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When it comes to the study of Economics, some of the best economics colleges in India that are known to impart fine education is Symbiosis School of Economics.
Top Economies Colleges inIndia https://sse.ac.in
To provide facilities for education and research of Universitystandard The encouragement of the dissemination, advancement,development and application ofknowledge. The provision of courses of study or instruction across a range of fields, and the carrying out of research, to meet the needs of thecommunity. The provision of teaching and learning that engage with advancedknowledge. AboutUs:- https://sse.ac.in
B.Sc. (Economics) Honours is a full-time, three-year graduation programme. It aims at imparting a programme structure which would retain the ‘traditionals’ in the programme yet would plug the loopholesandlimitationsofonlyatraditionalapproach. Theprogrammeoffersawidearrayof‘Outofbox’courseslikeAccounts,EnvironmentalEconomics, International Relations, Political Economy of India, Research Methodology etc, not emphasized in traditionaleconomicsgraduationprograms.Thiswillhelpstudentstogetanedgeoverothersinterms ofcriticalthinking,logicalanalysisanddeepunderstandingofcrucialeconomicissues. We aim at creating a class of graduates in Economics who would be equipped not only with the strongfoundationofeconomictheorybutalsowithskillsrequiredtotackleandanalyzetherealworld businessandeconomicissues. Admissions:- B.SC. (ECONOMICS)HONOURS https://sse.ac.in
WhatisMSc(Economics)? A Master’s degree, with a strong background in Economic Theory, Mathematics, Statistics and Econometrics, incorporating contemporary economics, provides the basis for acquiring special focuswithintherelatedfieldsandsubfieldsofEconomics.Theimportanceofquantitativeskillsisnot unknown to Economists; courses in Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, Sampling Theory, Survey Design, and Computer Science are extremely helpful to hone the expertise required from a candidate who has opted for this programme. The MSc in Economics that we offer is very quantitativeinnatureandapproach.Theprogrammeprovidesanall-inclusivepathtometiculously understand and apply Economic Theories and their application to Economic Modellingand Forecastingintherealworld. Admissions:- M.SC(ECONOMICS) https://sse.ac.in
Symbiosis School ofEconomics 3rd Floor SCHC Building, Senapati BapatRoad, Pune -411004 Tel: 020-25672520, 25652444,25925249 Admissions: B.Sc. (Economics) Honours - +91 8669667596, E-mail:admissions@sse.ac.in M.Sc. (Economics) - +91 7722037632, E-mail:mscadmissions@sse.ac.in MSc: placements@sse.ac.in BSc: placementcell@sse.ac.in General Queries:info@sse.ac.in ContactUs:- sseweekly SSE_Symbiosis https://sse.ac.in
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