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WASTE-IN-EUROPE EDDY CURRENTS SEPARATOR. Eddy currents are an electrical phenomenon that occurs when a conductor goes through a variable magnetic field . This relative movement causes a circulation of electrons , or induced current within the conductor.
Eddy currents are anelectricalphenomenonthatoccurswhen a conductor goesthrough a variable magneticfield. Thisrelativemovement causes a circulation of electrons, orinducedcurrentwithinthe conductor.
For a practicaldemonstration of eddycurrentswe can use cylindricalmagnetsdroppedvertically in tubes of copperoraluminum.
One can observe thattheforcewhichopposestheweightisproportionaltothespeed of themagnet. In thetubeappearsaninducedcurrentoreddycurrent, whichopposestheincrease of flow in thedirectionindicated in thisfigure.
The non-ferrousmetalsseparatorbyeddycurrentsisabletoseparatethe non-ferrousmetalsfromothermaterialswith a complexmagnetic block, rotating at highspeed, calledthe "drum inductor."
When a non-ferrous metal traversestheinducedmagneticfield, itundergoes a repulsioneffect and itisejected at a certaindistance, awayfromothermaterials.
Theobjectiveistodetectthepresence of objectsmade of non-ferrousmetals (aluminum) and ensureseparation.
Amongthevariations of theeddycurrentseparator, wechosethisdrum inductor type of separatorforourwork. Thespeed can gofrom 0 to 3000 rotations per minute, producingeddycurrents.
This phenomenon has been studied for a long time by students and teachers of this highschool and what you will see today is the result of this hard work. Together with the effort of our friends in France, Slovenia and Slovakia, the finished product will amaze you.