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Conservation Agriculture: Varying definitions Food Security Network Technical Workshop

Conservation Agriculture: Varying definitions Food Security Network Technical Workshop Maputo, Mozambique Sept 21, 2011. UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

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Conservation Agriculture: Varying definitions Food Security Network Technical Workshop

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  1. Conservation Agriculture: Varying definitions Food Security Network Technical Workshop Maputo, Mozambique Sept 21, 2011

  2. UN Food and Agriculture Organization Conservation agriculture (CA) aims to achieve sustainable and profitable agriculture and subsequently aims at improved livelihoods of farmers through the application of the three CA principles: • minimal soil disturbance, • permanent soil cover • crop rotations.

  3. Sustainable Agriculture and NRM (SANREM) CRSP • Characteristics of Conservation Agriculture: • Year-round organic soil cover • Reduced tillage • Crop rotation systems • Integrated pest management • Integrated nutrient management

  4. “The Paradigm of Conservation Agriculture”* The concept of CA is outlined in a series of principles and practices that are promoted. CA is an application of modern agricultural technologies to improve production while concurrently protecting and enhancing the land resources on which production depends. Application of CA promotes the concept of optimizing yields and profits while ensuring provision of local and global environmental benefits and services. Zero tillage, along with other soil conservation practices, is the cornerstone of CA. * Proceedings of World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, 2006

  5. CAADP Conservation agriculture: In 2008, the Norwegian Government committed US$4 million in response to the high food prices, but with a special focus on conservation agriculture. This is being used in a joint NEPAD-FAO programme to scale up the adoption of conservation agriculture in Southern Africa. It aims to reach 23,700 rural households. Farmers in Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe have been trained and given improved seed varieties and appropriate technologies such as the jab planter and planting basin methods. Women and children are key targets of the programme, which in 2010 will be extended to Eastern Africa.

  6. “Putting Farmers First”* “Rural farming households [in Malawi] have faced declining crop production and increased food insecurity because of unaffordable chemical fertilizers and poor soil conditions… Conservation agriculture improved soil fertility in a sustainable manner and eliminates dependence on chemical fertilizers.” * A publication of Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief

  7. This presentation was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Mercy Corps and Save the Children and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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