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Using your statistics data to identify and correct Player / Team problems Seamas Plunkett

Using your statistics data to identify and correct Player / Team problems Seamas Plunkett Laois Hurling. The Data supports striving for Continuous excellence in key elements of preparation;. Facts / Stats. Facts / Stats. ‘Scenario for this discussion’.

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Using your statistics data to identify and correct Player / Team problems Seamas Plunkett

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  1. Using your statistics data to identify and correct Player / Team problems Seamas Plunkett Laois Hurling

  2. The Data supports striving for Continuous excellence in key elements of preparation; Facts / Stats Facts / Stats

  3. ‘Scenario for this discussion’ • You have good preparation done and playing in Round 1 of C’ship • You are clear on what system your team is playing • You have practised it, your team is confident with it and have bought into it • You have set your Goals • You have a fair idea of how the other team is going to play • Not able to cover every aspect today so ..... assume these are the key issues to be monitored in this game; • Our Puckouts • Their Puckouts • Tackling • Shooting / Shot selection

  4. Implementing your Team System • What problems are hurting you? What/Why is not executed well? • What is priority? Why is it priority? • How will you solve it ? How will you practice it? • Who will make it work for you? • Decisions - You don’t have a lot of time to fix things: • Define the problem, • Isolate cause (not symptoms) • What are your Solutions? • Constraints to solutions? You have got to know the facts >>> They help you cut down the long grass • “You do not just tell them. . . . . .you show them the reasons” - Vince Lombardi

  5. Our Puck-Out strategy • Range of PO Options you are using: • Short PO to corner back and carry • Long and High to your catcher and catch or tap down • Create ‘clear-out’ zones to pop ball into : [8 & 9 bunch and break - clear low channel to 11] • Colleague works himself free to take PO • Stats show your Success Rate – success Areas on Field? Is each option working? What options are not working? • What elements of options are not working? • Is everyone clear on their roles in each option? • What is opposition counter tactics? • What corrective action can you take in the course of the game? At Half Time? • Get some Team Feedback at HT? (8 & 9 poor timing of runs or 11 is screening) • What corrective action can you take to prepare for the next game? • Post Game debrief – Get some Team Feedback? Video analysis of POs. • More intense Practice? Better positioning, Timing of runs. Amend.

  6. Their Puck-Out strategy • Range of PO Options they are using: • Short PO to corner back and strike long • Long and High to their main catcher and he catches or taps down • They are trying to create clear-out zones to pop ball into • Colleague works himself free to take PO • Stats show Success Rate at winning possession from their Puck-Outs? • Primary • Second Phase • What is your defensive screen on their PO? • Is it sufficient for each of their Options? • What corrective action can you take in the course of the game? At Half Time? • Get some Team Feedback at HT? (Mismatch?) (Defensive diamond?) • What corrective action can you take to prepare for the next game? • Post Game debrief – Get some Team Feedback? (Better info on opposition / Practic).

  7. Tackling / Transitioning • Hard Tackling vs Token tackling • Backs • Effective / Ineffective • Tackles to turnovers • Tackles to frees for opposition • Technique? Wrap around to hold up / Bump....... • Referee? • Forwards • Effective / Ineffective • Tackles to turnovers • Tackles to frees for opposition • Technique? Wrap around to hold up / Bump....... • Referee? • Set tackle targets for Forwards / Review for opposition • What corrective action can you take in the course of the game? At Half Time? • Get some Team Feedback at HT? (Wrap around is conceding frees with referee? Technique: Hand release?) • What corrective action can you take to prepare for the next game? • Post Game debrief – Get some Team Feedback? (Practice technique / Bring a Referee to training). • Video: Speed to tackle / Transition from turnover to attack

  8. Shooting / Shot selection • Shooting stats show high % of wides on Shots taken: • Shooting on back foot vs front foot • Shooting while under pressure and not recycling • Or no supporting colleagues • Was shot ‘on’ but just missed? • Decision to keep shooting or to recycle • Good Field position? • What corrective action can you take in the course of the game? At Half Time? • Get some Team/Player Feedback at HT? ( Break the tackle and drive through) • What corrective action can you take to prepare for the next game? • Post Game debrief – Get some Team Feedback? Video analysis • (Practice break the tackle and support player off shoulder for pop pass)

  9. Shot selection – 1st half field position 11 14 11 12 12 10 15 14 11 10F 10 6 6F 8 13 11 5 10F 10 5 14

  10. CSFs to raise the performance bar • You only see about 40% of what is going on in front of you! • Know the critical KPIs for your team – Know the FACTS • Analyse with your team - You have to be SPECIFIC • Devise and take the necessary corrective actions • Practice them if you have time • Be flexible to adapt and change course if need be • You will not fix everything in one game / Break it down and maintain • ‘Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.’ Vincent Lombardi

  11. Using your statistics data to identify and correct Player / Team problems Any Questions?

  12. Thank You Seamas Plunkett Laois Hurling

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