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Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF) Recipient Reporting Guidance -Grants and Cooperative Agreements-. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention and Public Health Fund. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Agenda. Webinar Objectives PPHF Reporting Requirements
Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF) Recipient Reporting Guidance-Grants and Cooperative Agreements- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Prevention and Public Health Fund Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Agenda • Webinar Objectives • PPHF Reporting Requirements • PPHF Recipient Reporting Data Elements • Recipient Reporting Process • Questions & Discussion 2
Objectives • Review the PPHF reporting requirements and process • Review the recipient reporting data elements and prepopulated templates • Review and discuss recipient reporting and data quality review process 3
PPHF Reporting Requirements SEC. 220. (a) The Secretary shall establish a publicly accessible website to provide information regarding the uses of funds made available under section 4002 of Public Law 111-148. (5) Semi-annual reports from each entity awarded a grant, cooperative agreement, or contract from such funds with a value of $25,000 or more, summarizing the activities undertaken and identifying any sub-grants or sub-contracts awarded (including the purpose of the award and the identity of the recipient), to be posted not later than 30 days after the end of each 6-month period.* * H.R. 3671--112th Congress: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012. (2011). 4
PPHF Reporting Requirements • All recipients that received PPHF awards of $25,000 or more are required to submit semi-annual recipient reports • The recipient reporting requirement includes awards made in previous fiscal years that were continued with FY12 funds • Recipients that received continuation funds only need to report on activities supported by FY12 funds • Recipients should submit reports to CDC by January 15thand no later than January 20th • PPHF recipient reports must be posted on the web no later than 30 days after the end of each 6-month period 5
PPHF Reporting Requirements Example Reporting Period*** Sept. 30, 2012 End of FY2012 Oct. 1, 2011 Beginning of FY2012 July 1, 2012 Beginning of Reporting Period Aug. 14, 2012 Recipient Award Date Dec. 31, 2012 End of Reporting Period Sept. 30, 2012 End of FY2012 Oct. 1, 2011 Beginning of FY2012 Federal Fiscal Year 2012* Federal Fiscal Year 2012* Reporting Period** * Grants and Cooperative Agreements that were awarded with PPHF funds in FY12 will be required to submit a recipient report to pphfsio@cdc.gov ** Recipient reports should only include information on activities supported by FY12 PPHF funds between July 1, 2012 and Dec. 31, 2012 *** For recipient’s with an award start date after July 1, 2012, the reporting period will be from the award start date through December 31, 2012 6
PPHF Recipient Reporting Data Elements Grants/Cooperative Agreements Report Summary of Activities(3000 character limit) Provide a high level description of the award and the activities undertaken during the reporting period Subaward Recipient Name Enter the subawardrecipient’s name Subaward Date Enter the subaward date (MM/DD/YYYY) Should not be before the FY12 award date or after the end of the reporting period - 12/31/12 Subaward Number If applicable, enter the award number listed in row 8 of the report information section Subaward Amount Enter the total subaward amount of PPHF funds Subaward Purpose Provide a high level description of the subaward CDC: CDC will be responsible for populating data element; Recipient: PPHF recipient will be responsible for reporting data element * PPHF recipient reporting data elements are subject to change pending further guidance from HHS ** Recipient reporting templates will include 20 subaward reporting tables; recipients should add additional tables if necessary 7
PPHF Grant/Cooperative Agreement Recipient Reporting Template 8
PPHF Grant/Cooperative Agreement Recipient Reporting Template 9
PPHF Recipient Reporting Process December 17th – 31st January 1st – 20th January 20th – 25th January 25th CDC will submit recipient reports to HHS CDC will have 5-days to complete the data quality review for all recipient reports* Recipients complete and submit reportsto pphfsio@cdc.gov; CDC will perform data quality review as soon as report is submitted CDC will prepopulate and distribute reports to recipients * CDC will have 750 recipient reports; it is critical for recipients to submit reports by January 15th to ensure final reports are completed by January 25th 10
December 17th – 31st • CDC will prepopulate and lock standard data elements prior to distributing the reporting templates to recipients • Distribution of PPHF reports will include reporting instructions, deadlines, and any guidance updates • Each recipient will receive a template for each of their PPHF FY12 awards from pphfsio@cdc.gov CDC develops report templates CDC prepopulates standard recipient information CDC distributes prepopulated reports to recipients 11
January 1st – 20th • PPHF recipients will prepare and complete the required data elements in the recipient report with information on activities supported by PPHF funds only* • Recipients are required to submit the final report to the pphfsio@cdc.govby January 15th and no later than January 20th • Recipients must not alter their final reports document file name • CDC will begin contacting recipients who have not submitted reports by the 10th day of the reporting period • Recipients that do not submit a report by January 20th will be viewed as non-compliant and will be in violation of the terms and conditions of their award PPHF recipients receive prepopulated report Recipients prepare and finalize reports* Recipients submit reports to PPHFSIO mailbox CDC contacts recipients with pending reports * Recipients should engage CDC program points of contact for reporting questions and guidance 12
January 20th – 25th • CDC will review recipient reports and identify errors • CDC will begin data quality review as soon as reports are received • If errors are identified, the CDC program point of contact will work with recipients to correct and resubmit reports • Recipients must be prepared to respond quickly to program requests for corrections Reporting Error? CDC will gather and review recipient reports CDC consolidates final reports No Yes CDC programs will work with recipients to correct errors and resubmit reports 13
January 25th • CDC will review updated recipient reports and ensure that all errors are corrected and reports are finalized • CDC will submit forms to HHS for review and posting to HHS.gov/Open website (http://www.hhs.gov/open/recordsandreports/prevention/index.html) CDC reviews error corrections and finalizes reports CDC submits final reports to HHS HHS reviews and posts reports to the web 14
Summary • CDC will distribute prepopulated reports to PPHF recipients between December 17thand 31st • Recipients should only complete the unlocked data fields in the reports • Recipients must not alter their final reports document file name • All PPHF recipient reports must be finalized and submitted to pphfsio@cdc.gov by January 15thand no later than January 20th • Non-compliant recipients – recipients that do not submit a report by January 20th – will be in violation of the terms and conditions of their award • If CDC identifies errors within the PPHF report, the CDC programs will work with recipients to correct and resubmit reports • Recipients must be prepared to respond quickly to programs requests for corrections • All recipient reports will be posted on HHS.gov/Open website by January 30th (http://www.hhs.gov/open/recordsandreports/prevention/index.html) 15
Questions & Discussion Prevention and Public Health Fund Centers for Disease Control and Prevention