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Prof. Anna Moreno Energy Efficiency Unit Training and Information Service

Designing vocational training high quality courses with the use of the activity model international standard IDEF0. Prof. Anna Moreno Energy Efficiency Unit Training and Information Service. Content . The IDEF0 standard Syntax and Semantic rules

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Prof. Anna Moreno Energy Efficiency Unit Training and Information Service

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  1. Designing vocational training high quality courses with the use of the activity model international standard IDEF0 Prof. Anna Moreno Energy Efficiency UnitTraining and Information Service

  2. Content The IDEF0 standard Syntax and Semantic rules The activity model for the set up of a national roadmap for training the workers in the energy sector The activity model for the vocational training design The activity model for the certification of competences

  3. Content The IDEF0 standard Syntax and Semantic rules The activity model for the set up of a national roadmap for training the workers in the energy sector The activity model for the vocational training design The activity model for the certification of competences

  4. The origin of IDEF0 standard IDEF0is a compound acronym (IcamDEFinition for Function Modeling, where 'ICAM' is an acronym for Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing) The IDEF0 Functional Modeling method is designed to model the decisions, actions, and activities of an organization or system. It was derived from an established graphic modeling language. In its original form, IDEF0 includes both a definition of a graphical modeling language (syntax and semantics) and a description of a comprehensive methodology for developing models.

  5. The field of application of IDEF0 IDEF0 is used to show data flow, and the functional flow of lifecycle processes. IDEF0 is capable of graphically representing a wide variety of business, to any level of detail. It provides rigorous and precise description, and promotes consistency of usage and interpretation. It is well-tested and proven through many years of use by government and private industry. It can be generated by a variety of computer graphics tools.

  6. A modeling tool to identify all the requirements • IDEF0 may be used to model a wide variety of automated and non-automated systems. For new systems, it may be used first to define the requirements and specify the functions, and then implement the activities that meets the requirements and performs the functions. The result of applying IDEF0 to a system is a model that consists of a hierarchical series of diagrams, text, and glossary cross-referenced to each other. The two primary modeling components are: • functions (represented on a diagram by boxes) • the data and objects that inter-relate those functions (represented by arrows). • The IDEF0 model is based on a simple syntax: • Each activity is described by a verb-based label placed in a box. • Inputs are shown as arrows entering the left side of the activity box . • Output are shown as exiting arrows on the right side of the box. • Controls are displayed as arrows entering the top of the box. • Mechanisms are displayed as arrows entering from the bottom of the box. • Inputs, Controls, Outputs, and Mechanisms are all referred to as concepts Control Functionname Output Input Mechanism

  7. Content The IDEF0 standard Syntax and Semantic rules The activity model for the set up of a national roadmap for training the workers in the energy sector The activity model for the vocational training design The activity model for the certification of competences

  8. IDEF0 semantic • Arrow : A directed line, composed of one or more arrow segments, that models an open channel or conduit conveying data or objects from source (no arrowhead) to use (with arrowhead). There are 4 arrow classes: Input Arrow, Output Arrow, Control Arrow, and Mechanism Arrow (includes Call Arrow). The arrow are bended in rectangular angle and cannot be oblique • Box : A rectangle, containing a name and number, used to represent a function. Train A1

  9. IDEF0 semantic • Context : The immediate environment in which a function (or set of functions on a diagram) operates. • Decomposition : The partitioning of a modeled function into its component functions. • Fork : The junction at which an IDEF0 arrow segment (going from source to use) divides into two or more arrow segments. Maydenoteunbundling of meaning • Function : An activity, process, or transformation (modeled by an IDEF0 box) identified by a verb or verb phrase that describes what must be accomplished. • Join : The junction at which an IDEF0 arrow segment (going from source to use) merges with one or more other arrow segments to form a single arrow segment. Maydenotebundling of arrowsegmentmeanings • Node : A box from which child boxes originate; a parent box.

  10. Different stakeholders perspectives to be considered Research center Installers and installersassociations Producers Ministries Designers Regions and local administrations Training centers Trainers Certification bodies

  11. Content The IDEF0 standard Syntax and Semantic rules The activity model for the set up of a national roadmap for training the workers in the energy sector The activity model for the vocational training design The activity model for the certification of competences

  12. The activity model for the implementation of a national roadmap for the qualification of installaers

  13. The decomposition of the global activity model

  14. The decomposition of the main activities

  15. The decomposition of the endorsement and dissemination activity

  16. Content The IDEF0 standard Syntax and Semantic rules The activity model for the set up of a national roadmap for training the workers in the energy sector The activity model for the vocational training design The activity model for the certification of competences

  17. Vocational training design

  18. Vocational training decomposition

  19. High direction decomposition

  20. Definition of course requirements decomposition

  21. Process control decomposition

  22. Learning resources production decomposition

  23. Admission to the courses decomposition

  24. Courses decomposition

  25. Content The IDEF0 standard Syntax and Semantic rules The activity model for the set up of a national roadmap for training the workers in the energy sector The activity model for the vocational training design The activity model for the certification of competences

  26. The activity model for the certification of competences

  27. The decomposition of the competences certification

  28. The decomposition of the validation system

  29. Decomposition of the qualification schemas

  30. Decomposition of the training center accreditation

  31. Decomposition of the national certification system

  32. Conclusion The IDEF0 is a very useful model to design any activity Good quality training need to be “re-designed” continuously to take into account the market needs The research center could have the role to anticipate the needs of the market and training the trainers A good communication campaign has to be build in order to promote the employment of qualified workers. See the videos on www.buildupskills.enea.it and on www.elih-med.eu

  33. Contacts Anna Moreno Tel. + 39 06 3048 6474 E-mail: anna.moreno@enea.it Twitter: @BuildUpSkillsIT Linkedin: formazione, qualificazione e certificazione Web site: www.buildupskills-italy.enea.it

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