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Israelite History: Millennia of Development

Explore the evolution of Israel from ancient empires to biblical figures like Moses and King David, shaping Jewish faith and history. Learn about conquests, the Babylonian Exile, and Persian rule. Uncover the ties between biblical events and the State of Israel today.

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Israelite History: Millennia of Development

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  1. Israelite History Thousands of Years of Development Part I by Jack MahoneyPart II by Gina Belmonte

  2. Six Major Middle Eastern Empires • In biblical history, the land of Israel/Palestine was ruled by six major empires: • Egyptians • Assyrians • Babylonians • Persians • Greeks • Romans • Mnemonic Aid: “Eat At Bob’s, Pasadena’s Greatest Restaurant”

  3. Pre-Historic Period • 3760 BCE - traditional date of creation of world • Year 1 in Jewish calendar • Is Gen 1-11 factual history (Orthodox/Fundamentalist view)? • or foundational myths about basic theological truths (Liberal/Progressive view)?

  4. HEBREW / ISRAELITE PERIOD(2nd Millennium to ca. 539 BCE) • ca. 3000 - ca. 1000 BCE - EGYPTIAN are overlords of area that later belongs to Jewish people, or today’s Israel. • ca. 1800-1700 - Foundations of Israelite People under Patriarchs/ Ancestors; God promises to give Holy Land to Abraham’s descendants

  5. Patriarchs • 1) ABRAHAM & Sarah (+ her handmaid Hagar) • 2) Isaac & Rebekah (+ elder half-brother Ishmael, son of Hagar) • 3) Jacob = Israel (two wives, Leah & Rachel, & two handmaids, Zilpah & Bilhah) • 4) Twelve Sons of Jacob = 12 Tribes of Israel (Judah = "Royal Tribe"; Levi = "Priestly Tribe"; Joseph; Benjamin; etc.)

  6. Moses & the Exodus Generation • ca. 1700-1300 - Israelites (a.k.a. Hebrews) in Egypt (since time of Joseph, the "dreamer"); welcome at first, but later in slavery • ca. 1250 - MOSES and the Exodus – • Plagues; Passover; Exodus from Egypt; • Torah/Covenant on Mount Sinai; • Wandering in the Desert for 40 years • (books of Exodus - Deuteronomy) • Have Jews learned more from troubled eras than from good eras? • What elements of Jewish faith are tied to the Exodus?

  7. Joshua and the Judges • ca. 1200-1030 – after Moses’ death, conquest of Promised Land led by Joshua • Loose confederation of 12 tribes of Israel • Charismatic military/political leaders called "Judges“: • Samson, Deborah, etc. • Events recorded in books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth

  8. United Kingdom of Israel:The Golden Age • ca. 1030 - 12 tribes in one united monarchy; first ruler King Saul; continual war with Philistines • ca. 1000 - Jerusalem conquered by King DAVID’s army; made capital of all Israel; David expands kingdom; God promises House of David will rule Israel forever (2 Sam 7) • ca. 970 - First Temple built in Jerusalem by David’s son, King Solomon; worship centralized • ca. 930 - Death of Solomon; throne succession struggles; kingdom divides into two parts: North vs. South

  9. North 922-721 - "Kingdom of Israel"; ruled by several series of corrupt kings; 721 - fall of Northern Kingdom & capital Samaria to ASSYRIANS; deportation of most Israelites; importation of foreigners into areas of former Israel South 922-587 - "Kingdom of Judah"; ruled by David’s descendants: some bad, some good; 720's - religious reforms under King Hezekiah; resistance against Assyrian takeover 620's - religious reforms of King Josiah; Deuteronomy Divided Monarchies(922 BCE - 587 BCE)

  10. Babylonian Conquest of Judah • 605 - Babylon defeats Egypt; territory of Judah becomes part of Babylonian Empire • 597 - First unsuccessful revolt of Judah vs. Babylon; ruling elite of Judah exiled to Babylon • 587 - Another unsuccessful revolt of Judah vs. Babylon; total destruction of Jerusalem city & temple by Babylonians

  11. Questions to Consider • Do you think the Babylonian exile foreshadowed a dark history to come? • To what extent is State of Israel today grounded on the biblical history and religious beliefs of the Jews?

  12. Babylonian Exile • 587-539 BCE - most upper-class Jews (officials, priests, artisans) deported to Babylon; others flee to Egypt, etc.; • much of HB written, esp. major prophets; final compilation of Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy) & Deuteronomistic History (Joshua to 2 Kings) by Judean scribes living in exile in Babylon.

  13. Persian Period • 539 BCE – Babylonian empire conquered by Persians • King Cyrus allows all exiles to return to their homelands • Urges reconstruction of city & temple of Jerusalem • Book of Ezra & Nehemiah gives account • Ca. 520 – rebuilding of Second Temple in Jerusalem • Not as nice or large as Solomon’s Temple • Ca. 458-445 – more exiles return to Jerusalem • Led by priest Ezra & governor Nehemiah • Some Jews stay in other parts of the Middle East, sometimes in conflict with other nations. • Book of Esther

  14. Hellenistic/Greek Era • 334 – Alexander the Great begins conquest of Persian Empire (cf. Daniel 11:1-4) • Hellenization = establishment of Greek language, religion, culture, government throughout East (2 Macc 4:13-15) • 323 Alexander dies; empire divided among four generals (Daniel 7) • Hellenistic Empire Divides (cf. 1 Maccabees 1-7) • Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt controls Palestine 323-198 BCE • Seleucid dynasty from Syria rules Palestine 198-141 BCE • Ca. 250 BCE – Septuagint (LXX) • HB translated into Greek in Alexandria, Egypt • More books added; categories rearranged

  15. Maccabean Era • 167 BCE – Desecration of Jerusalem Temple by Seleucid ruler, Antiochus IV Epiphanes • Statues of Greek gods • Sparks revolt of Jews led by Judas “Maccabeus” (167-161) • Events recorded in First & Second Book of Maccabees • 164 – Maccabean Revolt’s first main success:rededication of the Jerusalem Temple (2 Macc 8) • Hannukah, the Feast of Lights • ca. 141-63 – Short independence and expansion of Israel under Maccabean/Hasmonean rulers

  16. Hasmonean Dynasty • 134-67 BC – Hasmoneans rule Israel several generations • Rivalries among various Jewish Groups • Pharisees: • Popular group, mostly laymen • Strict observance of laws and traditions • Sadducees: • Smaller elite group, mostly priests • followed Torah, rejected new traditions. • Essenes: • Small group, lived “monastic” lifestyle near Dead Sea • Associated with Dead Sea Scrolls

  17. Roman Era • 63 BCE – ca. 650 CE • 63 – Roman army under General Pompey takes over Middle East • 40-4 BCE – King Herod the Great • Named “King” by Roman Senate • Fights to gain control over Israel • Builds cities with Roman temples, fortresses; • expands Jerusalem Temple. • 4BCE – Herod dies; • Kingdom divided between three sons and one sister

  18. During & After King Herod • Herod (40-4 BCE) • 6-4BC Jesus born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth • Pharisees - (2nd cent. BCE – 1st cent. CE) • Precursors of “rabbis” (founders of “rabbinic Judaism”) • Followed laws of HB; also “traditions of the elders” • NT: Opponents of Jesus (Matt 23, Mark 8:11, Luke 12:1) • High Priests • Members of Tribe of Levi • Leaders of Jewish people; control Temple • Caiaphas: arrest & conviction of Jesus (Matt 26:3, John 11:49-53) • Roman Procurators (esp. Pilate 26-36CE) • Governors of provinces (e.g. Judea) • Military, civil & criminal jurisdiction • Jews had much self-government, run by Sanhedrin • Death penalty had to be approved & executed by Roman Procurator

  19. First Jewish Revolt • 66-74 CE – Jewish war vs. Rome begins in Galilee & Jerusalem • Recorded in Josephus’ Jewish War • 68 CE – Most of Judea recaptured by Romans (General Vespasian) • Emperor Nero dies; Pause in war; 3 short-lived Emperors • 70 CE – Jerusalem captured by Roman Army under General Titus (Emperor Vespasian’s son); city burned; Second Temple destroyed

  20. Summary and Review • 539 BCE – Persians (King Cyrus) conquer Babylon • rebuilding of 2nd Temple of Jerusalem • 334 BCE – Alexander the Great & Hellenization of Mideast • 323 – Alex dies; Empire divides: Ptolemies & Seleucids • 167 BCE – Desecration of Temple by Antiochus IV • leads to Maccabean Revolt; Temple rededicated 164 • 63 BCE – ca. 650 CE – Romans Control Mideast • 40-4 BCE – King Herod the Great • Ca. 30 CE – Jesus’ crucifixion under Pontius Pilate • 70 CE – destruction of 2nd Temple of Jerusalem

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