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Escenarios de continuidad para la fase dos Presentación ante el BoD Matriz de opciones Parámetros conocidos. Highlalnd-lowland URBAN RURAL INTERACTIONS . Urban-peri urban BORDER AREAS INTERMEDIATION FUNCTIONS. Urban-periurban METROPOLITAN AREA VIOLENCE-FRAGMENTATION. JACS ACC.
Escenarios de continuidad para la fase dosPresentación ante el BoDMatriz de opcionesParámetros conocidos
Logros • Análisis del cambio global, actores, prácticas sociales y transformaciones espaciales en tres diferentes sub-contextos. Comprensión de problemas clave, prácticas sociales, políticas públicas y sus interrelaciones
EFECTOS DEL CAMBIO GLOBAL DE MAYOR PRESIÓN • Pobreza: • Entendida como exclusión con diferencias por etnicidad, edad y origen territorial. • Riesgos ambientales y deterioro de riesgos ambientales • Fragmentación territorial, violencia y conflictos • Problemas de gobernabilidad
ENFOQUE PROPUESTO • Identificar prácticas sociales innovadoras y empoderadoras, para enfrentar: • las crecientes inequidades • la fragmentación y el deteriorio del territorio y • la mala gobernanza
DESAFÍO • Reagrupar los proyectos de investigación, en desarrollo y propuestos, alrededor del potencial innovador de las prácticas sociales Aspirando a tener simultáneamente más integración e interacción con diferentes WPs y Temas Transversales
REAGRUPAMIENTO PROPUESTO • Exclusión social, fronteras y fragmentación WPs livelihoods, governance • Pobreza, modos de vida y migración WPs livelihood, health and governance • Políticas públicas, medio natural y construído y gestion de conflictos WPs livelihoods, natural resources and governance
ESTRATEGIA OPERATIVA • Grupos de reflexión teorica • Becas de investigación • PAMS articulados a la investigación
Estrategia operativa WPs 2-4-1 WPs 2-1 Políticas públicas, medio natural y construido y gestión de conflictos Exclusión social, fronteras y fragmentación Theory building groups Other JACS Regional Seminars on syndrome contexts and mitigation strategies Regional priorities for PAMS Regional Research Scholarships Package Theory building groups Theory building groups Other JACS Other JACS Pobreza, modos de vida y migración WPs 2-3-1
WORK PACKAGE 3 • participatory planning processes: • we from WP3 (in environmental sanitation) would be specifically interested in pursuing the planning approach of HCES (Household Centred Environmental Sanitation). • We think that by following an authentic planning process (in a case study) with a scientific analysis and follow up, can significantly improve our understanding and knowledge of the barriers and opportunities (methodological as well as with regards to the process) and how one must adapt the approach. • In practice we could envisage a case study on sanitation planning. SANDEC would thus contribute a "phd-unit" towards scientifically following this planning process. • Furthermore the specific case study planning process would also require a initial overview of the existing planning models and methodologies and their historical development with their advantages and constraints. Then take this overview and specifically look at the theoretical/methodological adaptations which are necessary to enable the use in planning for sanitation . This to be used as a basis for selection of the methodologies used in the case study.
think of potential case sites where we could develop such a project together. Criteria for selection is: • i) an interested municipal authority which will also take ownership of the planning process. • ii) Nevertheless the authority should be willing to accept trying out the planning process as stated in the HCES guidelines and also accept a "scientific" backing, analysis, and somewhat steering during the process
other research questions and task which we see that are on a higher (non-specifically sanitation) level. • This involves question of governance and institutional setting and its relation to participatory planning. Thus elaborating on the more general determinants and cause-effect relationships which hinder or enhance participatory planning. The specificities could then be "verified" using the above case study of the CAC region. -- In practice here I could see an input (MSc or Phd-unit)