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S.INTE.S.I.S.-Establishments: Data Publication and Open Data Integration with TRACES-XTB

Learn about the system S.INTE.S.I.S.-Establishments used for maintaining the Italian establishments registry for food production and processing. Find out how data is published and integrated with TRACES-XTB. Explore the open data available for download and querying.

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S.INTE.S.I.S.-Establishments: Data Publication and Open Data Integration with TRACES-XTB

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  1. TRACES IT experts wg meeting on EU Establishment listing Brussels, 28th March 2014 The system S.INTE.S.I.S.-Establishments

  2. Agenda • System S.INTE.S.I.S.- Establishments • Data publication • Open Data • Integration XTB - S.INTE.S.I.S.

  3. System S.INTE.S.I.S. - Establishments • The system S.INTE.S.I.S is the database used for the maintenance of the Registry of Italian establishments for: • - production of food of animal origin (Regulation (EC) No 853/2004); • - processing of animal by-products (Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009). • In 2013, after a process of re-engineering, the architecture and the functionalities were improved. • Due to recent changes in national and European regulations, the system has been extended to the classification of new establishments for: • the production of added Food, Nutritional Supplements and particular foods (EU Regulation 609/2013) • the production of Additives, Flavorings, Enzymes (EC Reg 852/2004) • the production of Buds (EU Regulation 210/2013) 20.055 2.203

  4. Data publication The management of information and their daily publishing on the website of the Ministry of Health takes place in a format and with a graphic conforms to the MASTER LIST published by the EU Commission in the implementation of Reg 853 and 1069. It also provides for the publication of the lists of the establishments recognized and authorized for export to third countries. http://www.salute.gov.it/portale/temi/p2_6.jsp?lingua=italiano&id=1188&area=sicurezzaAlimentare&menu=stabilimenti

  5. Open Data 1/5 • From 2012 the Ministry of Health has published in the section “OpenData” of its • website the following datasets: • list of Italian establishments approved with Regulation (EC) No 853/ 2004; • list of Italian establishments approved with Regulation (EC) No 1069/ 2009. • The datasets are daily updated and contains the data structures and all information in accordance with the “Technical specifications in relation to the master list and the lists of EU approved food establishments”: • data about the establishment : • Company Name, Address, Region, City, State, Latitude and Longitude, • data about the activities of the establishment: • Categories of food establishments, Activity codes and description, Category/activity and remarks, Start date, End date, Date of last update. http://www.dati.salute.gov.it/dati/dettaglioDataset.jsp?menu=dati&idPag=8

  6. Open Data 2/5 • 5 Stars Classification The information can be downloaded in .csv format (comma separeted value files) and be used with Italian open data license v 2.0 Linked Data Unique Resource Identifier Format Open Structured and Processed Data Open License

  7. Open Data 3/5 • The users

  8. Open Data 4/5 • Open data on cloud The Ministry of Health has integrated Open Data with the innovation technological of Cloud, in order to allow the full exploitation of their information assets from all interested parties , public administration, citizens or businesses. http://opendatasalute.cloudapp.net/

  9. Open Data 4/5 • Open data on cloud The solution tested by the Ministry for the implementation of these objectives is based on Cloud technology PaaS Platform as a Service (Microsoft Azure ) and the toolkit, free and Open Source , called OGDI - Open Government Data Initiative: using this solution are made available by a series of cloud-based tools open and interoperable for the rapid development and economic value-added services for citizens / businesses / other PA without any constraint implementation (possible. NET languages ​​, PHP, Ruby, Python etc.).

  10. Open Data 4/5 • Open data - Querying the Data Service The data service exposes (by default) data format in REST. The basic syntax of a query to the service is as follows http:// [ project ] .cloudapp.net/v1 / [ container ] / [ dataset ] ? [ Query ], where:- project (eg opendatasalute);- container is the container name of the data ( for example, "Infrastructure " for the datasets relating to Infrastructure);- dataset is the name of the dataset ( for example , " AziendeSanitarieLocali " for the dataset of AziendeSanitarieLocali belonging to the container opendatasalute);- query is the set of query parameters , expressed using a subset of the syntax WCF Data Services query syntax .The data service supports only the query parameters $ filter and $ top . An example of a query based on the data set of AziendeSanitarieLocali is available in the Data Catalog pageAlso note that if a property within the data of a particular entity has a null value , will be omitted from the result returned. For example, in the dataset of Crimes , the property " method" is returned to the only records that have a value in the underlying dataset . Applications should therefore take into account this operation and must manage it properly.

  11. Integration XTB - S.INTE.S.I.S. The Ministry of Health is interested in implementing a system integration with TRACES-XTB: - S.INTE.S.I.S. TRADE AND IMPORTS It's in test the use of the query XTB (Search Business) to verify the data relating to the origin of the imports on the Italian territory. - S.INTE.S.I.S. Establishments To update the TRACES database with the Italian facilities recognized under Regulation (EC) 853/2004 and Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009.

  12. Thank you for the attention Dr. Claudio Apicella c.apicella@sanita.it Dr. Federica Milozzi f.milozzi@sanita.it

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