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Climate. Social Studies Zaid Abdo Adam Ikram Mahdi. First Nation’s Climate. Environment .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Climate Social Studies Zaid Abdo Adam Ikram Mahdi First Nation’s Climate

  2. Environment • To the first nations the Environment was very important because there living style depended on the environment. If it was cold they would need sheep's to make blankets and if it was going to rain they would need to get prepared. There whole living style depended on the environment because they don’t have as good as shelter as us.

  3. Spring • Spring for first nations is there most easiest season. In spring it is easy for them to hunt because the weather is good. They can also travel unlike the winter when they cant travel as much because the snow is high so its harder walk.

  4. Rain The Way First nation’s dealed with rain was if they found out it was going to rain the next day they would try to do as much as things possible for the next day. They would not be able to do things they do on a daily bases. There day will be different from normal

  5. During the winters • During the winters the First Nations had to struggle through many events and things throughout the season, They had to hunt and make their own food. They used Bows and Spears. They would Usually hunt for Bears during the winters. Cloth of animals such as Wolves,Bears, Foxes and other furry animals are used for objects like mats,Jackets,Blankets and other things that helped them survive.

  6. During the summers • During the summers they built Teepees and gathered Supplies and farmers would usually grow crops, corn, and many other plants to help feed their family and Sell in trademarkets. They had to make their own clothes and had to kill sheep for the cloth.

  7. During the Fall • During the Fall the First Nations got ready for the past months that are going to be hard to survive through because of the winter. The First Nations prepared for the season of winter right before it so they don’t get stuck in a situation where they don’t have anything to help them keep warm, have shelter, food , and other supplies to survive.

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