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Energy Audit and Implementation in Practice in Residential Buildings

Energy Audit and Implementation in Practice in Residential Buildings Building Energy Efficiency in the Baltics (BENEFIT-2006) Riga, October 25, 2006 Petri Jaarto Motiva Oy. Presentation outline. Housing stock characteristics Main policy instruments for energy efficiency Examples.

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Energy Audit and Implementation in Practice in Residential Buildings

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  1. Energy Audit and Implementation in Practice in Residential Buildings Building Energy Efficiency in the Baltics (BENEFIT-2006) Riga, October 25, 2006 Petri Jaarto Motiva Oy

  2. Presentation outline • Housing stock characteristics • Main policy instruments for energy efficiency • Examples

  3. Motiva Ltd • Fully government-owned company • Develops and carries out projects for the implementation of the national climate change strategy • Turnover 4 M€, personnel 30 • Main clients: • Ministry of Trade and Industry • Other government ministries • European Commission • National technology agency TEKES • the private sector • www.motiva.fi/en

  4. Finnish Building Stock (1995) 300,0 Offices Education 250,0 Health care Commercial 200,0 Summer cottages Blocks of flats 150,0 Row housing Mill. m³ Single family houses 100,0 50,0 0,0 < 1920 1920-50 1950-60 1960-70 1970-80 1980-90 1990-95 Year of construction

  5. Energy consumption for space heatingApartment buildings Energy consumption (kWh/m³/year) 75 65 97 % 91 % 55 79 % 61 % 39 % 45 21 % 9 % 35 3 % 25 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 Year of construction

  6. Young building stock means in principle reasonably good technical condition relatively good starting point in energy performance economic life spans not yet at their end Resulting policy priorities strong emphasis on practices for building management and preventive maintenance development of concepts for the upcoming refurbishment period Young building stock and policy priorities

  7. Energy and climate strategies Land Use and Building Act Government’s EnergyConservation Programme Construction Policy Programme Governmental Building Code Voluntary EnergyConservation Agreements Energy Audit Programme Energy Investment & Renovation Subsidies Public-private Technological R&D Programmes Experimental Construction,Demonstration Projects Development Initiatives within IndividualProperty and Construction Companies Branch level development programs Private

  8. Energy audits for residential buildings • Common models and guidelines developed • Trained and informed auditors • Cost of audit 1800…3500 €/building(incl. VAT 22%) • Public support 40 % of audit cost (50 % for organisations within the voluntary agreement scheme) • Support scheme started 2003 • no systematic follow-up so far • estimated number of audits …

  9. Energy audit procedure for residential buildings BASIC DATA • client supplies the auditor with basic information and building size, energy and water consumption and other technical background information FIELD WORK ANALYSIS • overall building inspection • assessment of the energy performance of building systems • apartment inspections • relevant measurements • … REPORTING • analysis of measurement and other data • building modelling • säästökohteiden analyysi • audit report, incl. description and assessment of the building and its systems, energy performance assessment, recommendations

  10. Energy renovation subsidies • Available since 2003 for buildings with 3+ apartments for additional costs related to • improving or replacing windows • additional insulation of external walls or roof • connecting to district heating or renewing district heat consumer equipment • renewing oil boilers and burners • converting electric heating to ground source heat pumps or complementing it with air-to-air heat pumps • installing ventilation heat recovery, low-emission pellet boilers, solar water heating and apartment water meters • balancing of hydronic heating systems and ventilation systems • Subsidy level 10…15 % of costs • No systematic follow-up so far • Support allocated in 2003:14.8 mill.€ for appr. 2 500 buildings with 97 000 apartments

  11. Comprehensive energy refurbishments: an example • Rental apartment property owned by the municipality of Oulainen • 29 dwellings, 66 residents • Dwelling area 1833 m² • Year of construction 1971 • Energy efficiency measures • Additional insulation of facade • external 50-100 mm rockwool insulation • Additional insulation of roof • blown rockwool • New doors and windows • Improvement of roof • Dwelling ventilation units with heat recovery KOY Kaari-Salpa Oulainen source: VTT Building Technology, 1998

  12. KOY Kaari-SalpaResults • Reduction in energy and water costs0.7 €/m²/month • Costs to client 490 €/m² • Construction 66 % • Ventilation 8 % • Piping, plumbing 13 % • Electrical systems 6 % • Other costs 7 % • Impact on rent level 1.2 €/m²/month (~30%) source: VTT Building Technology, 1998

  13. Concluding remarks • Initiatives are driven by the current national climate change strategy • Emphasis of policy measures on • apartment buildings • voluntary measures • management and maintenance practices • lowering the threshold for longer-term efficiency improvement in conjunction with refurbishment and technical upgrading • Energy audits constitute a basis for investors decisions

  14. Elements of R&D on life cycle based business models • Performance specifications • Models and tools for tendering and contracting • Risk assessment and risk management • Performance assessment and verification

  15. THANK YOU !

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