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Lumina lumii prezenta divina Ajuta-ma sa-nteleg Cat de frumos ne-ai creat pt Tine Speranta ne-ai daruit ------------------------------------ Light of the world you step down into darkness Opened my eyes let me see Beauty that makes this heart adore You Hope of a life spent with You.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lumina lumii prezenta divinaAjuta-ma sa-ntelegCat de frumos ne-ai creat pt TineSperanta ne-ai daruit------------------------------------Light of the world you step down into darkness Opened my eyes let me seeBeauty that makes this heart adore YouHope of a life spent with You

  2. So here I am to worship; Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that your my GodYour altogether lovely; Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me------------------------------------Toata inchinarea, toata adorareaTie-ti daruiesc, o Domnul meuNumai Tu esti vrednic, numai tu esti vesnicDoamne numai Tu esti minunat!

  3. Rege etern ce domnesti sus in ceruriLa dreapta lui DumnezeuIn umilinta venit-ai in lumeDin dragoste Te-ai jertfit ------------------------------------King of all days Oh so highly exaltedGlourious in Heaven aboveHumbly You came to the earth you createdAll for loves sake became poor

  4. So here I am to worship; Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that your my GodYour altogether lovely; Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me------------------------------------Toata inchinarea, toata adorareaTie-ti daruiesc, o Domnul meuNumai Tu esti vrednic, numai tu esti vesnicDoamne numai Tu esti minunat!

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