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Horoscopes. By: Julia and Jordan. What is a Horoscope?.

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  1. Horoscopes By: Julia and Jordan

  2. What is a Horoscope? • In astrology, a horoscope is a chart or diagram representing the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, the astrological aspects, and sensitive angles at the time of an event, such as the moment of a person's birth. The word horoscope is derived from Greek words meaning "a look at the hours" (horoskopos, pl. horoskopoi, or "marker(s) of the hour.") Other commonly used names for the horoscope in English include astrological chart, astro-chart, celestial map, sky-map, star-chart, Cosmo gram, vita sphere, radical chart, radix, chart wheel, or simply chart. • It is used as a method of divination regarding events relating to the point in time it represents and forms the basis of the horoscopic traditions of astrology. However, no studies have shown any scientific support for the accuracy of horoscopes, and the methods used to make interpretations are, at best, pseudo-scientific. • In common usage, horoscope often refers to an astrologer's interpretation, usually through a system of Sun sign astrology or based on calendar significance of an event, as in Chinese Astrology. In particular, many newspapers and magazines carry predictive columns based on celestial influences in relation to the zodiacal placement of the Sun on the day of a person's birth, identifying the individual's Sun sign or "star sign" based on a conventional zodiac (which is not the celestial one). Such a concept is distinct from horoscopes as typically employed, where only the traditional zodiacal placement of the Sun is considered in interpretation. While this modern usage is perhaps the most popular in the colloquial lexicon, this article will focus primarily on the traditional concept.

  3. Aries • Aries is symbolized by a ram • March 21st- April 19th • Things aren't going your way today, but it's only the small stuff. You can't quite tell if it's going to add up to something big and terrible, but the odds are definitely on your side on the long run.

  4. Taurus • Taurus is symbolized by a bull • April 20th- May 20th • Sometimes it gets old having to handle other people's dramas, but for now it's easier to do what you can than to stubbornly resist someone's cries for help. Nevertheless, be careful about taking on too much, for it's likely that your friend in need might expect something very different from you than you're willing to give. If you experience a clash of wills, be smart and retreat before your assistance just makes matters worse.

  5. Gemini • Gemini is symbolized by twins • May 21st- June 20th • If you've been considering a change to your diet, this would be a sensible day to make it happen. The Moon's current visit to your 6th House of Self-Improvement also bodes well for starting a new exercise regimen. Ultimately, anything that helps you feel better now will also increase your chances for overall success in your career goals. Recognizing the connection between the personal and the professional enables you to do something small that has a greater impact over time.

  6. Cancer • Cancer is symbolized by a crab • June 21st- July 22nd • If you've been considering a change to your diet, this would be a sensible day to make it happen. The Moon's current visit to your 6th House of Self-Improvement also bodes well for starting a new exercise regimen. Ultimately, anything that helps you feel better now will also increase your chances for overall success in your career goals. Recognizing the connection between the personal and the professional enables you to do something small that has a greater impact over time.

  7. Leo • Leo is often symbolized as a lion • People with the Leo sign have a birthday between July 23rd and August 22nd • You know what your responsibilities are and nothing is going to deter you from fulfilling your current obligations. But your loyalty is so complete that you could overreact to the pressures of a situation today. Keep in mind that it's not as black or white as you think. There are an infinite number of shades of gray in between the most extreme choices.

  8. Virgo • Virgo is symbolized by a female • August 23rd-September 22nd • You may actually believe that you are being flexible now, but you have probably already made up your mind. Your apparent willingness to negotiate could be more for show than for anything else. Instead of holding on to a fixed agenda today, try listening to what other people want, too. The outcome is surely better if no one feels outsmarted or left out.

  9. Libra • Libra is symbolized by balanced scales • September 24th- October 22nd • Today you may have money on your mind as the Moon moves through your 2nd House of Material Possessions. Financial planning will be more helpful now if you have definitive goals. Handling things by reacting to an emergency isn't your cup of tea. Instead, prevent the need for crisis management by planning ahead and then executing your strategy calmly and efficiently.

  10. Scorpio • Scorpio is symbolized by a (duh!) scorpion • October 23rd- November 21st • You may have to fight to be heard today, which can be rather annoying to you. You know that your ideas are good and you are confident in your ability to express yourself. You would prefer it if others went out of their way to ask for your perspective on a sticky situation. Nevertheless, it's important that your voice is acknowledged, so don't back down until you have shared your opinion.

  11. Sagittarius • Sagittarius is symbolized by a bow & arrow • November 22nd- December 21st • Battle lines may be drawn today and your unwillingness to take sides in the conflict could come back to haunt you next week. It sounds like a smart idea to remain neutral as an outsider, but you won't be as effective unless you are working on a team. Don't worry whether you'll pick the right side or not; just being involved is good enough for now.

  12. Capricorn • Capricorn is symbolized a goat • December 22nd- January 19th • Business negotiations could become rather complicated today, encouraging you to throw your hands in the air and walk away from the whole thing. But you have come farther along than you currently realize and it would be a shame for you to give up when you are so close. It's not wise to make a stand, for an outright conflict now could create a setback. Keep the dialogue going and remain open to all possibilities, even if it's not what you prefer.

  13. Aquarius • Aquarius is symbolized by water • January 20th- February 18th • It's tempting to turn a little difference of opinion now into a major obstacle to your success. You might feel as if someone is purposefully picking a fight and this makes you angry enough to respond in kind. But ego conflict has no place in the current scheme of things. Keep your insecurities to yourself and don't transform an insignificant molehill into an unsurpassable mountain.

  14. Pisces • Pisces is symbolized by two fish • February 19th- March 20th • Taking a stand over a core belief might be wise now, but waving your flag as part of an unnecessary performance makes no sense at all. In fact, over-eager displays of passion can be counterproductive if they antagonize the very same people who would otherwise want to help you. Pick your battles carefully and use logic, not emotion, as your primary weapon of engagement.

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