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炎黄游子心 携手公益行. ——中美夏令营纪实. 前 言. 二零一四年三月,第二期复旦访美团拜会了美国中华艾滋病慈善基金会荣誉主席苏梦娜女士,共进晚宴。席间聆听了在美华人和著名医生为中国艾滋病防治事业贡献爱心的生动故事,深受感染,大家共同探讨了企业家的社会责任,深觉重任在肩,而这份责任与爱的传递不分地域,跨越年岁,世代传承。 三个月后,夏初神州,大家为了共同的梦想,又齐聚郑州,走访上菜儿童中心,关爱艾滋病小朋友。不同于以往,这次大家将带着家人共同参与,为公益事业献出微薄力量!
炎黄游子心携手公益行 ——中美夏令营纪实
前 言 二零一四年三月,第二期复旦访美团拜会了美国中华艾滋病慈善基金会荣誉主席苏梦娜女士,共进晚宴。席间聆听了在美华人和著名医生为中国艾滋病防治事业贡献爱心的生动故事,深受感染,大家共同探讨了企业家的社会责任,深觉重任在肩,而这份责任与爱的传递不分地域,跨越年岁,世代传承。 三个月后,夏初神州,大家为了共同的梦想,又齐聚郑州,走访上菜儿童中心,关爱艾滋病小朋友。不同于以往,这次大家将带着家人共同参与,为公益事业献出微薄力量! 此次活动由美国中华艾滋病慈善基金会、2014复旦大学地产金融同学会访美团、上海复大公益基金会联合承办。特别要感谢第二期复旦访美团各位团友的大力支持,为此次行程做了丰富并且详尽的安排!
上蔡行 2014年6月29日至7月1日,团员们到访河南省上蔡县,进行了为期的三天的志愿者活动。活动期间,团员们参观了中华艾滋病基金会上蔡儿童中心与沈丘儿童活动中心,深入村落对接受资助的困难家庭进行了走访。14名来自五湖四海的儿童和青少年成员不仅在志愿活动中切身体会到艾滋病家庭的现状,经历了一次内心的洗礼。走访结束后,成员们纷纷动笔写下自己的感悟,最终万千思绪汇成了以下文字。青春无悔,花开不败,希望各位满载着本次活动带来的启迪,在人生的道路上大步向前。
People are poor that nobody can ever imagine what's that like. They live in bad condition which is bad smell and dirty. They don't have money to buy new clothes so the cloths look old and bad. But they like to study hard, they have AIDS but they never give up. If I am one of them I will give up and just pass out. Hopeless. I want to help them by myself. I don't know how may be just talk to them how their schools going. We can't throw money to them, we need show respect to them. They need someone really understand them someone who cares about them. A lot of kids drop off schools all the time. In the past people want to get money so they sold their blood. It was the main cause of AIDS.
I visited 3 homes today and felt very sad. Their houses were dirty. Old people are trying to support those children. I want to help them and donate them money in the future.
陈振龙 • They are striving to fight against their fate despite their poor conditions.
I saw a lot of stuff on the river and environment is seriously polluted. I am suprised that every family has cats and dogs, and most of the families are farmers. I saw crops they collected in their yard. I hope we can help them.
It was very interesting to see the difference in our lifestyle's. On the first day here, when visiting the children's center, it was very hard to imagine the children who were performing in front of me were living in such conditions. When we visited the homes of a few of these students, they lived with their grandparents in small homes that were often unsanitary and lacked heat or air conditioning. The parents of these children weren't around anymore so the children often had to take up more responsibilities to support their grandparents. Despite living in these small houses, and having to care for their grandparents, the children and their guardians manage to live a fairly happy life. I was told that many children drop out of school in order to earn money. In the future, I hope to help raise money to ease their financial problems and write many letters to provide mental support.
I hope someone will help these people.They can't play like me.And I hope someone will give them some money and gift.
I was shocked while they were talking about death,they were not serious. I think the local government should build more hospitals, in this way, people who have AIDS will be treated, and save more lifes. By the way, I hope everyone will realize Aids is a scary illness and help them out.
姜亦凡 For me, I had never made a such giant charity before, as I join this project and i found their tough lives really amazing. They have no extral income to enjoy education even give up it at the age of 15. Many kids suffer the Aids from their parents. Personally speaking, I think the government should pay attention to these guys who can not pay for themselves. Also, the government must be strict to the blood donation. I still believe human can develop one way to cure the patients who have Acid. We should develop physical and mental treatment for these people who are unlucky. I will help them both by money and medicine.
朱静波 • The thing which makes me shocked is a kind family, where the mother was infected and then died. And the father is the only healthy person in the family. He has two daughters,the elder was also infected while the yong has come down with another deadly disease. Thus, the great father donated one of his kidneys to his daughter to save her.I think that is called "the great love". Meanwhile, I've seen many kinds of "little love",such as raising money for the poor,donating books to the kids, giving them some little things that could make them feel a bit happy like candies or pens and so on. • Compared with them, we are the happier indeed. So we can just share our joy with them, which might make them feel equal and fair. Besides, we may not just take out cameras or keyboards to show our curiosity instead of kindness. Moreover,I don't even understand why the government prevents people from entering the village. If the situation of AIDS is known and understood by more people,we'll make it one day. • We can see that there are still some problems in the foundation, but I believe it that as time goes by ,everything will be okay. As far as I'm concerned, we may not have many abilities,but we do have the ability to heip others to some degree.
What can I honestly say that people havent said before? Its obvious that there is a situation that does need attention. The conditions are poor but I think it may be arguably more important to focus on the positive side. Simply stated there is happiness in even this type of enviornment.The way the children act, from the embrassment of dancing in front of a crowd to the way one of them was focused on the TV when we came in mirrors the actions of the other children i see accross the world. Despite how different the homes were its clear there is a support system; the accomplishments of the chidlren are taped along the wall and when spoken about by their guardians its clear that they are proud of them. Its reassuring to know that despite the little material they have there is a lot more that they do have. Perhaphs what they do have is more important because money is something comparatively easy to give, and I fully plan to give it.
I feel heavy today when I know that in a small coutry about 800 persons got AIDS because they are so pool then have to sell their blood. Do you know that only 400 persons are alive now? But when they talk about it so common. Maybe they are accustomed to hear about it.
In the begining, I didn't know there are so many people who are struggling through AIDS. We visited 2 families and i saw what living conditions they are in. And that made me think of what I have in life. We should really cherish what we have and be thankful. I would also try my best to help them by donating money and writing more letters to try and give console. .
Despite the fact that my hometown is also small and undeveloped like Shangcai, I never saw a family is as poor as the first one we visited today. It seems that they need money to support their children to continue study, while I believe the denotion cannot easily help them get rid of this struggle. Only when these children get well education, they can eventually change their fate. In fact, thousands of children drop out of school in Shangcai every year which is not only caused by financial burden, also rural tradition. So there is still a long way to go to totally change situation in this area.
上海行 7月2日上午: 在淅淅沥沥的小雨中,夏令营的团友们走进了复旦大学校史馆参观。校史馆面积为七百多平方米,分十一个部分展示了复旦百年的沧桑历史和历年来的发展成就。其间很多文物十分有价值,有中国最“老”的毕业文凭,有孙中山先后题下的“天下为公”的条幅等。 7月2日下午: 中国梦 • 美国梦 ——中美文化差异主题论坛在复旦校友俱乐部举行。外联处陈超怡老师抛砖引玉,孩子们纷纷畅所欲言,热闹非凡!紧接着由国学研究中心的志愿者为大家带来寓教于乐得课程——中华文化《五行与属相》之找朋友。期间,复旦大学教务处副处长应质峰副教授还专程赴复旦校友俱乐部看望团友们,欢迎大家参加如此有意义的夏令营,并对大家作了勉励!
团友感悟: VINCENT: 感谢李老师及复旦大学校友会的盛情接待!特别感谢姜卫兵,涂晓珍两家人的全程伴随以及国內小朋友们的加入,尤其特別感謝陈老師,悦寧以及蘇州孙总的辛勞接待,還有所有熱心幫助的人員。因為你們的盛情款待,我們這次不但愛心活動取得圓滿。我們同時也經歷了一次超級愉快的旅程!在此我代表美國及香港的團員向你們表示衷心的感謝!我們內心深處深深感受到了這種血浓于水的深情!希望不远的將來能在大洋彼岸與你們再相见。谢谢! SHARI: 非常感谢元红和朋友们的精心安排。朋友们来美国一定要和我们联系。望孩子们能继续参与公益事业。 HENRY: 我们第一次带小朋友来参加中美夏令营,深感这次中美夏令营的重要意义,我们以及小朋友们都感受良多。回想上一个多星期来我们的中美夏令营一行迂回于上海、郑州、嘉兴、以及苏州等地,一同奔跑在中国神州大地上走访取经,经历了一个多星期的相处,让我们深深地体会到了一种朋友间的真情,那种助人为乐、相互相敬和大公无私的精神。我们特别感谢这次中美夏令营的领导班子和全体工作人员对整体行程的悉心安排和照顾。中美夏令营的中国行画上了一个完美的句号。 祝愿大家身体健康,工作顺利!希望在不久的将来再次和朋友们相见。谢谢! GENEVIEVE: 各位叔叔,阿姨,哥哥,姐姐,謝謝你們對我的照顧。特別是卫兵叔叔,涂叔,Dr. Wang, 李老師,是你們精心安排這些行程,把這個trip 變得非常有意義。我永遠都不會忘記這個trip 和當中的人。這些快樂對我來講是刻骨銘心的。再次謝謝各位!!!! 涂晓珍: 这是一次意义非凡的活动,给所有人都带来了收获,美好瞬间永久回忆。我代表全家再次感谢所有参与者,感恩复旦大学地产金融同学会&美国中华艾滋病慈善基金会的李元红老师、蔡老师、陈老师等组织者的精心安排,谢谢大家的悉心照料,谢谢你们! 悦宁: “慈善”不是一次活动!慈善也不应该是一个活动。慈善应该是为人的品性。无论远隔千里还是近在咫尺,时刻都应当怀揣仁爱之心!让大爱的种子洒满我们的心田,永生永世生生不息!