -each flower with a basal cup-like disk -stamens 8-numerous -wind-pollination
Rosids-Fabids:Malpighiales: Violaceae(The Violet Family) • Widespread, but predominantly herbs of temperate regions • Herbs, shrubs, or trees • Diversity: 700-800 species in 23-24 genera • Flowers: Sepals 5; petals 5; 5 connivent stamens; carpels usually 3, connate, superior ovary; fruit usually a loculicidal capsule • Significant features: Zygomorphy, nectar spurs; floral cleistogamy • Special uses: Violets grown primarily as ornamentals • Family not required
Violaceae: Viola -mostly herbs, some shrubs -flowers zygomorphic -lower petal spurred -spring flowers open-pollinated, summer flowers remaining closed (cleistogamous)
Rosids-Fabids:Fabales: Fabaceae(The Legume Family) • Nearly cosmopolitan • Herbs, vines, trees, shrubs with usually alternate, stipulate, pinnately to palmately compound leaves (sometimes unifoliolate or simple) • Diversity: 19,500 species, 720-730 genera – THIRD LARGEST FAMILY of angiosperms • Flowers: a short, cup-like hypanthium present; sepals & petals usually 5, free or connate; petals all alike or the uppermost 1 differentiated (banner), the lower 2 forming a keel or flaring apart; stamens 5 or 10-many, if connate then monadelphous ordiadelphous; carpel 1, on a short stalk (gynophore); fruit is a legume (Duh!) but sometimes modified • Significant features: High nitrogen metabolism w/ unusual amino acids, often with root nodules with N-fixing bacteria; leaf and leaflet pulvinuses well developed; endosperm often lacking; wide range of floral diversity; 3 subfamilies but 1 is not monophyletic • Special uses: Many!! Beans, peas, peanuts, soybean, clover, ornamentals (Mimosa, Bauhinia); lumber, dyes, resins • Required taxa: Glycine, Trifolium, Mimosa, Cercis, Gleditsiaand the three subfamilies
Fabaceae vegetative characters root nodules pulvinus compound leaves
Fabaceae floral characters Diadelphous stamens: 9 + 1 Perigynous flower, short hypanthium gynophore Marginal (parietal) placentation
Fabaceae fruit and seed characters non-endospermous seeds legumes, loments, etc.
Papilionoideae Leaves pinnately compound to trifoliolate Fls zygomorphic, upper petal (banner) outermost; well defined wings and keel Stamens 10, monadelphous or diadelphous “Caesalpinioideae” Leaves usually pinnately or twice pinnately compound Fls+ weakly zygomorphic, upper petal usually innermost; petals distinct Stamens 5 or 10, distinct Mimosoideae Leaves usually twice pinnately compound Fls actinomorphic, petals valvate, distinct or basally fused Stamens 10-many, distinct or basally fused
Fabaceae – Subfamily Mimosoideae Albiziajulibrissin Acacia sp.
Fabaceae: Mimosoideae Actinomorphic tubular flowers in heads many stamens, not fused Albizia julibrissin mimosa, silktree
Fabaceae: Mimosoideae: Mimosa -woody or herbaceous -often armed (with prickles) -leafstalk without glands -flowers in heads or rarely racemes or spikes -stamens 10 or fewer
Fabaceae: “Caesalpinioideae” zygomorphic flower pulvinus Stamens not fused -10 or fewer Senna obtusifolia sicklepod
Fabaceae: “Caesalpinioideae”: Cercis -unarmed -leaves simple, palmately veined -flowers clustered, appearing before leaves -corolla rose to pink-purple Cerciscanadensis - redbud
Fabaceae: “Caesalpinioideae”: Gleditsia -armed (with thorns) -leaves 1- or 2-pinnate -flowers small, unisexual or bisexual -staminate inflorescences catkin-like, pendent -fertile inflorescences with bisexual or carpellate flowers Honey locust
Fabaceae: Faboideae • Petals unequal: • banner • wings • keel monadelphous stamens Crotalaria spectabilis showy rattlebox bacterial root nodule
Fabaceae: Faboideae • Petals unequal: • banner • wings • keel Crotalaria spectabilis showy rattlebox
Fabaceae: Faboideae Lathyrus sweet-pea Digital Flowers
Fabaceae: Faboideae: Glycine -leaves pinnately 3-foliolate -inflorescence a raceme -stamens diadelphous -seeds few per pod
Fabaceae: Faboideae: Trifolium -leaves palmately (or pinnately) foliolate with usually 3 leaflets -inflorescences racemose but often appearing head-like -stamens diadelphous -fruits enclosed by the persistent corolla -seeds 1-6 per pod
Rosids-Fabids:Rosales: Rosaceae(The Rose Family) • Cosmopolitan, primarily in the Northern Hemisphere • Herbs, shrubs or trees (75% woody plants) • Diversity: 2,500-3,000 species in 85-90 genera • Flowers: Showy, actinomorphic, hypanthium present; sepals 5; petals 5; stamens usually numerous; carpels 1 to many, apocarpous or syncarpous; ovary superioror inferior; fruit can be a follicle, achene, pome, drupe, or associated with expanded receptacle • Significant features: Wide range of fruit evolution within family; leaves alternate, stipules present • Special uses: Fruits (apples, pears, berries), ornamental herbs, trees, and shrubs; lumber, perfumery • Required taxa: Rubus, Prunus
Rosaceae: Rosa -shrubs, often prickly -leaves pinnately compound -ovary superior -hypanthium +globose and fleshy, contracted at the mouth -carpels numerous -fruit an achene
Rosaceae: Rubus* -herbaceous to shrubby, usually with prickles -leaves often compound with 3 to 7 leaflets -carpels usually numerous, borne on an elongate receptacle -fruit a drupelet, forming an aggregate fruit (blackberries and raspberries) *required for recognition
Rosaceae: Prunus* -trees or shrubs -bark with prominent horizontal lenticels -ovary superior -carpel solitary -fruit a drupe, endocarp stony *required for recognition
Rosaceae: Malus -trees with simple leaves -ovary inferior, with 5 carpels -mature carpels papery or softly leathery -fruit a pome, lacks stone cells
Rosids-Fabids:Rosales: Moraceae(The Fig Family) • Widespread, from tropical to temperate regions • Trees, shrubs, or vines (sometimes herbs) • Diversity: 1,500 species in 53 genera • Flowers: Unisexual, inconspicuous; tepals 0-4 or 5 (-8); carpels usually 2, connate, superior ovary; inflorescences cymose, highly modified, compact, receptacle expanded; fruit is a drupe, often in a multiple fruit structure (syconium). • Significant features: laticifers/latex throughout the plant • Special uses: figs (Ficus), mulberries (Morus), breadfruit (Artocarpus), ornamentals, e.g. osage orange (Maclura) • Family not required
Moraceae Dorstenia Ficuscarica – Cultivated Fig Artocarpus (breadfruit) Maclurapomifera Osage orange Morusrubra - Mulberry
Moraceae: Ficus -shrubs or trees -connate stipules enclosing the terminal buds -leaves with entire margins -flowers minute, borne inside the syconium -wasp-pollinated
Rosids-Fabids:Rosales: Ulmaceae(The Elm Family) • Widely distributed; maximal diversity in temperate regions of N. Hemisphere • Trees with alternate, 2-ranked leaves • Diversity: 35 species in 6 genera • Flowers: Small, inconspicuous; tepals 4-9; stamens 4-9; carpels 2, connate, superior ovary; fruit a samara or nutlet, seeds flat • Significant features: Leaves simple with pinnate venation, margins simply or doubly serrate, blade base asymmetrical; endosperm of a single layer • Special uses: Elms provide lumber; some trees used as ornamentals • Family not required
Rosids-Fabids:Cucurbitales: Cucurbitaceae(The Cucumber or Squash Family) • Widespread in the tropics and subtropics, a few in temperate regions • Herbaceous or soft woody vines with scabrous stems and palmately veined/lobed leavesand usually with tendrils • Diversity: 900 species in 118-122 genera • Flowers: hypanthium present; sepals & petals 5, usually connate; stamens 3-5; carpels usually 3; ovary half-inferior or inferior; fruit usually a berry (with hardened rind a pepo); seeds flattened, the seed coat with several layers • Significant features: wide range of floral diversity, “toothed” leaves lacking stipules; female flowers epiperigynous • Special uses: cucumbers (Cucumis), pumpkins, gourds, and squashes (Cucurbita), watermelons (Citrullus) etc. are eaten for fruits and seeds; Luffa, some ornamentals • Required taxa: family only