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Commitment, Yours and Theirs To achieve success in any on-line business, it is necessary to have a high level of commitment. The road to success is not an easy one. Despite what you may have read, it is certainly no easier on the internet than it is anywhere else. A high level of commitment is necessary not just of you but by all the parties to your on- line venture. Start by looking at yourself. How serious are you? Are you a “bumblebee;” one of those people who flits from one on-line business opportunity to another looking for that one perfect flower? Newsflash…there isn’t one. If you are a bumblebee then its time you assessed your ability to commit. There are many very worthwhile businesses on the internet, but unless you know how to “finish the job” then you are simply wasting your time and your money. If you really want to succeed, you have to be prepared to do the things that will help you to succeed. No matter which business you choose, the process is the same. You have to work at it. If you don’t want to work at it, then perhaps you aren’t really cut out for the kind of work environment where you need a lot of personal drive and initiative. No matter how wonderful you think it might be to “work from home” and do your own thing, if you 노노노노노노노 don’t have the discipline to make yourself do what needs to be done, you won’t succeed. Just wishing you had a beautiful garden isn’t going to get you one. You have to sow the seeds, and pull the weeds before you can reap the rewards. Now, take a look at the team that you are interested in joining. Many teambuilds promote their business opportunity on business forums, such as Moneymakergroup. You can very quickly review all the teambuilds that each team is offering. Before you make your decision as to which is the right team, go through all the teambuild threads, and read the posts. Look for the following information: 1. Check the names of the members who started the team-build. How many team-builds does this person have? Are they all still active? If not, how long did the team-build last before it fizzled? What caused the previous team- build to die out? If the business is still in operation but the teambuild has stalled post in these threads. Ask the leaders why the team-build seems to have stalled. 2. Then check to see if the leader is running other team-builds? How many do they have? Is there evidence that
the team-build fizzled out after the leaders were paid their commission? If a leader is moving from business to business, reaping commissions as they go, leaving stalled teams in their wake, don’t you owe it to yourself to forego this teambuild, even if initially it does look exciting and promising? Remember, anyone can start a teambuild, but can they stick with it when the newness wears off, the problems start to surface and the routine becomes monotonous? Bumblebees can be found everywhere. You owe it to yourself to find out how committed these leaders are to the team-builds that they begin. It is your money that you are investing and if a leader convinces you to invest with their team, they have a responsibility to do everything within their power to fulfill their promise to work on your behalf. If a teambuild has stalled, try to determine if the failure of the venture was due to the team leadership or to the business itself. You can’t blame the gardener for a drought. Multiple Streams of Income This is another phrase that you see all over the internet. But do you really need to be involved in 50 different businesses to achieve on-line success? Does the team offer you a variety of business opportunities that make sense and support each other? If their multiple streams of income do not flow smoothly from one opportunity to another then it will detract from your ability to focus on your goals. Furthermore, ask yourself if the businesses are in competition with each other? Why would you want to join a team that offers you 2 separate travel programs, unless they were integrated in a way that will result in synergy? This means both programs should work fabulously well together for the maximum benefit of each member and the team as a whole. Think about it. Look for a team that is going to provide you with no more than one or two key business opportunities. Everything else that they are offering should support these key businesses. If you have more than 3 it will surely dilute the efforts and the capital of the members that you recruit. Furthermore, it will most likely steal your focus, drain you of good energy and it will definitely slow your momentum.