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Meta-stable Supersymmetry Breaking in an N=1 Perturbed Seiberg-Witten Theory

Meta-stable Supersymmetry Breaking in an N=1 Perturbed Seiberg-Witten Theory. Shin Sasaki (Univ. of Helsinki, Helsinki Inst. of Physics) Phys. Rev. D76 (2007) 125009, arXiv:0708.0668 [hep-th] JHEP 03 (2008) 004, arXiv:0712.4252 [hep-th] (M.Arai, C.Montonen, N.Okada and S.S). SQCD.

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Meta-stable Supersymmetry Breaking in an N=1 Perturbed Seiberg-Witten Theory

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  1. Meta-stable Supersymmetry Breaking in an N=1 Perturbed Seiberg-Witten Theory Shin Sasaki (Univ. of Helsinki, Helsinki Inst. of Physics) Phys. Rev. D76 (2007) 125009, arXiv:0708.0668 [hep-th] JHEP 03 (2008) 004, arXiv:0712.4252 [hep-th] (M.Arai, C.Montonen, N.Okada and S.S)

  2. SQCD IntroductionMeta-stable SUSY breaking? • Dynamical SUSY breaking hierarchy problem can besolved [Witten (1981)] • Witten index – # of SUSY vacua in a model [Witten (1982)] very restricted models have been considered before the discovery of the ISS model  meta-stable SUSY breaking vacua [Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih (2006)] N=2 SQCD  non-perturbative analysis is possible SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  3. Gauge group is Simple case Massless fundamental hypermultiplets, preserves N=2 SUSY Four-dimensional N=2 SQCD with FI term perturbation [Arai-Montonen-Okada-S.S, arXiv:0708.0668 [hep-th]] Quantum Theory – Seiberg-Witten analysis [Seiberg-Witten (1994)] Exact effective potential can be obtained and stational point was analyzed There is a meta-stable SUSY breaking vacuum at the dyon singular point in the moduli space SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  4. The model [Arai-Montonen-Okada-S.S, arXiv:0712.4252 [hep-th]] SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  5. N=1 preserving adjoint scalar mass deformation to N=2 SQCD Classical SUSY vacua on the Coulomb branch Classical SUSY vacua on the Higgs branch SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  6. U(1) gauge theory  cutoff theory, Landau pole Modulus Quantum theory Coulomb branch in vanishing FI term Moduli space is constrained U(1) part is always weak [Arai-Okada (2001)] SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  7. SUSY preserving part Vector multiplet part Hypermultiplets Light BPS states around singular points in moduli space M corresponds to dyons, monopoles, quarks SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  8. The potential is a function  Energetically favored at singular points in the moduli space This solution is stable in M directions • Let us find out stational point in the directions • Explicit form of the metric on the moduli space is needed Stational points in Hypermultiplet directions Energies corresponding to these solutions are SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  9. Moduli space Monodoromy transf.  subgroup of can be regarded as the mass  The structure of the potential is completely determined Prepotential  Metric of the moduli space is determined Same structure with SU(2) massive SQCD(common quark hypermultiplet mass) C is a free parameter which defines the Landau pole scale [Arai-Okada (2001)]

  10. Now, the potential is a function of which has been minimized in the directions due to the non-zero condensation of monopoles, dyons, quarks. • In the moduli space, the singular points are completely determined by the cubic polynomial [Seiberg-Witten (1994)] • There is a relation between and at each singular points  At the singular points, the potential is a function of only! There are three singularities in our model (dyons, monople, quark) SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  11. Flow of singularities (real part of ) Flow of singularities for complex is essentially the same with Degenerate dyon and monopole Left and right dyons and quark SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  12. First, consider case Numerical analysis SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  13. SUSY vacuum at Potential behavior around the monopole singular point Potential plot Complex

  14. Potential around dyon singular points  SUSY vacuum at SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  15. Global structure of the potential, case SUSY vacua at at dyons and monopole points monopole Left, right dyons right dyon quark SUSY vacua SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  16. Turn on SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  17. If we turn on which produce a vacuum at a point different from as SUSY vacua, the full effective action would contain SUSY breaking vacua This is similar to the Izawa-Yanagida-Intriligator-Thomas (IYIT) model [Izawa-Yanagida (1996), Intriligator-Thomas (1996)] Izawa-Yanagida-Intriligator-Thomas (IYIT) mechanism U(1) part is essential in our model SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  18. Potential behavior at monopole singular point, case The behavior of the degenerate dyon singular point is the same with the monopole one symmetry Two SUSY breaking local minima at the degenerated dyon and monopole singular points SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  19. Global structure of the full potential Meta-stable SUSY breaking minima SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  20. Decay rate estimation Coulomb branch Higgs branch Higgs branch  no quantum corrections  Classical SUSY vacua remains intact The bounce action can be estimated from the classical potential can be taken to be large  meta-stable vacua SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

  21. Summary and perspective • gauge theorywith hypermultiplets perturbed by adjoint mass and FI-terms • We have found meta-stable SUSY breaking vacua in the non-perturbative effective potential via the Seiberg-Witten analysis • Long-lived local minimum • The SUSY breaking mechanism presented here is similar to the one in the IYIT model • Generalization to arbitrary by the help of brane configurations SUSY08@COEX, 2008.06.20

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