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Final Bingo Review!. 14. Wolfe 15. New Brunswick 16. Assimilate 17. BNA Act 18. Charlottetown 19. John A. MacDonald 20. Treaty of Paris 21. American Revolution 22. Red River resistance 23. White House 24. Manitoba. Terms: George Washington 1812 Constitutional Act Great Migration
14. Wolfe 15. New Brunswick 16. Assimilate 17. BNA Act 18. Charlottetown 19. John A. MacDonald 20. Treaty of Paris 21. American Revolution 22. Red River resistance 23. White House 24. Manitoba Terms: • George Washington • 1812 • Constitutional Act • Great Migration • Napoleon • Quebec Act • Annexation • Upper Canada • Tecumseh • Loyalists • 1867 • Act of Union • Cartier
1. During the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, the British and French fought. The name of the British general is ______________.
2. France gave up almost all of its claims to North America as part of the __________________________.
Civil vs. Criminal Law • Civil law deals with disputes between private parties. Example: who owns a building, who should build a road, divorce cases, etc. • Criminal law deals with criminal cases: assault, robbery, etc. 3. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 abolished French civil law. The Royal Proclamation tried to _______________ Canadiens.
4. The __________________ reinstated rights that the Royal Proclamation of 1763 had taken away. These rights included: • Allowing Catholic people to practice their religion • Allowing the French language to be maintained. • Reinstated French civil law • Extended the boundaries of Quebec beyond the proclamation line.
5. In 1776, the United States declared itself independent of Britain. This triggered the _____________________.
6. The leader of the Revolutionary War was ________________________.
7. Because of the American war of Independence, people in the Thirteen Colonies had to choose sides. Many people who were on the side of Britain left for Quebec and Nova Scotia. These people were called ________________.
8. In order to reward the loyalists who fought for Britain during the Revolutionary War, Britain passed an Act that supported them. This act: • Divided Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada • Established representative government in both • and more. This act was called the _____________________
9. An important date to know for the final exam is: ______. A war happened during this year between the Americans and British.
10. This building was burned down as retaliation for the Americans burning the Parliament buildings in York.
11. This person led a revolution in France, and a republic was created. This war triggered the War of 1812.
12. This man led the First Nations to fight against the Americans in the War of 1812.
13. Unemployment, famine, and other problems in Britain caused many people to come to British North America between 1815 and 1850. This event was called: ______________________
14. During this time period, the population of ________________ greatly increased.
15. This Act united Upper and Lower Canada into the Province of Canada.
16. This person came from Canada West. He advocated for British Canadian’s rights and became the first Prime Minister.
17. This person came from Canada East. He supported political change, but didn’t want Canada to become a republic. He was influential in Canada becoming a country.
18. A key factor in Canada becoming a country was the desire to not be taken over by the United States. This issue was called American __________________.
19. The first four members of Confederation were: Canada East, Canada West, Nova Scotia and ______________.
20. Important date to know: Canada became a country in _____________.
22. This conference was the initial meeting to discuss confederation.
23. When Metis were upset about the surveyors on their land, this was led by Louis Riel.
24. As a response to the resistance, the Canadian government compromised with the Metis and created the _______________ Act.