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All spouses (Q36) : 4.2% are very familiar, 15.4% are somewhat familiar, and 80.4% are not at all familiar with the Army Family Covenant announced by the Army Chief of Staff in October 2007.
All spouses (Q36): 4.2% are very familiar, 15.4% are somewhat familiar, and 80.4% are not at all familiar with the Army Family Covenant announced by the Army Chief of Staff in October 2007. • All spouses (Q37): Of those who know about the impact of the Army Family Covenant, over three-fourths (75%) reported that, in their opinion, the Army Family Covenant has had a very positive or moderately positive impact on the following: • Offering Support to the Wounded (80.6%) • Supporting Survivors of the Fallen (79.7) • Providing Respite Care Services for Special Needs Families (77.0%) • Improving Army youth services (75.1%) • All spouses (Q37): Of those who know about the impact of the Army Family Covenant, almost half reported that, in their opinion, the Army Family Covenant has had a slightly positive or no positive impact on the following: • Expanding employment opportunities (46.4%) • Improving Army Family health care (46.2%) • Improving Soldier and Family housing (44.3%)
All spouses (Q38): 32.7% reported that they participated in a traditional (in-person) FRG and 9.4% participated in a virtual FRG (vFRG) during their Soldier Spouse’s absence in the last 12 months. 61.5% reported that they did not participate in a FRG or vFRG, and 2.1% were unsure. • All spouses (Q39A1): Of those spouses who reported an active FRG in their Soldier spouse’s unit, 87.7% have participated in traditional (in-person) FRG activities by attending meetings. • All spouses (Q39A2): Of those who reported an active FRG in the Soldier’s unit, 23.0% have served as a FRG leader and 76.2% have not. • All spouses (Q39A3): 82.9% reported that during the last 12 months the FRG/vFRG is active in their Soldier spouse’s unit and 7.3% did not know if the FRG/vFRG is active. • All spouses (Q39A4): Of spouses who reported an active FRG in the Soldier’s unit, 52.3% said the FRG/vFRG is providing Family Readiness Training, 20.2% said the FRG/vFRG is not providing this training, and 27.5% do not know if this training is provided.
All spouses (Q39A5): Of spouses who reported an active FRG/vFRG in the Soldier’s unit, 53.4% reported that they knew their Family Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA) during the last 12 months and 30.4% reported that they did not know the FRSA. 2.1% responded “not applicable” and 14.1% did not know. • All spouses (Q39A6): Of spouses who reported an active FRG/vFRG in the Soldier’s unit, 55.1% reported that the FRG/vFRG is well run, 29.1% reported that the FRG/vFRG is not well run, and 15.9% said they do not know if the FRG/vFRG is run well. • All spouses (Q40): Of those who reported an active FRG/vFRG in the Soldier’sunit, spouses reported the following reasons why they have not participated in a FRG/vFRG during the last 12 months: • Other reason (49.3%) • Want to keep personal life separate from military (25.6%) • FRG/vFRG members are not my peer group (18.4%)
All spouses (Q41): Of those who reported an active FRG/vFRG in the Soldier’s unit, 41.1% rated the traditional in-person FRG’s help as good for themselves and their Family, 20.3% rated the FRG’s help as poor, and 8.0% said they do not know. 18.8% rated the virtual FRG’s help as good for themselves and their Family,14.5% rated the vFRG’s help as poor, and almost half said they do not know (47.9%). • All spouses (Q42): Two-thirds or more of spouses strongly agreed/agreed with the following statements: • My spouse kept/keeps me well informed about the Army (79.1%) • At this location, I know where to go or how to get emergency assistance, if needed (77.2%) • I feel comfortable dealing with the Army medical system while my spouse is away (75.3%) • I keep myself well informed about the Army (66.3%)
All spouses (Q42A1-5): Compared to 2004/5, spouses are less likely in 2010 to strongly agree/agree with the following statements: • My Soldier spouse has kept/keeps me well informed about the Army (83.5% in 2004/5, 79.1% in 2010) • At this location, I know where to go or how to get emergency assistance if needed (81.0% in 2004/5, 77.2% in 2010) • I keep myself well informed about the Army (73.5% in 2004/5, 66.3% in 2010) • I feel comfortable with Army agencies (63.2% in 2004/5, 59.3% in 2010) • All spouses (Q42A6-7): 49.8% strongly agreed/agreed that Army civilian employees who deal primarily with Army Families treat them with the appropriate amount of respect, and 46.9% strongly agreed/agreed that Army civilian employees who deal primarily with Soldiers treat Family members with the appropriate amount of respect.
How familiar are you with the Army Family Covenant announced by the Secretary of the Army and the Army Chief of Staff in October 2007?All spouses Q36_111 SE +/- 1%
OF THOSE WHO KNOW THE IMPACT OF ARMY FAMILY COVENANT: In your opinion, what impact has the Army Family Covenant had on the following?All spouses Q37A1-10_111 SE +/- 2% except Respite Care +/- 3%
OF SPOUSES WHO KNOW THE IMPACT OF ARMY FAMILY COVENANT: In your opinion, what impact has the Army Family Covenant had on the following?All spouses Q37A1-10_111 SE +/- 2% except Respite Care +/- 3%
During the last 12 months did you participate in a Family Readiness Group (FRG) during your spouse’s absence?All spouses Q38A1-4_111 SE +/- 1%
OF THOSE SPOUSES REPORTING ACTIVE FRG/vFRG IN SOLDIER’S UNIT (Q39A3 = YES): For your FRG during the last 12 months, have you participated in traditional (in-person) FRG activities by attending meetings?All spouses Q39A1_111 SE +/- 1%
OF THOSE SPOUSES REPORTING ACTIVE FRG/vFRG IN SOLDIER’S UNIT (Q39A3 = YES): For your FRG during the last 12 months, have you participated in FRG/vFRG activities by serving as an FRG leader?All spouses Q39A2_111 SE +/- 1%
For your FRG during the last 12 months, is the FRG/vFRG in your spouse’s unit active?All spouses Q39A3_111 SE +/- 1%
OF THOSE SPOUSES REPORTING AN ACTIVE FRG/vFRG IN SOLDIER’S UNIT (Q39A3 = YES): For your FRG during the last 12 months, is your FRG/vFRG providing Family Readiness training?All spouses Q39A4_111 SE +/- 1%
OF THOSE SPOUSES REPORTING AN ACTIVE FRG/vFRG IN SOLDIER’S UNIT (Q39A3 = YES): For your FRG during the last 12 months, do you know your Family Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA)?All spouses Q39A5_111 SE +/- 1%
OF THOSE SPOUSES REPORTING AN ACTIVE FRG/vFRG IN SOLDIER’S UNIT (Q39A3 = YES): For your FRG during the last 12 months, is the FRG/vFRG in your spouse’s unit run well?All spouses Q39A6_111 SE +/- 1%
OF THOSE SPOUSES REPORTING AN ACTIVE FRG/vFRG IN SOLDIER’S UNIT (Q39A3 = YES): During the last 12 months, why have you NOT participated in an FRG/vFRG?All spouses Q40A1-11_111 SE +/- 2% except DNA +/- 1%
During the last 12 months, why have you NOT participated in an FRG/vFRG? (continued)All spouses Q40A1-11_111 SE +/- 2%
OF THOSE SPOUSES REPORTING AN ACTIVE FRG/vFRG IN THE SOLDIER’S UNIT (Q39A3 = YES): How would you rate how well your FRG/vFRG has helped you and your Family?All spouses Q41A2-3_111 SE +/- 1%
To what extent do you agree with the following statements?All spouses Q42A1-7_111 SE +/- 1%
To what extent do you agree with the following statements?All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q42A1-5_111) 1991/2 - 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%
To what extent do you agree with the following statement?(continued)All spouses 2010 SE +/- 1% (Q42A6-7_111) 2004/5 SEs +/- 1%